Chapter thirty - five

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I was backstage on the Ellen Degeneres show with Wyatt , Millie , Finn and Sophia waiting for her to call us on . Today was our first interview !
I looked up at WyWy nervously and he returned the expression .
Sophia grabbed my hand and whispered " if you can get through the spongebob movie without crying this is a piece of cake."
I sniggered and watched as Finn walked on stage after being called .

" oh gosh it's really happening" I mumbled to myself .
I was wearing a black crop top with a rose embroidered and black skinny jeans with black converse .
Sophia was called on .
Now it was just Wyatt and I stood nervously holding hands .

" introducing Wyatt Oleff!"
He looked down at me and smiled , before walking onto stage .
" and lastly , Y/N L/N!"

I walked on in a sort of " oh wowie am I nervous" way and sat in between Sophia and Wyatt .

" well ! It's a pleasure to have you guys on the show !" Ellen flashed us a pearly smile and we all complied . " thanks for having us!" Sophia grinned obviously in her element , Finn nodding and me and Wyatt saying " thank you!"

" so , firstly we have a little game . There are two teams ; team A and team B . Team A is Sophia and Finn , team B is Wyatt and Y/N."
We nodded and began to giggle like children .

" the game will be questions to determine who the best couple is!" She laughed out and pulled out a set of cards dramatically from besides her chair .
" are you ready to play?" She stated more than asked . We nodded again and Finn covered his face nervously , making the crowd go " awww"

" first question for team A , Finn, what is Sophia's favourite tv program?"
Finn breathed in sharply and said " spongebob!" Sophia nodding in agreement .
" one point for team A!"

" first question for Team B , Y/N , what gaming console did Wyatt wait in line for three hours for?"
" NINTENDO SWITCH!" I almost screamed . Everyone erupted into laughter and Ellen clapped out " one point for team B!" Still wheezing .

The game went on with more trivial , fun questions . But then there was a bit more of a difficult one .
" Wyatt would you ever marry Y/N?"

Sophia and Finn giggled , I looked down nervously expecting him to answer with some sarcastic joke .
" if she would allow me to ; I would today ." He spoke proudly .

The audience awhed and I looked at him , he smiled with a slight blush . " sorry WyWy I'm saving myself for Ellen."

Everyone laughed and the interview came to an end . We left , now wearing shirts that had photoshopped versions of Wyatt and I getting married from Ellen .

" sleep at mine Wyatt." I whispered to him as our parents pulled up to take us home .
He nodded and walked to my father , shaking hands with him .
" daddyy~ could WyWy sleep at our house today?? Pretty pleaseee?" I spoke sweetly .
" well ... im sure you two are mature enough to be trusted not to do anything but Wyatt would have to sleep with Harvey ."
I nodded and kissed my father on the cheek repeating "thank you!"

Tomorrow was the day before my birthday so I'd be sure to spend it with Wyatt.

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