Imagine 67 - Rylyn

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"You excited for the concert this Saturday?" Savannah asked me as we walked through school, I nodded smiling wider then I've ever done in my whole life. "I really can't wait! I get to meet them to Sav! I don't think I'll be able to handle it." Savannah rolled her eyes laughing.

Savannah was my only friend in this entire school, we both are the out cast people. Ever since I got here she has been by my side, and she always stood up for me, because I'm a weak boy.

I immediately shook my head as we walked into the first class and exactly the horrible class you can have on a Monday morning.

Savannah and me quickly got our seats all the way in the back. Mrs. Henderson luckily didn't notice us which we both could have a breath of relief.

I fished my phone out of my pocket and quickly went on twitter, grinning as I saw that Roadtrip tweeted.

Roadtriptv: We have just arrived in Essex🎉 who's coming to the show on Saturday! Cause I really can't wait! -Rye
1908 RT's, 2367 Likes, 1239 Replies.

BrooklynWyatt: I'm coming, and can't wait to see you guys live!
234 RT's, 987 Likes, 190 Replies.

If you're a fanboy it is probably a very big deal, since there aren't much of them.

I saw my notifactions and DM's blow up with my internet friends tweets and texts. I rolled my eyes and quickly went to my notifications seeing Roadtrip just responded!

Roadtriptv: BrooklynWyatt Hey Brooklyn! You are coming to? Really can't wait to meet you! I've seen all you're videos on YouTube and we think you're sick! - Rye
1,908 RT's 2,345 Likes, 876 Replies.

BrooklynWyatt: Roadtriptv Alright my dream has just came true😍❤ Really excited to be meeting you on Saturday! Hope you'll like Essex and have a fun time until the concert💖

I quickly showed Savannah the tweet and grinned through out the whole day, until lunch came around. This was the time where Savannah wasn't with me, because she always has to go somewhere else which I still have no clue about.

I said my bye to Savannah and clutched my backpack tighter around my back as I walked through the hallways and out the door wanting to just sit outside in peace, but luck isn't my best friend..

"Hey faggot!" Dylan's booming voice was heard through the whole school hallway, making myself to disappear and being left alone. Dylan and his group of friends stood in front of just as I was about to leave the building to be outside.

Dylan grinned, grabbed my shirt and dragged me outside to a bit more 'private' place. He threw me on the ground, laughing as I groaned in pain. "Look freak, we don't want you here. No one does. You're parent's are always away to, probably just to escape such a failimg child." Dylan snickered as one of his friend's held me up, just to let the other two; punched, kickes, chokeed and pulled my hair.

It went like this for what felt like hours but it was only 30 minutes before someone came to safe me, or well more people.

"Brooklyn please don't close you're eyes." The voice pleaded, but it felt so far away and I couldn't even make out who it was since my vision became blurry. I wanted to close my eyes so badly, but the voice told me not to do it so I let them open. After a  few seconds I couldn't handle it and slowly got swallowed by darkness and darkness only.

"Why isn't he awake yet?"

"Rye keep calm mate."

"You've known the boy for what? Like a year by stalking his pages?"

"It wasn't stalking! I just really enjoyed looking at his post to see if he was okay."

"Stalker much."

"Shut up."

I slowly opened my eyes enough of not knowing who was speaking. I saw Roadtrip? And Savannah sitting on the couch and chairs that where in the room.

"What happened?" I groggily asked as I held my throat 'cuz that hurted like hell, "Brooky!" Savannah stood up in like an eye wink as she hugged me tightly but gently enough to not hurt me, "Hey Sav." I smiled hugging her carefully back.

"Uhm Brooke, do you know what happened?" She asked me a bit unsure, I looked around the room noticing I was in the hospital. I looked back at Savannah and shook my head "What happened though?" I asked her just as I was about to sit straighter, I groaned in pain and immediately looked at my stomach.

"You got beaten up by Dylan, Owen, Rick and Sam." Savannah told me looking ay her feets again, I looked at her again and immediately everything hit me, the insult, the beating, the harmful way they did it. I let out a small broken sob as I felt tears stream down my face "Please get mom." I told Savannah who nodded and ran out.

"Are you alright?" I heard a new voice ask me my head snapped up to see Roadtrip still in my hospital room. Rye looked me in the eyes, concern filling them. "We saw what happened, we immediately called an ambulance and made sure those kids where gone." Andy smiled noticing that I really wanted to know why they where here. I blushed and nodded "It's alright, it isn't like it was the first time." I shrugged as I played with the end of my sleeves.

Rye noticed what I was doing but before he could ask the door opened revealing my mom with tear stained cheeks.

"Oh Brooklyn! I was so worried!" My mom stated before hugging me carefully, "When Savannah told me what happened I dropped everything. Please don't scare me ever again!" She continued to sob. "Don't worry mom... I won't leave never okay?" I tried to comfort her but it was no use, "Mom please listen to me alright?" I smiled at her "Dad is better now above us yeah? I won't be gone this soon, you'll be stuck with me for the rest of you're life." I told her making her sob all over again.

I knew she had it been holding in and she needed this.

Savannah came back inside and took my mom to the hallway to comfort her better. Rye looked at me and then back to my hands, "I know that I haven't really known you the longest Brooklyn but, I feel this connection between us. When I saw you getting beat up, I lost it. Such a beautiful human being like you being attacked just because of the gender you like.." Rye muttered the last part before looking at me again.

I smiled softly at him "No worries Rye, I'm thinking about stopping anyway." I shrugged looking at my lap. I didn't noticed the other's had left us alone.

"What are you gonna do then?" Rye asked curiously making me giggle, damn it Rye. "Well I always liked to sing, so maybe I'll do that." I stated smiling as I remembered how my dad always used to say how good I was.


"What are you thinking 'bout Brooklyn?" Rye whined as he let himself fall on my lap, pouting. "Just the day we met." I blushed as Rye grinned and pecked my lips gently. "Good thing I did. We wouldn't have been Roadtrip without you, you complete us Brooky." Rye said smiling even more and kissed my lips again.

Just one simple thing can change you're whole life.

Keep taking risks and make you're life yours and no one else's.

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