Chapter ten

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It was now 12 and we were still sat on the couch . I was messaging Millie on instagram , she was exited about me sleeping at Wyatts' . Wyatt was playing mario kart on his nintendo switch .

Milly ❣️ : So have you two ... kissed? ;)
Y/N : omg no Millie! We are just friends 👀
Milly❣️: hmm sureee , Wyatt likes you . Its obvious !
Y/N : no he doesn't jeeeez , and I don't like him like that .
Milly ❣️ : my heart = broken .
Y/N : dont be stupid Mills
Milly ❣️ : so exited to see you tuesday....
y/N : SAME !! 💕
Milly❣️: tottally gonna get you and Wyatt together ;)
Milly❣️: sure , sure . im gonna sleep now
See ya tuesday babe 💕
Y/N : -.-, see you tuesday Mills ☺️💕💕

I put down my phone and placed my hand on Wyatts' wrist . " should we practice script for tuesday?" I asked nervously . " sure !"
Wyatts room :

He took me upstairs to his room

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He took me upstairs to his room . I sat nervously on the edge of his bed , him rustling through his bedside table to find his script . ( i had mine in my hand) as he shuffled through papers , i noticed a metal pair of handcuffs .

Oh .



He has handcuffs? Wow. Kinky much?
At this point my face was practically a tomato . My heart was beating at a spead that was comperable to a humming bird ; extremely fast .

He lifted a leaflet of paper " ah found it!" He sung , turning to me . He was my vermillion face , and looked to where my eyes were stuck in place .

" OH MY GOD THEY ARENT FOR WHAT YOU THINK IT WAS FROM A POLICE COSTUME I WAS A POLICEMAN FOR HALLOWEEN LAST YEAR !!" His face was somehow redder than mine now , his eyes glinting with embarrassment .

" ohhh okay hahha !" I muttered in response .

He sat back besides me and grabbed his script . " just start now i guess , scene one."

" what is it?" I started off the scene where 007 and 006 are in the white room ; 006 making 007 hallucinate a galaxy and stars.
"" Wyatt whispered - he was brilliant with using his voice to portray emotion .

My character now kissed Wyatts' on the cheek , i blushed reading the line realising i would have to do it for real on tuesday .
" what was that?" He whispered.
" a kiss."

We read all of our lines for the scenes we would be shooting on Tuesday, the time now  being 2 in the morning . " im tiredd!" I whined as i threw myself back onto his bed . " me too , we can sleep now then." He giggled and made himself a diy bed on the floor , made of blankets and pillows . I asumed he was making it for me ; but he sat ontop of the sheets and took of his shirt .

" oh , oh nonono , i will sleep on the floor ! It's your room! Your bed!" I pestered as i stood up from his bed . He stood up , and walked over to me . " don't be stupid." Wyatt muttered as he patted my head - the next moment i was being lifted into his bed . He put the covers over the top of me and kissed my forhead , " goodnight , sweetie." He whistled , laying back into the diy bed on the floor .

I couldnt sleep . His room was too , well , it was his room . How had i went from being a fangirl scrolling through Wyatt Oleffs' instagram to sleeping in his bed in the span of a few days? Guess thats show buisness for you ....

His sheets smelt like him ; lavender , peppermint . I liked the smell . It was calming . Nice . Sweet . Wyatt .

His room wasn't too cold , or too warm. His bed was comfortable . He didn't snore ; in fact there wasnt any noise . There was a dull light in the room from the dark sky coming through the cracks of the blinds onto the cream walls. His room was perfect , tidy aswell .

So why couldn't i sleep ?
It couldn't possibly be the fact i was sleeping in the bed of my five year running celebrity crush whilst he slept approximately two metres apart from me . Could i even call him a celebrity crush now? I mean , i was his personal friend now . And acting in the same tv show as him . So is he even my celebrity crush? Or just a crush? Do i even still have a crush on him?

" you can't sleep?" A raspy but comforting voice came from the ground  in more of a statement than a questioning tone . " no ... not really ..." i replied rubbing my sore eyes.

" could you ... you come up here? I feel lonely , your bed is so big!" I tried to say in a lighthearted tone . I could sort of feel Wyatt smile ( although i couldnt see him through the darkness.)

I heard him walk over to the over side of the bed , and looked to see his tall lanky sillhuette . I remembered he was shirtless. He lahed besides me under the covers facing away from me . We were both awake layed there for the next five minutes, the scent of lavander and peppermint now much stronger than before ( though the scent was not headache inducing.)

" Wyatt?"
" could you .... um...h-hug me?"

I fell asleep snuggled into Wyatts' chest , his strong arms wrapped around me and his chin resting on the top of my head . Our legs intertwined - both of us fallung asleep with blushing faces and small smiles .

It was the best sleep i had since the womb.

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