Chapter thirty - one

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We took our allocated seats in the oversized theater . From left to right our seating (for the at cast ) was : Gaten,Caleb,Noah,Finn,Wyatt,me,Millie,Sadie,Sophia. Then the row above us : Charlie,Natalia,Joe,David,Winona,

I reluctantly put my hand on top of wyatts ( his had been on my thigh palm up obviously waiting for me to grab his) and he complied , tangling our fingers together .

Millie held my other hand , and I looked to my right to realise everybody was now holding hands . I felt a tinge if excitement as the credits appeared on the theatre screen and everybody began to clap .

The stranger things theme came on , and began to show me in the lab bed crying . The camera panned to the cell besides my own to show wyatt at the other side of the wall also crying .

Wyatts grip on my hand tightened and I looked up at him , his face was contorted and eyes watering .

" WyWy are you okay ?" I whispered trying to not disturbe anyone's viewing experience.
" I think I'm gonna be sick..." he jolted up and walked towards the exit , and I jumped up and ran after him grabbing the cuff of his blazer arm .

We walked to the toilets and he went inside the boys , me following behind praying nobody would see me .
The toilets were boujie and fancier than mine at home .

Wyatt knelt over a toilet bowl and borked as I held back his curls behind his ears and stroking his back . He puked and flushed the chain , sitting back up and against the toilet stall wall with his eyes closed and loudly panting .

The sight brought tears to my eyes and I gripped his hands , sitting besides him .

" WyWy...what's wrong? You not feeling well?"
He squeezed my hand . " I-I just get really nervous at premiers and red carpets and stuff and it makes me nauseous ... this isn't the first time it's happened , trust me." He giggled a little at the end . I gave him a simpathetic smile and pulled him into a hug whispering gently " it's okay , I'm here Wyatt..."

He shuddered and tried to stand , still a little wobbly at the knees .

I heard the bathroom door open and heard as Jennifer ( Wyatts mom ) shouted " Wyatt? You in here sweetie ? I have your meds!"
I shot a look at Wyatt and mouthed " meds?" He just shuck his head and left the stall ( still with a bit of struggle )

"Mom I'm fine , Y/N came with me ." He replied softly , me now behind him smiling sympathetically .
" Are you okay? Have you been sick Wyatt?" She questioned grabbing at his arms .
" I'm fine , I puked a bit I guess ." He almost moaned out in response .

She fiddled inside her handbag and I held Wyatts hand asking " do you have anxiety or something ? I don't mean to sound insensitive." He smiled a bit and hissed " I guess so ...." Jennifer interrupted saying " yes you do have anxiety Wyatt , and if you want to maintain your budding relationship with this lovely lady then you need to be honest with her !"

I chuckled at her enthusiasm and whisper to Wyatt " we're missing the premier!"

He took his pills and we returned back to the theatre room , when we sat down I made sure to hold his hand and let him rest his head on my shoulder despite the height difference .

After the episode had ended , everyone began to walk out into the dining room .

Everybody once again sat at their allocated seats , the cast on one table together .

David walked up to a stand on a stage , holding a small piece of paper as he grunted into the microphone .

Shit . I had forgot to prepare a speech .

" I would like to thank you all for coming to the premier of stranger things season three! Now , um , I would also like to thank some co - stars who have really helped me through this journey . Which of course isn't yet finished!" His voice was loud and confident .

" firstly I would like to thank miss Winona Ryder for always being there to give me little tips and laugh with me and not at me when I would mess up a line or forget where I was up to . I would also like to thank Millie Bobby Brown , for being the best little eleven a hopper could ask for . I would like to thank Finn, Wyatt , Gaten and Caleb  for always being there to make me laugh even when it's been a particularly hard day at work . And I'd like to thank Sadie , Y/N and Sophia for being such beautiful wise and intelligent ladies who are always sure to leave you smiling . Really , thank you all."

The room erupted into a clapping frenzy , and I saw as Winona wiped a tear from her eye .

I listened as everyone went up reading their speeches from pages and I gulped a bit more at each , nervous in anticipation not knowing when my name would be called out .

Wyatt stood and walked to the stage and ruffled his hair nervously ( that was a habit of his .) he coughed and pulled out his own sheet that had his speech on it .

" umm...well I'm Wyatt , I play 010 in season three of stranger things . I've got to say that this has been one of the most fun filming experiences of my life . I've met new friends , new role models , and met somebody so ... somebody so..." he stopped in his tracks and abruptly threw the piece of paper onto the ground .

" the way I feel about Y/N is such an admirable way I can't read it from a paper .... she is the most smart , intellectual, funny , and gorgeous human I've ever met . She makes every second of every day worth living . She makes all the pain and stress melt away . She is the person I want to be most around . She is a role model at its finest , and her complex personality cannot be described with words."

I clutched my hands and saw a streak of white form at the bottom of my eye as they began to wetten from Wyatts sweet words . His lip quivered and I smiled gently at him , to try give him a sense of reassurance .

" I - I ... I love her , I love Y/N so much ... and if it wasn't for this show I wouldn't have met her . So thank you Duffer brothers for having such a good taste in actors!" He joker teasingly , everyone laughing in rejoice .

As his speech came to an end everyone applauded for what seemed like the 100th time , Wyatt came sitting next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist whispering " sorry if that was corny ."
" oh hush it was adorable!" I teased back , scruffing up his hair with my hand .

" Y/N , anything you'd like to say ?" Winona asked as she signaled for me to go to the stage .

Oh shit .

Authors note :
Hey!! Sorry for not updating in a while . I've been super busy . And lazy . But mostly busy . Don't worry about this book being discontinued!! I have plans for at least the next five chapters . I'm still working out a schedule. For updates on this story and any of my others follow my instagram @real.blankxox
Thank you !! ❤️

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