Chapter three

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I layed in bed playing on animal crossing , it was a saturday morning ; no school , when i got a notification from Wyatt. My heart did that flippy over thing and i had to remind myself that i was simply a fan that got lucky .

Ramen💞: sorry for not responding yesterday , i was at the cinema with my friends Sophia and Jack.
Ramen💞: Yeah ! 😂 i showed them your instagram . Speaking of which you should probably check your follow requests .

I quickly pressed onto instagram with numb thumbs and went to follow requests .
[ @sophialillis has requested to follow you ]
[ @jackdgrazer has requested to follow you ]
I pressed accept on both and turned into my pillow squeeling . I had a message from Sophia ;

Sophialillis : Hey Y/N ! I know your going to be 007 in stranger things season three - guess what , im 002 !!!!
Y/N : Oml hey Sophia ! I am so thrilled for you to be messaging me 💞 i cant believe it ! We will see eachover on tuesday then !
Sophialillis : ikr !! Im so exited to meet you !
Y/N : Same here !!! ❣
Sophialillis : Talk later sweetie ! Luv u already , bye !
Y/N : Same here ! Ttyl 💕

Y/N : Wyatt Oleff , Sophia Lillis and Jack Grazer follow me . Im going to die .
Ramen💞: I mean your a brilliant actor yourself , i know you may not be that famous , but for what you are in its amazing . We are all fans of you ourselfs !
Y/N : Just the idea of that makes me queasy ! Im so happy my gosh .
Ramen💞: Oh Finn just told me he messaged ur instagram .
Y/N : Finn... Wolfhard?
Ramen💞: thats him .

I once again clicked back onto instagram - my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest . Finn Wolfhard had been my childhood crush since we were both in a supernatural episode together at the age of 10 - his career skyrocketed wheras mine degraded. Finn was in stranger things as a character called Mike , so i knew i would have to see him again .

I clicked onto Finns profile . The words " follows you" hit me like a dagger after i had accepted his request . I clenched my teeth and clicked onto our DM's .

Finnwolfhardofficial: Hey Y/N - remember me ? ;)
Y/N : Oh my actual gosh! How could i ever forget ?
Finnwolfhardofficial: I didnt know what your instagram name was , but i was messaging Wyatt and he mentioned your name and i had a moment of major nostalgia 😂
Y/N : i/have/missed/you/so/much !
Finnwolfhardofficial: same here !! Im going to see you tuesday ! Gonna have to give you the biggest hug everrrr !
Y/N : i would very much like that!
Finnwolfhardofficial: so , whats been going on with you ? Got a boyfriend ?
Y/N : jeez no... everybody at my school hates me generally.
Finnwolfhardofficial: How could anyone ever hate you? Your practically an angel!
Y/N : Awh thanks Finn ... hbu ? Millie and you make a good pair ;)
Finnwolfhardofficial: miss Millie and mr Noah are kind of a thing .... Millie is like a sister to me . Theres no girls in my life 😂
Y/N : Same here Finn 😂
Finnwolfhardofficial: so , arent you and Wyatt like ... a thing ?
Y/N : oh nonono were just friends .. well im his fan and he acknowledged me...
Finnwolfhardofficial: he doesnt see you as a fan , Y/N , you wouldnt just give your phone number to someone you think of as a ' fan' .
Y/N : i guess :)
Finnwolfhardofficial: 01738 6377 is my number btw .
Y/N : 01783 2573 is mine :D

I pressed back onto my messages with Wyatt . Throughout my conversation with Finn i was rolling around on my bed , squeeling . Meanwhile acting completely normal over text with him .

Ramen💞: Soo.... you and Finn go back ?
Y/N : we were both on an episode of supernatural together seven years ago 😂😂
Ramen💞: oh , i see 😂
Y/N : i have to go now .... crumpets in the toaster .
Ramen💞: oky , bye bye 💕
Y/N: 💝

I ran downstairs and put a pair of crumpets into our cream toaster . Mom and Dad were at work and Harvey had slept at his friends for the night . I was home alone asides from Sebby . I decided to upload a selfie onto instagram whilst i waited .

Caption : TBT aunts wedding last month 💞

@libby_loves_kittys : MY BFF IS PURTY AS HECK 💝💝💝
@katyln158 : Honey stop tryna be cute ?

Katyln was one of the so called popular girls from my school - a notorious bitch and her eyebrows were as extra as her personality.

@wyattoleff : @katyln158 trying? Are you blind as well as stupid ? Seriously if you look at this photo and think something other than " this is the most beautiful girl ive ever seen" you need medical attention asap .
@finnwolfhardofficial : Gorgeous ❤ dont listen to people that thrive from negativity 💗

I squeled to myself as i grabbed a waffle from the toaster, laying ontop of a plate . Maybe this would be my big shot ? Maybe i would be a success after my apperance in stranger things ? Gosh , not only will i be reuniting with Finn, meeting Wyatt , Sophia , Caleb , Gaten , Sadie and Noah , i will also be meeting the one and only Millie Bobby Brown ! I was in an episode of " NCIS"before with her, but we didn't officialy meet eachother .

The door bell rang and i ran , opening the door with a grin . Libby ( my best friend since diapers ) wrapped her arms around me squeeling ," YOUR GONNA MEET THE CAST OF STRANGER THINGS , INCLUDING WYATT OLEFF AND SOPHIA LILLIS ! AND YOU ARE GONNA BE IN THE SAME TV SHOW AS THEM ! AND YOU HAVE MOST OF THEIR NUMBERS ! AND FINN AND WYATT ARE TOTTALLY HITTING ON YOU ON YOUR INSTAGRAM !"

I giggled and gave her a questioning look . " umm ... yeah ? Cool - right ?" She paused for a second with a stunned look on her face . " c-cool....?cool?? DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THIS SITUATION ?!!!" We both laughed hysterically as i pulled her into the kitchen , handing her a waffle from the toaster . " its like ten in the morning why are you here so early ?"

Libby put her plate in the sink and spun around " i was boreeeeed . There is nothing fun to do in LA ...." I hit her head lightly and put my own sink in the plate .

" oh .... i have an idea ."

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