Chapter twenty - seven

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I pressed onto Instagram and uploaded a photo of Wyatt and myself , tagging him . The caption was :

Thank you so much for half a million followers! As you know I have been verified on all social media platforms which I'm so happy and grateful for . I want to be as honest as I can with you guys ( also I want to classify I think of you if friends more than fans!) so me and Wyatt think it's only fair we tell you the truth of our relationship . Wyatt and myself are dating . I love him , and as far as I'm aware he loves me back . He looks after me and I try my best to look after him ! We are happy together :) he is there for me when everything gets too much and maintains his position as my bestest friend whilst still dating me! I hope you are all supportive of our decision 💓

I pressed the upload button and looked over to Wyatt who Now had a wide grin on his face.

" I love you squirtle." He stroked the side of my face with a slender finger .
" love ya more Charazard." I giggled back in response .

When I looked at Wyatt he really seemed like a boy I could fall in love with .
I loved him of course . A hellova lot .
I just wasn't quite in love with him yet .
But I knew that I soon would be .

We had filming tommorow and I knew as soon as I went home my mom would litterally murder me so I stayed the night at Wyatts' . I had clothes still there from last time .

We slept snuggled together in his bed , it was so lovely .

How are you so cute ? (Wyatt Oleff x reader)Where stories live. Discover now