Chapter one

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Your P/O/V:

I gulped down the last of my orange juice and layed the glass on the kitchen counter , scowling at my 12 year old brother who was sat on a stool reading some weeb manga . He returned the look and i rolled my eyes , a habit of mine , grasping my phone and pressing onto the instagram logo . I scrolled through my home page until my favrioute name popped up along with a particularly adorable picture .

I pressed onto the message icon and typed " how can someone be so adorable ?" With a small grin welting on my face , my cheeks practically on fire from the blood swelling in them

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I pressed onto the message icon and typed " how can someone be so adorable ?" With a small grin welting on my face , my cheeks practically on fire from the blood swelling in them . " who you talking to ? Your boyfriend , or your girlfriend ?" Harvey , my younger brother , teased . " jesus i wish ."

I left the house without saying goodbye to my slender father and photogenic mother , leaping onto the school bus with ' colours ' by halsley playing into my ears from my headphones . I sat besides Libby , my life long best friend and fanfiction fanatic soul sister . She had shoulder length  black hair and grey eyes , pale complexion with few scattered freckles that only complimented her natural beauty . " Heyyy gurl~" she laughed , patting the top of my head .

The school day dragged out with six boring lessons and a boring lunch in between - fun , right ?

I waved to Libby as i stepped down from the heighted bus , walking towards my house . I used my door key and kicked off my shoes , racing upstairs to my bedroom . The incense aroma filled me - calming me instantly . Sebastian , my main coon , purred in favour of my presence . I walked over and stroked my hand through his black fur whilst he lulled and hummed .

I layed down onto my bed and grabbed my phone from my yellow jumper pocket . I had three Instagram notifications so i clicked onto them . It read as following :

[ @Libby_likes_kittens ] liked your post .
[ @Harveydodds151 ] liked your post.
[ @Wyattoleff ] replied to your comment.
I flung my phone back onto the white rug and tutted . A moment passed before i suddenly shot up . " wait...did..did that say?oh my god did that ... has he ... OHMYGOD..!!" I practically flung myself from my bed onto the floor and clawed my phone into my hands , giggling childishly .

@Wyattoleff : IDK , how are you so cute ?

I grabbed my teal pillow and burried my face into its fuzziness squeeling exitedly . Harvey banged onto the wall shouting from his room to be quiet . I ran into his room and flung the pillow at him , " WYATT OLEFF JUST CALLED ME CUTE HE CALLED ME CUTE HARVEY OH MY GOD WYATT OLEFF CALLED ME CUTE !" I raced back into my room and checked my phone , another two notifications.

[ @Wyattoleff has requested to follow you ]
[ @Wyattoleff has sent you a message . ]

I pressed accept and clicked onto my DM with Wyatt.

@Wyattoleff : Thank you so much for your comment ! It really made my day !
@Your_Name : Oh my actual dear lord saviour christ is this  a troll
@Wyattoleff : no 😂
@Wyattoleff : your just mega cute so i felt the urge to talk to you .... is that rude
@Your_Name : no ! Not at all ... but im just kind of in shock . Like i think i need medical attention i may or may not have just screamed into a pillow .
@Wyattoleff : oh my gosh you sound more adorable by the second!
@Your_Name : my my my , your making my cheeks so red Mr.Oleff ....
@Wyattoleff : you live in LA ? I do aswell ! Oh your an actor aswell ? We have so much in common amma cri !
@Your_Name : Yeah i live in [ insert nice LA neighbourhood here ] and ive actually just been cast for a character called 007 in stranger things season three :D
@Wyattoleff : wait ... hold up a second
@Wyattoleff: i live in that exact area
@Wyattoleff : and 007 as in the one with the spiritual connection with a character called 006 ?!
@Your_Name : OML REALLY and yes
@Wyattoleff: YES REALLY AND IVE BEEN CAST AS 006!!!!!!!!!!!
@Your_Name : i have to go but ill message you later :D !
@Wyattoleff : okay , bye bye Xx

How are you so cute ? (Wyatt Oleff x reader)Where stories live. Discover now