Imagine-11 Randy

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Rye's POV
Andy was pretty ill today so me being the good boyfriend I took care over him, the other had all left to go to Windsor. Andy was laying in my bed as I made him a cup of tea with honey, they say honey in tea makes you're throat slightly better. "Baby wake up." I softly said to Andy who was sleeping while being completely coverd in blankets. Andy opened his eyes softly "Am tired." He murmured trying to close his eyes again, I sighed and set the tea down "Babe you have to at least drink." I told him kissing his head.

Andy sighed "Fine." He said his voice being harsh from his throat. I gave him his tea and a pill to make him better, Andy gladly took the medicine. He helped him down as we sat at the couch, Andy curled up to my side sighing I kissed his head stroking his head "Sweet dreams my love." I wishperd to him. Andy smiled and held me tightly as he fell a sleep.

I heard the door open and the guys talk excitedly "Guys sh! Andy's sleeping." I said irritated by them, Brooklyn walked in first and looked directly at Andy who was still sleeping. "How is he doing?" Jack asked holding his voice down "His fever has gotten down a little bit, but he still has a huge headache and just wants to sleep." I said to them. Mikey and Blair walked in the room noticing me and Andy, I felt slightly uncomfortable as Blair hated mine and Andy's relationship.

Jack saw my uncomfortable state and immediately started a conversation with Blair about his vocals. Blair walked away with Jack and giving me and Andy the hard glare. I breathed out as I held it inside "You okay?" Brooklyn asked me as he sat on Jacks bunk bed, I nodded and looked at Andy who looked like he could cry. Andy immediately sat up breathing fast Andy mention to his mouth letting me know he needed to throw up. I got the bucket and gave it to him immediately holding my hand on his back as he threw up in the bucket.

After Andy was done he whimpered and cuddled back against me. "You okay baby?" I asked him softly knowing not to be loud for him, Andy shook his head "I have so much pain." Andy said softly. "I'll grab you medicine." I said kissing his lips quickly, I stood up going to the kitchen just as Jack and Balir walke out. Jack followed me into the kitchen "You okay Rye?" Jack slowly asked as I got the medicine, I shrugged "I'm just worried about Andy is all." I told him as I went back to the room, I sat down next to him giving him his medicine.

Andy took the medicine kissing my lips quickly as he curled up to me again "I love you Ryan." Andy softly told me, I smiled "I love you more Andrew." I said giggling. Andy smiled and closed his eyes going been to sleep again. I got my phone out of my pocket and quickly snapped a picture of Andy sleeping saving it to my Andy's gallery. "Keep down the PDA please." Blair groaned at us, I just nodded feeling embarrassed. I just went on my phone not knowing what to do else.

After an hour or so Andy woke up again "You feeling okay?" I wishperd not wanting to have another out burst from Blair, Andy nodded "Feeling a lot better, can we watch movies?" Andy begged me with this damn puppy eyes! I smiled and nodded, I lifted Andy up and placed him carefully on the bed. I got my laptop up giving Andy my laptop, I pulled myself up and layed beside him, I held Andy close to me as I opened Netflix. "What movie babe?" I asked him Andy shrugged "Don't really mind." He said, I nodded as I putted the titanic on and after that the Notebook. Andy cuddled close to me as we both watched the movie, during the movie Andy fall a sleep and soon after Andy I closed my eyes as well off to sleep.

Requested by: roadtrip_roadie
Srry if it is so short and not rlly what ya hoped for)-:
I really tried my best tbh):
Pls keep requesting! Comment or dm me! X
Word Count: 739

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