🌸Warblers, New Directions, but still a happy ending🌸OT5🌸

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Andy; Warbler
Rye; Warbler
Brooklyn; New Directions
Mikey; Warbler
Jack; New Directions

"I hate sneaking around."

"I agree, but this is the best."

"Why? Just because we are in the new Directions, it doesn't mean we can't date some of the Warblers."

"Babe, you don't get it.. They will hate that you two are dating us. I know they accept gay couples, but a polygamous relationship? I don't know.."

"He's right. We just need to keep this a secret as long as we can guys. I love you all so much I don't wanna risk you getting hurt."

Five boys are all sitting in a circle in the house of one of them. All of them holding a worry and upsetting expression. The two boys of the New Directions sit next to each other, upset that they can't express their love, the three Warblers are sitting beside them, also upset by the face they need to hide but also knowing it can't.

Brooklyn's phone lights up the room as it begins running with the song of 'Dark Side', Brooklyn blushes as his boyfriends smirk and chuckle at him. Brooklyn looks down at his phone and frowns while showing the text also to Jack who also begins to worry.

Can you and Jack get to McKinley? There is an important glee meeting.

Andy looks at his younger boyfriends who both share the same stress on their faces. "What's going on?" Brooklyn stands up, pushing his phone in his pocket again as Jack follows his actions as well. "There is an important glee meeting. We gotta go. I'm so sorry." Both Jack and Brooklyn kiss each their boyfriends on the lips before leaving and going back to the school.

Rye shakes his head. "I don't trust this guys. I mean a glee meeting when the school already ended? This meeting smells, and no I don't mean ur shoes Micheal." Mikey pouts at Rye's last words but agrees that the meeting does stinks. "We should check on them. I have some black hoodies and pants we can put on." Andy grabs the clothes and they all quickly change, ready to protect their boyfriends if needed.

Meanwhile, Brooklyn and Jack have arrived at McKinley and walk towards the glee practice room. Brooklyn opens the door only to see everyone already seated into the classroom and Mr. Shue standing in front of everyone. "Brooklyn, Jack. Sit both of you." Brooklyn and Jack look at each other and shrugg, both taking a seat next to Blaine and Sam.

"Our plans for regionals have been discovered. Our song list has been taken with a note, and I qoute says; "Don't linger your song map around. Thanks for the playlist now we know how to destroy you on stage. Greetings your favourite Warbles." Now I don't know how they found it but they did. So that means we have a rat between us."

Brittany held her nose up in disgust, "We have a rat?!" Blaine sighed "Figure of speaking Britt." She still didn't get it but held her mouth shut. Brooklyn and Jack both looked at each other in horror, they had talked with their boyfriends about the songs and that they kept it hidden. But would they really steal it?


Brooklyn's head shot up as Mr. Shue called out his name. Everyone was now staring at the blonde boy was shaking with nerves. "Is there something you need to tell us?" Brooklyn looked at Jack and knew he couldn't handle the blame so he did what everyone would've done for their boyfriend. Protect him. "Yes." Brooklyn sighed as he stood up, bag around his shoulder. "I'm dating one of the Warblers. And I was so proud on what we had planned so I told him about it. I had no idea he would steal it or if he told someone of them who stole it." Jack looked shocked at Brooklyn, why would he even take the blame?

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