Imagine 72- OT5

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(A/N: This is actually from what happened last night in Amsterdam, as I was at the concert!😍 and this yeah is just something I imagined would happen, since Jack left quickly and went into the tour bus almost immediately so yeah.)


We where at the VIP meet & greet in Amsterdam with Harvey, normally I would love this, I really do. But I think fans don't really like me anymore, I already felt like a left out with the relationship I was in with the boys. And now I felt like I didn't belong in Roadtrip as well.. It is horrible

"Jack smile more." A staff member glared at me before she moved on, I sighed not really wanting to do this meet & greet VIP.

The fans came into the room, going straight to Harvey and the other boys leaving me standing alone by the door. I guess I assumed right about them.. They don't want me anymore.

"Hey Jack?"

I looked at my side to see two fans standing there, both with a big smile. "Yes?" I replied giving them both a small smile, "Why are you here?" One asked, "Yeah, you shouldn't be apart of Roadtrip, your voice is so horrible." Another one stated, smirking as she saw my smile drop.

"You're not even good looking. The others are way better then you."

"They are just dating you, because you are pathetic loser."

I looked at the boys and saw them all laughing with some fans, and just having a good time. I looked down at myself and nodded, "Yeah I'll leave." I muttered, I walked fastly past the boys, grabbed my backpack and left the building as soon as I could. I got in the tour bus going to my bunk immediately, just as I was seated in it and I was laying peacefully I heard the door open again.

It better not be Andy or Rye, they both pressure me into talking and I really don't want that right now.

"Jack? Baby?" Andy's soft voice filled my ears, I just ignored him while facing the other way just to not look in his eyes.

"Jack if you don't talk, then we can't help you." Andy muttered while slowly pulling me over so I could face him, "Oh Jack.. Why didn't you come to one of us?" He softly spoke while wiping my tears away with his thumb. "P-please d-don't." I whimpered as I pushed his hands away from me and got out the bunk, just to be face to face with the others to.

"Jack what's wrong?" Brooklyn slowly came forward and tried to my shoulder.

You're not even good looking. The others are way better then you."

"They are just dating you, because you are pathetic loser."

"Why are you here?"

"Yeah, you shouldn't be apart of Roadtrip, your voice is so horrible."

The voices kept going through my head and they just didn't stop!

"Jack!" Brooklyn got me out my mind as his hand was placed on my shoulder, I looked at the others and shook my head. "J-Just d-do yourselves a-a favour, and leave me." I whimpered out as I walked back wards even more, tears streaming down my cheeks like waterfalls.

"Jack, listen to us please, let us-"

"NO! You guys listen to me!"

I looked at them before running past them and locking myself up in the small toilet we had on the tour bus.

"JACK OPEN UP!" Mikey yelled while he tried to unlock the door, only for it not to work. I looked around the small toilet noticing it was not really that small, I can definitely stay here until we get back to England and back to the flat.


We arrived In England, how did I know that? Because Harvey texted me that.

I unlocked the door and slowly got out of the tour bus, my stuff already outside so I just simply grabbed my stuff and went back into the apartment, ignoring the boys of course. I threw my stuff on the bed before leaving to the bathroom again, just to be blocked by Mikey.


"Not until you talk to us. We are each other's boyfriends Jack, we love you. Talk to us."

I rolled my eyes and walked into the Mindy room and saw the others sitting there as well, maybe they are going to break up with? What if they will kick me out? I can't live without them.

"Jack! Stop thinking!" Rye pulled me out of my thoughts, panic in his eyes as he held my hands tightly. I looked down and saw I had started to scratch myself harshly. "If I tell it, you guys will laugh at me, break up with. And I can't handle that." I felt tears burn in my eyes and just let them down, I sat down on the couch, pulling my knees up to my chin, placing my head on it.

"Please talk to us Jack."

"You guys don't love me, the fans hate me. They said it last night! And I can't stop those words from yelling! It hurts guys, it hurts so bad."

"Why didn't you just tell us sooner?" Andy pulled me on his lap, making small circles on my back trying to calm me down, which I did after an half a hour.


I looked up at Brooklyn who looked upset and guilty, I opened my arms for him "Come on Brooke." Brooklyn smiled and hugged me tightly. "Never think we don't love you Jackie, I love you more then anything." He whispered while kissing my cheek, nose, neck and finally my lips. I cupped his cheeks and melted into his touch, Brooklyn pulled me closer by pulling me by my shirt.

Once we broke apart we both where blushing tomato's, breathing. "Well that was a view." I heard Rye say making me blush even more, I cuddled closer to Brooklyn, closing my eyes, I felt each of them giving me a kiss on my cheek before I fall a sleep.

"We love you Jack don't forget that, you're our lucky charm."

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