Imagine-12 Jacklyn

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Brooklyn's POV
Lately I've been getting a lot of hate about the way I talk, the way I walk even the way I act. I didn't knew what I did to deserve this all I did was giving them all I got.. I gave them my all, and all I get is hate. The other's don't know it and they don't even need to know, they will probably go mental and everything and they didn't deserve that even though they hurt me till the bone.

"Brooklyn!" Andy said loudly snapping me out of my mind, I looked up at him and the others confused "Yeah?" I slightly whimperd. Andy sighed "Sorry but I've been calling you're name for the past minutes." Andy said apologetic, I just faked a smile "It is alright no worries, now what is wrong?" I asked him reassuring him as well. "We are going to Windsor just to have more vlog footage and everything, you wanna join?" Andy asked me smiling, but I shook my head "I can't today sorry guys, I have to meet up with someone." I mumbled feeling my cheeks heat up as it was slightly embarrassing.

"Is Brookie here in loveee?" Rye cooed while grinning at me I just groaned "That would be weird mate, she's at least in her late 40s and she's married." I said rolling my eyes at him. Rye held his hands up in surrender while laughing it off, I just sighed as I grabbed my back from the couch standing up "When are you guys back?" I asked Andy who looked curiously at me. "At 4 PM probably." Andy said "You?" He also added "5 PM." I said, I looked at my phone seeing it was already one in the afternoon I couldn't miss a appointment!

"I'll see you guys later." I said fastly and made my way out of the flat, little did I know that Jack and Andy decided to follow me. I walked up to the therapist building taking a deep breath in I really wasn't looking forward to it, but she was there to help me. I walked into the building making sure no fans where there. I got to the elevator going up to floor 3, I got out of the elevator going to my therapist her waiting room.

"Brooklyn?" My therapist called out I looked up and followed her to her room, I sat down on a chair playing with my hands. "Alright how have you been? Did the activities help?" She asked me looking closely at me, I shook my head as I felt tears form in my eyes. "N-nothing did t-they s-still h-hate me even after everything I do! E-even the b-boys will hate me.. If they find out about this.." I murmured looking away as the tears start streaming down my face.

Jack's POV
"That's his secret, he's going to therapy." Andy said totally confused and unsure "I never knew he needed help.. He would have come to us wouldn't he?" I asked Andy softly while looking back at the building. Andy shook his head "Brooklyn should have but instead he went here and hide everything from us. I know he probably has a big thing going on, but we could've helped." Andy said while he slowly sniffed a bit.

We got back to the flat where the others still where since they wanted to know why Brooklyn was all rushed. "Did you two find anything?" Rye asked immediately as we stepped inside, I looked at Andy who just looked at the ground trying to fit things together. "Brooklyn is in therapy." I said grabbing my phone, maybe the fans made him feel down? Wich I highly doubt. I got to our DM's we got added to a 'Brooklyn Leave RT' I clicked on it seeing it was already opened before, as I searched truth our notifactions and DM's I found out why Brooklyn was acting so differently.

"Guys? Did you all notice Brooklyn's change in behaviour?" I asked the others setting my phone down, the others thought for a while until Rye nodded. "He never went into the vlog like he used to, also he haven't done a since 4 months ago." Rye said finally getting what was wrong. "He's getting hate isn't he?" Rye asked me tears forming in his eyes "We got added to a dm group on twitter called 'Brooklyn Leave RT' the things they said are just to cruel." I said shaking my head. "I can't believe he's actually getting hate." Mikey mumbled "We have to comfort him when he gets back." I offerd, everyone agreed as we all sat down thinking about wich was the best way to do so.

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