Chapter thirty - four

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This chapter isn't really relevant to the story it's more of a spin off but it's just a way to show what happens in the day between last ch and next ch .

The spongebob theme tune on full blast woke me up . I was no longer snuggled up to Wyatt and he was not in his room , so I left to investigate .

Sophia was sat on the couch singing along to sponge bob, Finn sat besides her on his phone and Wyatt in the kitchen making pancakes .

"'Morning!" I shouted to try grab one of their attention.
" SHSHHSHSHS YOUR INTERRUPTING SPONGEBOB !" Sophia hissed and threw a pillow at me from the couch ( thankfully me catching it.)

" Hey sweetie." Wyatt mumbled more to himself than to me as he concentrated on the pancakes . Finn gave a little wave without looking up from his phone .

" sooo...." I said , edging slowing up to Wyatt .
" are we all doing anything today?"I whispered now giving him a hug from behind .
" I was thinking we could go to the beach."

I grinned slightly muttering back " but my swimming costume is dirty from yesterday ."

He turned his head towards the other two , asking " hey , do you guys want to go to the mall ? Just to get some stuff , then we can go to the beach."

Finn said " sure!" And Sophia nodded before jumping up from the sofa dramatically .
Finn giggled , holding her wrist gently and reassuring " don't worry I'll pay for whatever you want."
She smiled and gave him a high five ( classic way of Sophia lillis showing love and appreciation.)

" I'm gonna get changed ."

I changed into blue dungarees that cut off at the thighs and a white shirt with cacti, white converse and my hair let down . ( obviously matching cacti socks!) and made my way back into the front room , too see that Sophia and the boys were now also ready .

" yall were fast."


We all climbed into Wyatts car ( me and Wyatt in the front , Sophia and Finn in the back.)
And listened to shit music whilst Wyatt drove to the mall .

We bought swimming costumes , drinks and jumped back into the car and waiting to arrive at the beach .

The sea was slightly rough , splashing against the edge of the sand that was scattered with pale rocks of all different shapes , colours and sizes . Seagulls swarmed around stealing young children's food and I saw as a couple of toddlers crowded around a crab that was running across the golden sand .

" wowie ." I mumbled , Sophia jumping from the car and running towards an ice cream stand from besides me .
" could you be any more eager?!" Finn practically shouted , making Wyatt and I erupt into laughter .

We ate ice cream and sat at the edge of the sea on the sand ( me on Wyatts Lap.)
Sophia and Finn had ran off somewhere together giggling about some joke I didn't quite understand .

" WyWy.. yknow when you kissed Sophia?"
" y-yeah?"
" did you enjoy it?"
" y/n , I only did it as a sort of revenge . I was mad and didn't know what else to do ."

I turned around on him so my legs were wrapped around his wrist and cupped his cheeks in my hands , whispering .
" it's fine Wyatt, but if you do that again I can promise it won't be fine ."

He raised an eye brow and tried to stop a giggle . " good job I don't plan on doing it again."

I smiled sweetly and nodded .

" but I can't say the same for you." He mumbled and gently kissed my neck.

" if you kiss anyone else ever again you won't be let off so easily mrs.L/N."

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