Imagine 20- Brandy

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I felt like breaking down today like I wasn't worth any of the things that happened to me these past years, don't get me wrong I love the boys, the fans, my family and my friends of course they mean the world to me and everything.

I just wished they would consider my feelings one time before their own.

"Andy you finally done?" Jack groaned as I finally left the shower I just gave him a apologetic look and went into mine and Mikey's bedroom wich also was the living room/kitchen. I changed into better clothes just a simple sweater and some skinny jeans with my red shoes. "Hey Andy could you move?" Aaron asked me as he sat on the couch with Zach and Rye "Sure." I mumbled and moved out of the way standing in the hallway by Brooklyn and Jack's bedroom, I breathed in and out slowly as I tried to focus on myself not wanting to cry over some simple things, but I couldn't it always went like this for several weeks now it where just simply things like: 'get out of the way Andy', 'Andy move you are standing to big.', 'Andy you're not doing it good!', 'Pay attention Andy!'

I slowly left the apartment and went outside not telling anyone where I went not just because I wanted them to know but just not wanting them to find me.

I looked around to see where I stopped in front of and saw a psychologist building, I looked around seeing nobody saw me and totally forgot Brooklyn and Mikey where watching me with worried looks. I stepped inside the building and went to someone who apparently works here.

"Can I help you?" She asked me kindly I looked at her "I-I uh I'm not sure." I mumbled looking everywhere but her "You are here to get help aren't you?" She asked me again, I shoke my head "Sorry to be a bother." I muttered and quickly left the building. I didn't know what to do or where to go to I know for a fact that the boys and Blair don't want me to be there so I did what came to mind.

Text them all saying I quite the band, go to a new place, get a new name, new look and then live you're life in peace and that nobody knows who I am.

Group: Alphadog Family.
Andy🌵: Hello Guys it is Andy here.. not that it is important anyway.
I quite Roadtrip, I don't feel good to be in the band anymore, maybe you think I'm overreacting and mayve I'm. But mental state and illness is bit more important to me.
Boys don't think I will be back to get my stuff. Also don't dare to find me as well, not that you will even find me as I'm going to make myself invisible to everyone who ever knew me. Tell the fans it isn't their fault I'm leaving. I would appreciate that you all wouldn't contact me in anything.
Andrew Robert Fowler.


Rye🐝: Please Andy! Don't leave us please we can't be without you!

Mikey🙈: What have we done.?

Jack🍀: Andy what the hell? Please don't do this to us)-:

Andy🌵: Goodbye

Do you want to block: Brookster👑, Rye🐝, Mikey🙈, Jack🍀, Blair👋 and Harvey🐯.


You have blocked these numbers there is no more contact between these person's and you.

I sighed reliefed to be telling them the truth.

3 years later.

I was doing great now I live in Amsterdam now since the UK was to complicated by all the roadies that live there so I moved out here, my parent's knew where I live and they haven't told the boys a single thing either way; by my begging they wouldn't say a word.

I got a new phone, new name as well I still went by the name Andy but at least nobody knew me wich was reliefing as well, I finally made friends to, I have a house, I got a job at a venue close to Amsterdam and then at last I moved on from my other crush I had in the band wich was Brooklyn, I now have a other boyfriend I met him a year ago his name is Max and he's the sweetest person ever.

Anyway let's go on with this.

"Andy you need to hurry." Max said pushing me out of our house as I pouted "But why can't I just stay with you?" I asked him again as Max rolled his eyes at my behaviour, "You got a band at you're venue Andy you need to." Max stated again as he closed the door. I huffed but then took of to the venue where I already saw black van parked.

I got out of the car and inside the venue seeing 4 familiar boys fooling around except one blonde one who wasn't really himself.

I coughed making them look at me "I'm Andrew and I will be at you're service today, also I will give you four the schedules you'll be needing." I told them giving each a paper wich said the exact times they needed to do things. "You are awfully familiar, do we know you from somewhere?" Rye asked me looking me closer up and down "I haven't met you guys before this, but if I where you guys I would hurry before Lou is smashing you're heads for being late on the make up." I quickly explained as I then immediately left the room going to the stage checking if everything was going good.

"Andrew? May I ask you something?" I heard Jack his tiny voice ask behind me I turned around to see him and the others standing there with him "Go ahead." I said giving a crew member my papers. "You are Andy Fowler aren't you? Come on Andy we lived for 3 and a half years together I sure as hell know who my best friend is or not." Rye stated stepping forward making me gulp. "Why'd you leave us?" Mikey stated again.

"Just leave me alone please." I said throughout my sobbs "No Andy you need to face it, I've been hearing stories for like ages." Max said making me confuse how did he get here? "Also I know I was a replacement so just please be honest to the boy you love yes? I had a great time, now it is time to let go." Max stated kissing my cheek and then left me with the people who have made my mental state worse.

"I didn't mean to hurt you all, I just well I knew for a fact you all disliked me, the fans started to dislike me just everyone. I couldn't handle it. I just wanted peace and I thought this was a good plan, everything is better then killing myself right.? And I just couldn't handle it anymore, I want to be with you Brooklyn since the longest of time, but I know I'm a messed up kid so I left. I ran away from my problems since I'm a coward."

By the end of it I was in full tears and sitting against the wall hugging my knees.

"We don't blame you. Of course we where a bit upset and angry you left us, but we got you back and that is mostly the best thing ever." Brooklyn stated sitting next to me as the others agreed with him "Just come back with us." Jack begged. After a while of thinking I finally decided to that. "And ala Andy for what it is worth, I love you to." Brooklyn stated kissing my lips and wrapped his arms around me.

Maybe thing will be okay again, I don't know what I was thinking but I'm glad I got the guys back.

Word Count: 1410
I apologise for not updating in such a long time guys..
I've been having loads of things to think of and everything.
Also I ain't doing fully 100% rn so that's why these one shot's will be sad.
Also I don't know who requested what so plwaee comment
Also the once that asked me to do one please comment again I don't know who was who and all sorry.

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