Chapter thirty - three

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" when?" Was his response .
" I don't know like ... a month ago at a stretch?"
" hmm , interesting, so not only were we dating but did you know that Sophia and Finn have been secretly dating for three months?"

I stepped back and shook my head .
" I - I didn't know ! I didn't...."

He nodded and gave me a menacing smile .
" it's all good . Well it will be ."
I didn't know what he meant. But at least he wasn't mad .

He signaled for me to follow him . We both went back to the Olive Garden and he got Sophia , us three now inside of his car after I explained to my parents I would be sleeping at Wyatts .

" Wyatt what's going on? Why are you ringing Finn?" Sophia asked demandingally .

" I'll explain when he's here."


Me and Sophia were sat on Wyatts sofa , him behind us in the kitchen making four cups of tea.
I couldn't look at Sophia . How could I do that to one of my best friends??!

Finn walked in to the house , with a backpack that I assumed had sleepwear inside .

" so everyone , we're going into the jacuzzi. Y/N I bought you a bikini last weekend and Sophia you look around the same size as my mom so I'll lend you one of hers . Oh and Finn brought his own ."

What was he planning?

He went upstairs and came back down , chucking me and Sophia swimming costumes . Finn and Wyatt got changed upstairs and we did in the living room .
The swimming costume he had got me made me feel insecure to say the least .

It was a red bikini , the pants were tight and small and the bra practically pushing up my breasts which made them look massive.

Whereas Sophia had the most basic black swimming costume .
Classic Oleff .

We went outside and waited for the boys , dipping our feet into the pool.

" what's this all about , Y/N?"
I shrugged . I was a bad liar so I guessed Sophia saw straight through it .
" I have no idea." I whispered .

The glass doors opened to show Wyatt and Finn in their swimming trunks .

They both came into the jacuzzi, me and Sophia afterwards .  That can be reAd as two ways. I mean as in yall got inside the jacuzzi after them .

" so , Sophia I think you should know that Y/N and Finn kissed a month ago whilst we were dating them."
She went to say something with an angry expression but Wyatt cut her off before she could begin .

"So I was thinking."
What? What were you thinking in that fucking ramen ass head of yours?

" Sophia and I should kiss . To level the playing field."

Sophia held back a laugh .
Finn looked down at his hands that were under the bubbles of the jacuzzi and I simply gasped at his idiotic idea .

" Sorry to break it to you Wyatt but this isn't riverdale this is real life and you can't just go around kissing your friends!"
He turned to me and smiled . " exactly.but you did and you expected me to forgive you for that ; so I expect you to forgive me for this."

Sophia shrugged her shoulders in a cocky mannerism as she stood .

Wyatt put his hands on his shoulders and gave her a reassuring smile before leaning in , connecting their lips .

Finn ran a hand through his hair nervously and I crossed my arms .

The kiss lasted longer than it should have .

They both sat back down giggling .

Wyatt lifted me up and sat me on his lap .
" hey , it's fine , I love you. But now we're even ."
I tutted and Rubbed his lips with my thumb whispering " those are my lips on your face there and I didn't say you could touch Sophia's with them."


It was 11:00 pm . Wyatt and I were sleeping in his room , Finn and Sophia in the guest room .

He came out of his bathroom in a robe and walked to his wardrobe.
" I got you some pjs as well last week ."

He pulled out a hanger , on it a red brallette with a black lacy hem and matching shorts .

I blushed and cupped my cheeks .
" dude why are you buying such embarrassing things for me !" I giggled and flung myself back onto his bed dramatically.

" because I love you , dude." He sat besides me on the bed and kissed the tip of my nose gently as he put the lingerie besides me on the bed .

" I'll be right back." I giggled and grabbed the lingerie walking to his bathroom .

I looked into the mirror.
I must admit I looked pretty sexy .
The shorts were more like a pair of underwear they were that small but aside from that they were pretty perfect .

I walked back out dramatically " what you think?" I asked as I posed like a Victoria's Secret model .

" stunning as per usual." He grinned and put his hands on my hips , pushing me against his wardrobe door .

We made out , and eventually his lips found their way to my neck .

" do you want to?" He asked hopefully .
" I - I .... If you want to...."

He picked me up and sat me on the bed , wrapping his arms around me .

" I'm not doing anything unless you say yes . I don't want you too feel pressured . I love you so so so much that sometimes it scares me Y/N."
I nodded .

" Not tonight WyWy.... I want it to be special . On a special day at a special place."

This time he nodded .

We hugged under the sheets and I fell asleep at the best place I could ever wish to fall asleep at.

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