Imagine 23- Bikey

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Requested by: readingroadie
Hope u enjoy this x


I was so nervous! This is the day, this is the day I ask Brooklyn to marry me. We've been dating for the past 5 years literally, course we had downs and ups but which couple doesn't? Besides it wasn't really like Brooklyn nor I wanted to break up, but our parents didn't approve of our relationship. Brooklyn's parents didn't want me because: 1. I had piercings. 2. I had tattoo's. 3. Brooklyn could not be gay. My parents just didn't like how shy Brooklyn was and that he was unsure and just not a talk person with people he just met. Could you blame him? He was with my parents!

I sighed as I grabbed the blue box out of my pocket smiling softly as I thought of a future with my little monkey.

"Mikey we need to hurry." Andy told me pushing me towards to the cafe Brooklyn and I shared our first words, our first I love you's, our first date, our first ever kiss and where we both came out as gay. "Rye and Jack are distracting Brooklyn at Starbucks." Andy nodded in the other direction as we went inside the shop, bags full of decorations and a few fluffy pillows.

I smiled "Thanx for the help Fovvs." I told him before pulling everything out of the bags and on the table, "Not a single problem mate, we are best friends of course I would help." Andy said giving me a smile.

I turned around and started to decorate the cafe with small red balloons at the top, small roses on the tables, candles on the counter and to finish everything I placed a TV on the wall with a DVD named: Our journey, Our new future?

"They are here in 5 minutes, good luck mate I have to go now." Andy said patting my back before rushing of to the shop in front of the cafe. I opened the door and immediately heard some bickering, grinning to myself I turned around to see Brooklyn (blindfolded) being pushed forward by Rye and Jack until they caught me. "Goodluck guys!" Jack yelled and left with Rye "HEY! GUYS THIS AIN'T FUNNY!" Brooklyn said upset.

"I think I'm way better." I said smoothly grabbing his hand in mine and pulling him towards the ship, "Mikey? Please tell me that's you and that I'm kidnapped." Brooklyn joked with a hint of seriousness in his voice making me laugh. "Of course it's me babe." I said lifting the blindfold of his head, Brooklyn closed his eyes before opening them again, he looked around his face full in adore. "Like it?" I asked suddenly very unsure of everything, Brooklyn looked at me smiling widely "I love it." He said giggling softly only making my heart beat faster.

"Come sit." I said pulling him down on the pile of pillows I had placed on the ground, "Here." I said giving him toast with butter and ham. Brooklyn laughed "You're so cheesy." He giggled. "I made something I want you to watch." I told him putting the TV on and the DVD in it. Brooklyn immediately looked up smiling widely as he saw our first date being taped.

"Remember that you punched a guy?" Brooklyn questioned me making me smile because of course I did.


"What may the order be?" Our waitress asked Brooklyn and I as I had took him out to a restaurant, knowing he would love that. "Just spaghetti for me miss." Brooklyn told her politely "Same as him." I said giving her a smile. "I've never been out before you know." Brooklyn stated while grabbing my hands tightly, "Oh I knew that." I smirked making Brooklyn gasp but blush madly.

"Uhm sir?" I heard behind and I looked back to see a man around age 26 standing there annoyed with his wife looking disgusted at us, her hands on her kids. I immediately tensed looking the man in the eye "Yes sir?" I asked him "We would like for you two faggots to leave." He said looking like I was some sort of disease. I felt Brooklyn's hands leaving my hands I quickly glanced at him seeing him wipe a tear away (only for more to come down).

"Exuse me sir, we have as many rights as everyone else has." I said trough my teeths standing face to face with the man, he scoffed "Faggs don't deserve to live." He scolded at me and laughed as Brooklyn sobbed, not even trying to stop. I knew he was sad, people always told him this. "You sir just made my boyfriend cry, and let me tell you something. I don't like people who hurt him." I said  my hands in fist "I don't care. I just want you gone." He said again.

That was for me the straw and I immediately punched him in the face knocking him down by the force I used, I stood over him and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. I grabbed Brooklyn's hand and left that awful restaurant. Brooklyn and I ended up at McDonald's still having a great time even after Brooklyn was sad, I made him happy again.

End Flashback.

"How can I forget? My hand was sore for two weeks." I said pouting only making Brooklyn giggle. "I love you Mikey." He said leaning his head on my shoulder "More then you even know." He muttered.

"Love?" I said softly making him look at me again; the look where his eyes would shine brightly making me think that even the stars and the sun should be jealous of them. "I have one surprise." I got the blue box from my pocket sitting on one knee, I looked up seeing him covering his mouth as tears spilled from his eyes.

"Brooklyn Wyatt, you made me the happiest boy on earth when you talked to me, even then you didn't think of me as freak or a emo kid. You helped me find myself and I never been more glad. Our parents may hate us together, but really who cares? I love you and you love me and that is what counts. We can run away together and build a family with five kids, like we always talked about under the night sky. Brooklyn Wyatt what I'm trying to say is.. I love you with my whole heart we hace ups and downs just because we care about one another. Brooklyn will you marry me?" I ended my speech by opening the box, letting him see the ring (which was £400 pond, anything for him).

Brooklyn nodded as he wrapped his arms around me "Yes Mikey yes." He siad trough his tears, I slipped the ring on his finger and smiled. Brooklyn cuddled up to me as I held him tightly, both of us falling a sleep with the touch of each other and the knowledge we would be together forever.

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