Chapter twenty - three

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I waved my hand to the direction of the bed still blushing " um you can sit if you want !" I gave Wyatt a smile .

He complied and took his hands from his pockets smirking to himself . " you don't have to be awkward y'know .... its fine..." he muttered just loud enough so i could hear .

I sat besides him and continued smiling as i looked down at my fidgeting hands .

" how are you so cute?" I heard Wyatts voice in my ear , and his warm breath on my kneck . I felt as his soft and slender fingers worked their way from my weist to my jaw and the lavender scent intensified . I felt dizzy . Like i was on a high . Wyatt leaned closer and his amber eyes closed . I looked to his lips which were lightly tinted pink . The lips that had kissed me on the cheek or forhead numerous times before .

Those lips were now against my own .

I could feel them better than when he would kiss my forhead or cheek . They were softer than i had ever noticed .

I had spent numerous nights in my bedroom wondering how Wyatt would kiss , how it would make me feel if he ever kissed me. I was wrong about so many things . I thought Wyatt would be afraid to hurt me or he would be too shy to be forceful . I thought his kisses would be short but sweet . I thought that when he did kiss me , i wouldnt realise till it was over .

Wyatt started out gently and abrupt , he got rougher and more demanding as his tounge brushed past my bottom lip . I let him work his tounge against my own . He tasted sweet , maybe he had chewing gum after the meal ? I hadn't noticed .

I broke away for breathe after around two minutes of total bliss .

I held onto his shoulders with both hands and looked up at his blushed face and messed hair .

Wyatt was giving me a love filled smile as his eyes shimered in the evening sun that was pouring over the room from my window . The curtains were open but i didnt suspect anybody would've been outside to see .

" you are incredible , Y/N...." Wyatt whispered as he pressed his forhead against my own .
" no you are incredible." I corrected and smirked still feeling slightly high .

I was falling in love with Wyatt Oleff .
His parents liked me , my parents liked him . He clearly liked me back , me and Millie made a deal .

Just one thought kept creeping back .

Finn .

Although we knew that the kiss we shared didnt mean anything he could still use it against me in the future .

I'm not good enough for Wyatt anyway .... he deserves someone like .... like Millie.

" Wyatt! We are going home now sweetheart!" Jennifer shouted up the stairs , we both shot up from the bed and wyatt ran his hands through his hair frantically trying to make it look as if i hadnt just ran my own hands through it .

We both walked downstairs still with crimson faces .

" thank you so much for having us!" Jennifer hugged my mom and shook hands with my dad , Doug doing the same .

Wyatt patted my head and shook hands with my parents " see ya later skater." He grinned to me as he left the house with my parents and my dad who was driving them back home .

" soo.... what did you two get up to?" Harvey grinned after my mom went into the kitchen to get another cup of coffe .

" just ....talking...." i grinned back and crossed my arms .

" is that what kids call it these days?" He answered walking up the stairs.
" YOUR YOUNGER THAN ME !" I yelled back .

How are you so cute ? (Wyatt Oleff x reader)Where stories live. Discover now