Imagine-9 Rarvy

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Rye's POV
Today it was another horrible school day, Harvey, Brooklyn and Jack decided to pick on me like they usually do.

I slowly walked up the steps to the school gates sighing not being excited about school. I immediately went to my locker wich was luckily the first locker at the begin of the school. I saw Mikey and Andy standing against mine talking, Mikey, Andy and I have been the best friends since kindergarten. We made a promise to never leave one another alone or anything of that sort.

"Hey Rye!" Andy cheered as he saw me making my way towards my locker "Hey Fovvs." I said opening my locker, I threw some books in the locker that I didn't need the first 3 hours. "We have English first." Mikey announced as we went to the English class room. "I feel like something is gonna happen." I told the lads feeling a bit weird "What then?" They asked together, I shrugged as we went into the classroom taking our seats at the very back. Soon the class filled wich unfortunately meant Harvey, Brooklyn and Jack would be here to. I sometimes just wish they we're ill or moved away.

Harvey took the seat next to mine as Mikey and Andy sat together in this class. They looked back at me giving me a sympathy look and a thumbs up. "Hey Ryan." Harvey said to me in a flirty voice, I groaned "What do you need Cantwell." I grumbled annoyed to be even sitting next to him even though I love him. "Come outside alright? I have something to tell you." Harvey said as he stood up. "Where are you going Mr.Cantwell?" Blair our English teacher asked him, Harvey just waved him off mentioned for Brooklyn and Jack to come with him as they left the room.

"What did he say?" Andy asked me immediately when the door closed "He wants to meet me after class, there is something he wants to tell me." I said confused still trying to figure out what just happened. "Don't worry mate we will go with you." Mikey said giving me a soft smile. I looked outside of the window seeing it was snowing slowly I smiled as I looked at the snow flakes dropping. I always loved winter it meant closer to Christmas wich also meant closer to the new year. A new year a new start for a lot of people.

As the bell rang everyone quickly left the room wanting to enjoy their first break, I didn't really wanted to go because honestly I'm scared of what Harvey might do. Andy, Mikey and I walked outside I putted my hands in my pocket as it was freezing cold. I saw Harvey wave at me mentioning me to come over, I sighed feeling slightly scared and nervous. "Glad you made it Rye." Harvey said smiling widely "Can we just get it over with? I don't want to look like a fool." I told him directly. Harvey looked at me confused "I don't want to make you look like a fool." He mumbled, I sighed "Please make the joke so you and you're friends can laugh." I mumbled looking at my feets.

"Listen Rye I know we don't have a good past together, but there is a reason why I did all this. Brooklyn and Jack forced to actually tell you the reason sadly because honestly I'm so scared right now." Harvey mumbled at first looking anywhere but me, Harvey took a deep breath in and out and then looking straight in my eyes "Rye I like you as more then just people who are friends. I actually have been crushing on you for the past years, the reason why I picked on you was is because I was scared because my parents are homophobic. I also thought you'll hate me no matter what, I-I love you Rye I do really please go out with me." Harvey told me while getting on one knee with a rose in one hand.

I looked around to see everyone watching us, I looked over at Mikey and Andy who looked a bit confused. I looked back at Harvey who looked uncomfortable and slightly had a hurt look in his eyes. "I knew this was stupid." He mumbled, I grabbed his hand to stop him from walking away. "I don't know what I'm going to but." I told him so only he could hear me, I grabbed his face and crashed my lips on his hardly.

Harvey was surprised at first before kissing me back and holding ny waist tightly pulling me closer. I held my arms around his neck as I kept kissing him. We both pulled away for breath keeping our heads against each other. "I thought you hated me." Harvey wishperd "I never hated you, I've been head over heels for you." I told him softly looking up at him. Harvey pecked my lips again as he held me tightly to his chest.

This could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Requested by: CravingBrook
You can keep requesting guys!
In the comments or dm me privately x srry if it is so short):
Word Count: 868

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