🌸Brandy🌸Randy🌸Ghost Of You🌸

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Here I am waking up, still can't sleep on your side
There's your coffee cup, the lipstick stain fades with time

Andy layed on the bed, ignoring the alarm blaring through the bedroom, having woken up way before it went off. Andy's eyes locked on the small coffee cup he knew Brooklyn had drank in just two weeks ago on a Sunday, Brooklyn had put lipstick on for a joke to stain the cup to leave his mark. At the time Andy thought it was funny, never knowing what would happen the next day, not seeing the danger, neither of them did, neither knew that it would be their last.

Andy got out of bed, biting his lip as he changed into simple clothes, eyes watering with every step he took over the wooden floor of their home.

If I could dream long enough, you'd tell me I'd be just fine
I'll be just fine

Andy stood in front of a white door with a metal number plate; 223. Andy felt his hands shaking as he opened the door slowly only to see his boyfriend laying in an hospital bed, tubes all over his body. Andy trembled as he took steps forward, his heart breaking, his breath stopping, his heart beating in his throat. Andy sat down in the chair where he sat ever since the accident happened. He grabbed hold of the blonde boy laying the hospital bed, tears ready to spill from his eyes. Andy took a deep breath and kissed the back of it.

"Please tell me Brooke. Please tell me, that I'll be fine, that we'll be fine, that you won't leave me."

Andy hoped Brooklyn would wake up and tell him that he was gonna he fine, that they where gonna make it, that even with this going on they would get out of it. Together. But as much as Andy hoped he would do that Brooklyn didn't even flinch.

So I drown it out like I always do
Dancing through our house with the ghost of you
And I chase it down, with this shot of truth
Dancing through our house with the ghost of you

Andy got home, closing and locking the front door, tears pricking his eyes. Andy had just gotten back from his daily visit to Brooklyn. And as every day, he went to the basement, grabbed a large bottle of Vodka and went back to the living room. Andy wiped his tears angrily away as he opened the bottle, setting it down on the table. It's been months since it happened and he still couldn't handle it. Andy put the TV on, not caring on what for show it got on, all he wanted to do was to forget the day and go to next day. Andy grabbed the bottle, immediately gulping large amounts of it down, burning his throat as it went down. Andy layed on the couch, eyes locking on the TV as it was on a random TV show he didn't even care about. As the hours passed the bottle went from full to half full.

Andy stood up from the couch, eyes wandering around the small living room he was in. His eyes stopped at the entrance from the kitchen to the living room to see Brooklyn leaning against the door, grinning widely as he looked at him. Of course Andy knew it was just his mind playing tricks, it couldn't be Brooklyn anyway, he was in the hospital. But he didn't care. Andy walked towards the Brooklyn his mind formed and felt the tears already going down his cheeks. Brooklyn tilted his head and held his hands out as he grabbed onto Andy. Andy knew it wasn't real but he still could feel the warmth Brooklyn always held around him, the way his arms sneaked around Andy's waist. Brooklyn grabbed hold of Andy's hand and started swinging them around the house to the music the TV was playing. Andy knew that this was his mind just simply recalling the last few weeks before the accident, but he didn't care.


leaning up today, found that old Zeppelin shirt
You wore when you ran away, and no one could feel your hurt

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2019 ⏰

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