Imagine 96 - Jandy

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I dedicate this story to: Roadtriplover2018 because the support I got from her is amazing. I can't stop thanking her (even saying i don't deserve it BC that's true) so yeah this is to you!! Xx love you xX


Andy grew up with no father just a mother, also being only kid. But he never cared what the world gave him, he cared for everyone, (sometimes too much) he helped everyone, loved everyone, gave up his own happiness to help other's. Much to say he did too much to world would be an understatement. Andy never cared about money or fame. He did what he wanted and did it with love, and maybe that's why everyone loves the simple blonde boy. Later on in life at the age of 20 he decided to build a coffee shop, simple cozy one. At the age of 23 he already was well known as the best coffee shop in town. He made success with his famous food and drinks, and course the entertainment. Andy was strict but held things fun inside the shop he helpwd everyone, gave homeless people care inside a place to sleep for the night.

As for Jack? He was a simple boy from Ireland, Dublin. But not really simply though, he was kicked out for being gay. Jack fled the country and came to London, Manchester. He started living with his friends; Rye, Brooklyn and Mikey. He tried his best to overcome his anxiety but failing everytime as someone kicked him down again. He tried to go to school but stopped when the bullying got too much. The three boys he lived with tried everything to cheer the small Irish lad up but with no success, so they turned to one of their other friends; Andy Fowler.

"Please Andy! We are begging you."

Mikey and Rye went to Andy to ask him to give Jack a job here to help his confidence in people. Andy looked at his two best friend's and sighed. "Fine. I only agree because I find it sad what happened to him. Bring him here tomorrow morning around 7." Rye's eyes widen "Seven!?" Andy laughes cheerfully "I start at six boys be glad I didn't ask you to come then." Andy grinned and went back to work in the kitchen as his two other friend's looked at him with eyes.

The next morning the three boys had dragged Jack to the shop where Andy was already running around in. Andy looked at the window as he saw them with another boy which made his heart stop for a minute as he looked at the boy. He was just adorable. Andy quickly shook his head and opened the door for them only to closw it behind them.


As Andy was ready to replay his phone ring. He picked it up and saw Luke, he groaned and picked it up as politely as he could. "Welcome to Fovvlars Coffee Shop. How may we assist you sir?" He could hear Luke let out a curse, "Andy please." Andy frowned "Sir?" He sighed and hang up as Luke started to spill his feelings out again.

"I apologize for that guys. You must be Jack? I'm Andy. I own this place. I work alone but sometimes Harvey helps me around but that is when he's in town. I usually don't hire people since only what they do nowadays is judge. As long as your happy and love to help I'll be happy to have you on my team."

Jack looked up at the first time, his breath hitching in his throat as he saw the bluest eyes he's ever seen in his life. Andy smiled at the boy as he ruffled his hair, "Don't worry too much and you'll be fine." Jack nodded a smile on his face ever since he came to England. Maybe that's just what for an effect Andy had on people.

As days, turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into one year, the two where just as close as peanut butter and jelly.

Andy and Jack where both simply enjoying their tea as they sat in the coffee shop which was closed on Sunday's. Andy looked at Jack as he saw his sparkle in his eyes. Rye had told him when he first got here he lost
everything that made him Jack but that now he slowly came back to the boy everyone knew. Andy couldn't help but admire Jack with everything he did for him, the shop just everything, Andy knew had fallen in love with him but wasn't sure the Irish boy felt the same.

Andy grabbed hold of his hands and made Jack look at him which he did. The boy blushed as their hands fit together like puzzle pieces. Jack looked him in the eyes and slowly leant in. Their lips felt together in a sync, their lips moving together in perfect harmony. Andy slit his hands on Jack's cheeks pulling the boy over the table ans closer Jack sat down on his lap as he kissed Andy only deeper and deeper, their kiss only becoming more passionate. As the two of them slowly pulled away from one another the look on both faces said enough that the two of them both felt the spark and both where madly in love with each other.

Jack stood up as Andy stood in front of him as well. Andy pulled him to the stairs as they went to the few rooms he held up here for people to relax in (mostly he did that after a hard day) Andy lead him into the room and closed the door. The rest of that night? Well that's history. The next day Andy and Jack both decided to take a day off work which made people confused since Andy never in that time took a day off work. But when they saw the two lovebirds through the city whispering, laughing, joking amd giggling the knew Andy finally found the one for him. As for Jack? He felt loved and trusted again.

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