Imagine 84 - Rack

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👑Unknown Love👑
Requested by: joeck_lover
Hope u like it xoxo tried my best x

Jack as been all cuddly lately but we needed to make our video 'Arranging a song in 15 minutes' and I knew in the video Jack would want a small cuddle. So I took it upon me to hold him throughout the video. But I also knew it was a big and huge mistake to do so, I have had the biggest crush on Jack ever since he came backstage with us back in Ireland which is almost two years ago already.

I quickly shook my head as we all sat down on the couch. In the beginning it was all fine, but soon Jack had wrapped his arms 'round my knees. I looked between the guys seeing they didn't look at us. I looked down at him seeing how tired he was, I sighed and just let him cuddle up to me although it was hard for me.

I held his hand underneath us so nobody could see it. How was I wrong, Andy had saw the movements and grinned to himself.

"Alright we are done for today."

I quickly stood up and pulled Jack with me who had wrapped his arms sloppily around me, eyes closing. I sighed and lifted him up bridal style. "I'm going back to the flat guys." Andy gave me a look and I knew he wanted to talk with me when we all got back. Sighing I slowly made my way back, the movements made Jack snuggle himself all the way into me which was quite uncomfortable but it is Jack and I would do anything for that boy.

Jack just simply makes me happy for no reason at all, he's always there for me. He makes me smile. He makes my heart race, my mind goes blank whenever I see him. He's funny, cute, amazing, awesome, shy, kind, sweer ect. Jack is just everything for me.


I looked up (from where I was sitting with Jack on my lap) to see Andy in the doorway.


"We need to talk mate. Now."

Andy left the room and I groaned, now I needed to leave Jack. I gently layed him down on my bed, kissed his head and left the room silently. I walked to the Mindy room and saw Andy already seated on his bed with an unreadable expression. I sat down next to him, playing with my fingers. It never was a good thing when Andy wanted to talk immediately with you.

"I want to talk with you about Jack."

I looked back up at Andy, confused clearly on my face. Andy laughed at me and shook his head "You are so clueless." He stated laughing even more. I only got more confused by the second.

"When we did the video yes? He was all over you!! You even grabbed his hand secretly at the end, oh yeah don't think I didn't saw that. I did. We all saw the signs you to give each other, it is almost painful, Ryan. Mikey, Brooke and I have seen the obvious signs he's giving you and the signs you're giving him. You two are made for each other! Don't you see that? You are so blinded Rye, he's head over heels for you. He even told Brooklyn it, doesn't that mean something? Rye please mate be a man and go to him tell him how you feel and kiss the damn boy already!"

Andy ranted, once he was done I was progressing his words.

Jack likes me back?

Was I that obvious?

Was he obvious?

Am I seriously so dumb?

He probably doesn't like me, Andy can joke.


I quickly looked up at Andy shook my head. The hope left my body as I looked back to my feet.

"He doesn't like me Andy. He probably is into Brooklyn, have you seen how the are together.? They belong together.. Even though how much I love him like his eyes, lips, hair, accent, his humor, his laugh, his way of acting to things or the way he handles some things, how he's shy sometimes it makes me just wanna cuddle the boy so tightly. He's so adorable you can't just not hug him! Maybe that's why I have fallen so badly for him.."

I felt my cheeks get wet and went to wipe them until I felt someone's fingers caress them. I looked up and saw Jack standing there in front of me.

"You really think that about me?"

I blushed and nodded, Jack only giggled and sat down next to me. I felt my cheeks heat up again but soon I felt the same sadness hit me all over again.

"You are here to tell me you wanna break up right?"

I looked at my hands, which where in my lap, biting my lip. I knew he didn't like me. I really hoped and wished he liked me back, but you know? You can't have everything in life and it sucks. But you gotta suck it up and move on even though how hard it is-

"You kidding me?"

Jack interrupted my thoughts as he pulled me to face him.

"You really think I don't like you? Even after what Andy told you? Rye you sure are blind, but I love that. I'm telling you Ryan, I love you. I have ever since we met. You are the worlds most beautiful, amazing and wonderful person. You make me smile whenever I need it and just brighten everything up with one single word or smile."

Jack looked me in the eyes, stopping with talking. He slowly leaned in and kissed my lips, I never knew someone's lips could be so gentle and soft at the same time. But here's Jack proving me wrong.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him on my lap as he wrapped his hands in my hair, messing it up. And I didn't care, all I cared about was Jack and me, nobody else. Just Jack and me. Jack soon pulled away and grinned at me making me smile at him.

"Be mine?"


"I love you Jack."

"Love you more Ryan, love you more."

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