Imagine 65- OT5

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Mikey Centric

Piece by piece- Kelly Clarkson


And all I remember is your back
Walking towards the airport, leaving us all in your past.

"Dad! Wait!" I yelled after him as I ran after him, tears falling from my eyes, my mom running after me. I ran as fast as my six year old legs could carry me. I stopped in the middle of the airport, screaming my dad's name as I fall on the ground, my mom held me close to her chest but it wasn't the same. "H-He h-hates m-me." I sobbed into my mothers chest holding onto her for dear life, not wanting her to leave me.

I traveled fifteen hundred miles to see you
Begged you to want me, but you didn't want to.

I was now a seventeen year old boy, my dad never came back anymore. He just left my mom and me, like we where his past. But my mom just passed away and I didn't had anyone anymore except him. So I traveled fifteen hundred miles just to see him.

I held onto my suitcase as I walked on the driveway to the big house my dad apparently lives in. I felt my nerves kick in as I knocked on the door, I took in a deep breath as the door opened.

There he was.

The person who left me and my mom alone.

"Michael, what do you want." He looked rather annoyed that I was here, but I wouldn't let him get to me. "Mom passed away, I got nowhere to go." I told him, tears spilling from my eyes again. He just scoffed and laughed before turning around, he gave me some cash and threw the door close in my face.

I bit my lip as I left the house as quickly as I could, I walked over the sideway, the money still in my hand. I saw four guys walking into my direction and I immediately made myself small.

I walked past them fastly as I held my breath. I stopped as I was sitting on the side walk, suitcase on it's side, I grabbed my water bottle out of it and drank it whole.

"You sure are thirsty." I heard a voice behind me say,I turned around to see the same four people I earlier walked by.

"I'm Andy. And this is Rye, this is Brooklyn and this is Jack." Andy quickly introduced themselves as he sat next to me. "I saw what happened at that house. May I ask who is he to you?" Andy asked as he gave me a worried look.

"My dad."

"No. For real?" Rye asked shocked as he sat on my other side, I shrugged pulling my knees up "It's alright, I didn't except much from him either way." I sighed looking up at the sky already missing my mom.

But piece by piece he collected me
Up off the ground where you abandoned things, yeah.

"Don't worry mate, you got us now." Brooklyn smiled as he gave me a friendly hug, "I'm Mikey by the way." I said remembering I hadn't told them my name yet. Jack smiled "Where do you live actually?" He asked in a Irish accent. "England." I grabbed my suitcase, putting the money in it. "We are to! Well Jack is Irish then." Brooklyn said laughing making me smile.

Not all people are the same.

Piece by piece he filled the holes
That you burned in me at six years old.

It was three years later now, I'm twenty years old, I'm in a boyband called 'Roadtrip' we toured the whole world, and I also found love with them, well actually all of them. We've been dating for at least a year and I never been happier.

They've helped me through the pain three years ago, and they still help me with everything. We all help each other and I couldn't be happier.

And you know,
He never walks away
He never asks for money,
He takes care of me
He loves me
Piece by piece he restored my faith
That a man can be kind and a father could... stay.

Rye ran into the room tackling me to ground, grinning. "YOU NEVER GUESS WHAT!" He yelled making my ears ring, but honestly you can't be mad at him. "Tell me." I said pulling him to his feet as I stood up, "We are going to be on the Late Late Show With James!" Rye squealed making me smile widely.

We soon all sat on the couch with James Corden on the chair.

And all of your words fall flat
I made something of myself and now you wanna come back.

"Mikey we have surprise for you." James stated as he pointed to the crowd, I saw a man stand up and walk towards us. As soon as he was closer I saw him. I stoop up ready to give him a piece of my mind, but Rye grabbes my arm trying to pull me back, but I didn't care I shooo myself stepped forward until I was face to face with him.

"Hey Michael." He said casually. Freaking casually! Like nothing had happened.

"What the hell are you doing here? What do you want from me?" I immediately questioned him, he looked nervous "Uhm can't I just see my son?" He tried. I rolled my eyes "You fucking lost that! How can you come now? I needed you three years ago because mom died! And now you wanna come back? just because I made something of myself? You're a pathetic old man." I spat at him, fire in my eyes, I stormed off the podium, tears spilling over my cheeks as I ran through the hallway.

I found the dressing room and sunk to the ground, pulling my knees towards my face, crying.

After a while I calmed down I walked back just to see Rye and Andy yell at my 'dad'. I slowly walked over to them, pushed Rye and andy to the couch, turned towards him.

"But your love—it isn't free, it has to be earned
Back then I didn't have anything you needed so I was worthless.
But piece by piece he collected me
Up off the ground, where you abandoned things, yeah
Piece by piece he filled the holes
That you burned in me at six years old
And you know,
He never walks away
He never asks for money,
He takes care of me
'Cause he loves me
Piece by piece he restored my faith
That a man can be kind and a father could stay."

I looked him in the eyes before I looked at James. "We will come here another time when he isn't here." I stated, grabbing Jack's and Brooklyn's hand Rye and Andy both walked behind us we left the stage to the dressing room.

Piece by piece I fell far from the tree
I will never leave her like you left me
And she will never have to wonder her worth
Because unlike you I'm going to put her first.

We where now five years later, we all had settled down, we all still make music and tour, but now we also have a little girl; Hope. She is four years old and we all love her with our hearts. We are also married making my family finally complete.

Hope ran into the room giggling as Rye was running after her with a towel. "Hope please!" He begged her only for Hope to giggle more and run towards me, getting on my lap hugging me. Rye sighed but smiled "We aren't done yet Hope, but we will do it tomorrow then." Rye finally agreed as he sat down next to us.

Brooklyn walked in with Andy and Jack smiling as they saw us sitting. "Hey Hope? You wanna hear a song?" Andy asked as he sat on the wooden table, she nodded excitedly, eyes full of love and wonder. Andy strummed his guitar before singing a song that Hope loved more then anything; This is the best day- Taylor Swift.

And you know,
He'll never walk away,
He'll never break her heart
He'll take care of things,
He'll love her
And piece by piece he'll restore my faith
That a man can be kind and a father should be great.

Hope clapped her hands happily "I love you all so much!" She giggled smiling while she cuddled closer to me. I smiled and kissed her head gently. "We'll never walk away Mikey," Andy started "Or break both you're hearts," Brooklyn added "We will take care of things," Rye added "We'll love you two forever." Jack ended. They all kissed my lips and Hope her head before giving each other a kiss as well.

I knew I wouldn't need my dad, I have my husbands and my daughter. I'll love them all until my last breath. They will never leave me.

Mom? I made it. I love you mom and miss you, but I met four amazing guys! I even have a daughter now, we will love her so much and never leave her alone. Just like you never left me mon.


Michael Patrick Cobban- Fowler- Beaumont- Wyatt- Duff.

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