Chapter seventeen

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I was wearing blue overalls and an oversized yellow sweater with white converse , a white backpack slumping from the side of my shoulder .

" why did we have to leave early?" I moaned to my mom who was in the front seat besides my dad as i buckled my seatbelt .
" because i need coffe to function ." She snapped back waving her hands around .

We went through the costa drive through as i messaged Millie .

Millie : Too tired for filming 😂
Y/N : sameeee Millie
Millie : oooh i get to see Wyatt today ;)
Y/N : haha yeahh

I turned off my phone again . Wow i'm salty. I shouldn't act like this . Millie is my friend , and i was sleeping over at hers tonight with Wyatt and the rest of the cast .

When we got out the car ( we were filming at Hoppers' cabin today ) Millie was already in costume and makeup . She was stood talking to Wyatt . My chest stung .

" i want to go home ." I murmured to my mom as we walked towards the duffers .
" well you shouldve slept instead of being on your phone all night!" My mom snapped back at me as she gave a fake smile to Matt .

Millie looked over and smiled at me , so i complied . I could tell it was the fakest smile that i couldve possible expressed and it was obvious Millie would have noticed it was fake .

Wyatt turned to face me aswell and began to walk towards me smiling .

" Heyy!" He grinned as he put his hand on my forarm . I jerked back and chuckled slightly. " uumm heyyy...." i said turning away and walking to my dressing room . I didnt know why i was being so cold to Wyatt but it felt like the right thing to do .

I probably hurt his feelings .
Although why would he care about me anyway.

I got changed and had my makeup and hair done . Me and Wyatt were filming a scene first .

——— filming scene

Wyatt lay ' asleep' in the small bed as i walked towards him crying and sniffling holding a teddy bear .

" s-s-sixxxx......." i whined out to him as i clung to the arm of his shirt . He turned and opened his eyes gradually; wincing slightly .
He gently pulled me down onto the bed and sat up . He put his hands onto my shoulders as he looked into my E/C eyes with his ambers .

" what is it?" He whispered with a concerned expression . " i had - had a n-nightmare...." i mumbled back still sniffling .

Wyatt wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down to lay besides him , covering me with his bed sheets . He kissed my forhead lightly and mumbled " its fine . I wont let anything hurt you." As we both ' fell back asleep'

———— end of filming

" cut!" Matt shouted as me and wyatt jumped out from the single bed .
Wyatt grabbed a tissue box from our makeup artist and wiped my eyes giggling quietly. " i was actually sad to see you cry!" He grinned at me . " pffttt its only acting !" I said as i pushed off his hands and walked away back to the makeup room .

I thought i was alone in the makeup room , as i hugged my knees in the corner of the room hiding my face . I was trying to make sense of my feelings .

A large hand layed over the top of my own , the warmth sending tingles down my arm .

I looked up to see Finn with furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips . His hair was extremely fluffy looking today .

" whats wrong Y/N?" He asked in a sceptical tone . " n-nothing." I whispered looking down to where his hand lay ontop of my own . He looked down aswell and pulled away his hand blurting out " oh im sorry that was rude of me"
" no... please .... hold my hand...." I whispered back slightly slumping forward .

He smiled a bit and held my hand again ; the feeling sending a rush through my body .

Finn and i smiled at eachother both with sympathy in our eyes .

He leaned forwards and connected our lips breafly , pulling away almost immediately.

I looked up at him and he dived forwards again . Rougher this time .

His lips were lustful on my own .

I didnt enjoy it .

But i needed it .

I needed some sort of feeling . Attention from somebody . But it felt so wrong .

When he pulled away we were both left gasping . Finns' lips were red and his pupils dilated . His hair was frizzed and cheeks flushed .

I stood and looked at myself in the mirror .

I looked so ... pitiful. So weak . Worthless.

I didnt deserve all of this .

We continued the day of filming as if the incident in the makeup room never happened . A few mere awkward glances happened between me and Finn , Wyatt tried to talk to me a couple more times and Millie flirted with Wyatt the whole day . Libby messaged me fangirling about Jack .

The day came to a wrap and we planned to all go home and get a bag with pjamas and sleepover necessities and them meet back at Millies' at ten .

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