Imagine 57- Brooklyn x Andy x Rye

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Rye Centric.


"You two going out again?" I asked Brooklyn and Andy who both already had coats on, Andy looked at Brooklyn before looking back at me trying to find a 'good excuse'. I rolled my eyes and went into my room shutting the both of them out.

It wasn't like I'm happy for them to have a relationship, but they both are forgetting about me, not that I want attention from them. Actually I do. I want them to love me the same they love each other, but I guess they found each other letting me be the third wheel. I bited my lip as I sat against my bed, book on my lap, music in the background as I tried to shut out the thought's that where forming in my head.

I sighed as I read my book further it was a book about three people in a relationship (very much like how I feel). But one of them feels left out and then some drama starts, but in the end they all fins each other and live together forever.

I sighed when my book was done and decided to just go to Jack or Mikey (only if they weren't together at the moment). I walked out of my room seeing no Mikey nor Jack in the living room, only the two people I've been trying to avoid.

"Rye!" Andy said excitement in his voice as he made eye contact with me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed two pieces of bread with some cheese and ham between it walking back to my room. Once I sat down on my bed I grabbed my laptop starting yo Netflix almost immediately.

Maybe a movie or serie will help me.

I started up 'The Vampire Diaries' and just chewed on my bread and watched the serie. I was at the point where Bonnie and Damon where in that prison world. When I was done with eating and my episode was over I sighed closed my laptop. I bited my lip and went to Jack his room, slowly opening the door seeing Mikey sitting with controller in his hand while Jack was no where to be seen.

"Hey Rye, you ok?" Mikey asked as he took in my presence, I shook my head and sat down next to him "Far from okay to be exact." I held my head down, biting my lip. "What's wrong?" Mikey asked as he paused the game he was playing "Andy and Brooklyn. It isn't like I'm not happy for them nor you guys, I'm really happy for all the four of you. But I've been having feelings for not just Andy but Brooke as well, and then being in a relationship. It hurts Mikey, it really hurts." I confessed feeling tears leak from my eyes.

Mikey looked shocked at first but then wrapped an arm around me, scooting me onto his lap. "It's okay Rye, don't worry. There will be someone special for you." Mikey whispered in my ear.

He's lying.

It's a lie.

Who would want you Ryan.

"Hey Mikey?" I heard Andy's voice only to be cut of by Mikey "Shut up Andy." Mikey huffed. "Mikey, we need to talk to Rye." Brooklyn begged and I could hear the sadness in his voice and sighed. "It's okay.." I mumbled to Mikey and stood up walking to my room with Brooklyn and Andy following me.

"What do you two need to talk about?" I asked them, eyebrow raised at them as I plopped down on my bed. "We like you Rye." Andy stated looking me in the eyes "A lot, but we thought you would never like us in the way we want you." Brooklyn added looking down, "So we decided to date each other, but we still miss the last piece to our puzzle." Andy sighed looking at Brooklyn before looking me in the eyes.

"And if I said. I like you to, what would ya do?" I asked them crossing my arms, smiling softly at their shocked expressions. Andy was the first to tackle me down on my bed hugging me tightly, making Brooklyn get out of his trance and hug me tightly as well. "This is honestly a dream come true." Brooklyn giggled as he and Andy layed on either side of me; Brooklyn on my right and Andy on my left.

"It indeed is." I agreed with him as I smiled "How long have you guys been dating?" I asked them "A month." Andy replied, "Don't worry we thought how to get you actually." Brooklyn laughed as he saw my face expression. I blushed and pulled my hands over my face, only to be pulled aaway by them. "We love you." Brooklyn mumbled kissing my lips softly, I was all red when he pulled back from the kiss. Andy grinned and kissed my lips a little rougher then Brooklyn does. But I still enjoyed both their kisses.

These two will honestly bw the death of me.

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