Imagine 47- Rack

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Requested by: roadtripwdw_fan
Hope you enjoy xx
Im so sorry this is short or if it sucks, I'm not good at makimg arguments srry x


"YOU DON'T LISTEN TO ME RYE!" Jack yelled at me, Jack and I have been yelling at each other for the past hour. Jack was angry because I told him I didn't want to get out with our relationship. This was also our first argument.

"NO JACK I'M LISTENING JUST GOOD ENOUGH. I'M SCARED OKAY!? YOU KNOW I HATE TO BE JUDGED!" I yelled back feeling tears prick behind my eyes. "I KNOW THAT RYE. BUT HAVE YOU CONSIDERED WHAT I'M FEELING?" Jack said back making me even get angrier at him.

"I'm done Jack." I told him grabbing my phone and left the room and went outside. I put my hands in my pockets as I walked through the streets of London. I looked around as I felt tears burn behind my eyes, but I can't cry. Not now I'm not weak. I walked further into the woods and went to a small lake.

I sat down and held my knees towards my chest, sobbing uncontrollably as I thought about our argument again. I love Jack with no doubt, but sometimes he tends to get on my nerves. I knew this was all our inside feelings we both had to keep inside for the sake of the band. The others would hate the both of us as they knew we were a couple. They always made comments about us. 'Are you two together or something?' 'Don't act so close' 'You seem closer' 'You two are going out together a lot of times' and that are just a few.

I sighed as I looked at the water smiling as it always made me calm. I wonder how Jack's doing I knew I shouldn't have ran off and that the other's may have heard every. Little. Bit.


I fucked up. I fucked up badly. Not just a small bit, but a lot.

I sat down on my bed looking at the wall in front of me thinking about what I can do to make it up to him. But honestly I don't know how.
Makes me that a bad boyfriend? Yes it does Jack.

I got out of my room to be face to face with Andy, Brooklyn and Mikey who had their arms crossed. "Explain." Andy said giving me a closer look, I gulped and looked away from them "No." I said and ran out of the house -the boys running after me- I rolled my eyes. I ran into the woods and zigzagged trough the trees until I saw the lake Rye once told me about

There he is..

Sobbing by the lake..

All because of me..

I'm a horrible boyfriend..

"Rye?" I asked carefully as I sat beside him. He looked up at me with red puffy eyes "Jack?" He whimpered softly, I felt my heart being ripped away as I saw what I did to him. "I'm sorry for what I did Rye. It was stupid of me to do what I did. I honestly feel so bad for what I said and all, I want nothing more then you being happy Rye. It just everything got to me." I mumbled looking at the lake as well.  "I'm not mad Jack, I just wished we didn't have to fall out to each other. I love you Jack I really do." Rye told me as he grabbed my hand in his.

I smiled as I kissed his hand making him blush "If you're not ready yet, then we won't come out." I told him smiling, Rye agreed and layed his head on my shoulder as I immediately wrapped my arms around him. "I love you Ryan." I told him pecking his lips softly "Love you most." He whispered. I smiled as we held onto each other as we fall back onto the grass, giggling to ourselves.

Gosh that boy may be the death of me someday.

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