Chapter eighteen

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I scrambled upstairs packing everything necessary and grabbing my purse with £40 stuffed inside .

" Dad can you drive me there now?" I whined as i fastened the laces on my converse . " alright alright!" He huffed pouring tea down the drain and putting his packet of fig rolls back into the cubourd . " don't forget to answer your phone! And message me! And dont get up to anything!" My mom pointed at me with her index finger as she gave orders . " yes mommmm" i groned storming from the house and into the car .

Whenever i would have car rides with my dad we would usually discuss something irelevent or humerous but the ride was in silence .

I slammed the car door and waved to my father as he drove away leaving me to walk to Millies' front door and knock .

Millie and Sadie came to the door each holding a cup with what looked like coke or dr.pepper in their hands . " OH MY GOD Hey gurlll!!!" Millie giggled as she stepped back to let me inside . " my parents our out the night so we can use the home cinema later!" She smiled broadly at me closing the door as i removed my shoes .

Sadie hugged me quickly smiling and we both giggled exitedaly . Millie walked us upstairs as showed us into her upstairs front room area . There was a massive black couch - bed that took up half of the room with a white coffe table against the left wall and a tv above it .

Ontop of the bed - couch thingy Gaten , Caleb , Finn and Sophia sat talking . Finn stood and blushed smilling at me . He made casual conversation with me but all i could say was " yes same" due to me only thinking about our previous encounter.

I sat onto the couch with the others after Sadie and Millie did so and looked over to Millie . " so where are Wyatt and Noah ?" She gave a subtle smile and replied with narrowed eyebrows " Wyatt is gonna be here in ten minutes and Noah couldn't make it." I knew that Noah wasn't coming due to their breakup .

We played truth or dare until Wyatt came ( just trivial questions such as ' am i pretty' or ' i dare you to do a rolley polley onto the floor') i went with Millie to the door .

She opened it and her face lit up , a wide grin appeared on her face and the top of her cheeks slightly reddened . " hi! Welcome inside Wyatt!" She sung her voice a little higher than usual . He smiled down at her and looked to me " Y/N..." he muttered . He looked sad . Nothing distinct about his body language had changed but his eyes just looked .... dull .

I gave a passive aggressive smile as Millie began to talk to Wyatt about ordering food .

I walked back to the upstairs front room with Wyatt and Millie trailing behind . My lip quivered as Millie lightly grasped the side of Wyatts' jumper as she gave an over exhaggerated laugh to one of his terrible dad jokes .

I turned my head away as i walked into the room and flopped onto the couch.

" lets play smash or pass!" Gaten laughed as he sat up putting his phone down . " yes!" Caleb squeeled and high fived Gaten as Finn giggled " sure im down."

We all agreed to play and we sat in a circle on the couch .
" Caleb , smash or pass Sadie?" Gaten pointed to Caleb with a grin . " smashhhhhh..." he laughed and Sadie shook her head amusingly . " Finn smash or pass Millie!" Caleb wheezed through gritted teeth . " pass! She is like my sister." He muttered.

The game continued until it got to me . " Y/N smash or pass Wyatt?" Millie looked up with a sarcastic smile . Wyatts' face turned blotchy red as he looked at me with wide eyes waiting for my response .

" smash." I grimaced and held my head in my hands waiting for Millies' wrath . Everyone just abrupted to laughter as if i had said the most obvious of statements .

Wyatt smiled at me as if he had realised i didnt have a gruge against him , but now he would have been sat wondering why i was acting so cold.

We ended the game there and all got changed into our pjs' ( the girls in millies' room the boys in the front room)

We sat against the couch - bed in this alignment: Gaten , Caleb , Finn , Me , Wyatt , Millie , Sadie , Sophia .

Wyatt and Finn were both sat shoulder to shoulder with me and my entire body was tingling from the exposure. I didn't love Finn . He didnt love me either . It was just something that happened in the moment .

I looked up to Finn and made and expression that managed to get the message across , he smiled and nodded his head in understanding. The stress was relieved from me .

The Finn incident was off my agenda . Now i just needed to figure out my feelings for Wyatt and decide whether to chase after him or let Millie have him .

I took out my phone and hid it under the blanket that covered us all , pressing onto my messages with Libby whilst Millie flicked through netflix looking for a film .

Y/N : i need to tell you something
Libby : that would be ?
Y/N : i like Wyatt
Libby : ... tell me something i dont know?
Y/N: so does Millie
Libby : Oh , well shit .
Y/N : advice?!!
Libby : Fuck Millie! You deserve this Y/N ! Flirt the fuck outta that boy till he falls for you !!
Y/N : ok,cupid .

Millie pressed onto a horror called " jane doe." And i intertwined my fingers with Wyatts' under the covers . He looked down at me with red cheeks . " is this okay?" I mouthed with a small grin . He nodded and squeezed my hand gently , too which i returned the favour .

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