Imagine-6 Rykey

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Mikey's POV
Today I was forced to go to the Christmas market with my mom and I wasn't excited at all.

"Come on Michael!" My mom said from down the stairs, I sighed and made my way downstairs following my mom to the car. "Don't be so grumpy okay? We are just going to the Christmas market, and meet up with a few friends of mine." My mom told me looking trough the mirror since I sat in the back. "Yes mom." I mumbled as I got my phone out of my pocket, I decided just to text some of my other friends that sadly didn't lived here.

Me: Hey lads!
Andy: Hey mate!
Jack: How yer doin?
Me: Heading to the Christmas market you can guess how I'm doing
Andy: I'll talk to y'all later!
Jack: Christmas markets are fun mate
Me: Not when your forced to
Jack: Forced to?
Me: Yeah my mom wants me to go with her
Jack: That's even more fun! I always enjoy going with my family
Me: I got to go Jack we are at the market
Jack: Have fun and don't be a grumpy ass!!
Me: I'll tryyy

I shut my phone off and got out of the car with my mom "You can just walk around honey." My mom told me as she walked to two other people. I sighed and walkes over the small market not seeing anything that was cool, as I was going around a corner I bumped into someone lucky I didn't fall but the person did. I looked down at who I bumped into and saw one of the most gorgeous boys I've ever seen! "Hey you okay?" I asked him as I held my hand out for him, he gladly grabbed my hand and pulled himself up "Yeah I'm fine probably just a white butt now." he said laughing.

I laughed as well smiling as I took every feature from him in to mind. "I'm Mikey Cobban." I told him seeing we still held each others hand "Rye Beaumont." He said shaking my hand and then letting go. "What are you doing here by the way? I've never seen you before, and I come here every year." Rye pointed out. "I'm here with my mom, and that can be true I don't like Christmas market's." I told him feeling a but embarrassed, Rye looked at me if I was some sort of alien but then nodded "Not everyone loves it." He siad shrugging.

"But! I'll make you love it! You're coming with me!" Rye said cheerfully as he dragged me with him, first he walked over to a few other people who I assumed where his parents. Funny thing was my mom was standing with them. "Hey Mikey you met Rye I see." My mom said smiling "Mom I'm going to show Mikey all around the Christmas market." Rye told his mom excited his mom nodded. "Just be careful and know that I want you within a hour back here, we have to pick up you're twin brothers." His mom told him "He can stay with us? We meet again tonight right." My mom said to Rye his mom "I guess that can." His mom agreed.

Rye cheered "Thank you missed Cobban! Mikey come on!" Rye told me dragging me with him. "This is the best part! Here you can talk with santa clause." Rye told me pointing to the man who was dressed up as santa clause, I laughed a bit but nodded.  Rye pouted at me and dragged me towards the big old man. "Ah Rye amazing to see you again, was the year good to you?" He asked Rye who nodded eagerly. "Met you're special guy already?" He asked Rye laughing who was now madly blushing "Actually I'm crushing at the now the moment." Rye said smiling.

Rye has a crush on someone else.. That just went straight trough my heart. Maybe I should just head home already, or I can make Rye fall in love with me? Wait do I even love him? Yeah I do! Wait what, ugh why is this so confusing! Because it's called god dam life.

After a hour and a half we went trough the whole market, I even bought some things for my sister, brother, my dad and my mom! I even got out of Rye what he wanted, he wanted to have a dog a little puppy to have at home. I decided to give him a little husky puppy with Christmas since our parents told us we we're celebrating Christmas together.

One Year Later

"Christmas market's aren't that bad are they?" Rye told me as he held my hand intertwined with his own, I smiled as I looked at him nodding my head "It isn't always bad." I told him. "SPARKLE NO NO NO!" Rye yelled after the husky I got him last Christmas, Rye gave me a apologetic smile and ran after Sparkle. Rye liked how sparkly this Christmas felt s decided to call him that, Rye was running after Sparkle all around the market. I went over to Santa Clause to wait on Rye who was being annoyed, I kneeled down and called Sparkle who immediately came over to me.

Rye gave me death glares and walked over to us as I held Sparkle up to my chest "How do you do that Mikey?" Rye said groaning "I don't do anything love." I told him kissing the tip of his freezing nose. "I see you finally settled down?" The man behind us asked Rye, Rye nodded smiling wide "I did! This Mikey, Mikey this Bernie he lives just a few houses further away from mine." Rye told me smiling wide.

"Nice to meet you." I told Bernie shaking his hand Rye quickly got Sparkle out of my hand sticking his tongue out as he ran away. "He's such an energetic isn't he?" Bernie asked me smling "He is but I wouldn't have it any other way." I said smiling. "I should better run after him I'll see you around some time man." I told Bernie smiling, I quickly ran after Rye and tackled him to the ground into snow. "Now I got snow everywhere." Rye pouted at me, I sticked my tongue out at him and kissing his lips softly. Rye let Sparkle lose and grabbed my waist pushing me down more. Still after a year he still give me the chills everywhere. Maybe Christmas market's aren't so bad? You could meet you're soulmate there!

Requested by: catchdreamer5sos
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Word Count: 1130

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