Chapter twenty - four

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I went back upstairs to my room locking the door behind myself . My mother would probably come ask questions so as long as I pretend not to hear her shout I should be fine .

My phone on the bed began to rang , and I pressed accept before reading Who it was .

" hey...." I heard Libby's' small voice down the phone . She sounded like she had been crying .
" wazzup Lib?" I said empathetically as I sat at my bed .
" it's Jack...I'm coming to pick you up ." She snapped and ended the call .

Oh shit . What had jack done? If he had cheated or hurt her I knew that Libby would Get her own back . She always had a way to conquer every confrontation she ever got involved in .

I sat contemplating what he could've done . It was now 6 pm and I had filming tomorrow .

Libby rang the doorbell and I ran downstairs, dodging my mother .

" where do you think your going?" She coughed . She had curled hair and still had on her purple dress from  dinner .

" Libby is picking me up." I muttered as I put on my converse .

She walked over to the door and locked it , putting the key in her black jackets' picked .

" mom! Libby is literally there!" I snapped and stood up straight . " well tell her you can see her tomorrow after filming."

I huffed and ran upstairs . I messaged Libby.

Y/N : Mom wont let me come.
Libby: it's an emergency
Y/N : I know . She said I can see you after filming tomorrow.
Libby: just come out your window
Y/N : mom said I need to sleep for filming .
Libby : you are a bigger pussy than I ever thought.
// Libby is offline //

I threw my phone onto my couch sighing . Why must she be so difficult?

I got changed into pjs' and got my phone , clicking onto Instagram and laying on my bed .

I checked my tagged photos , and around fifteen of the same photo sat in front of me . It was me and Wyatt kissing .

It had been took from outside of the house , my curtains were open and you could see perfectly inside the window due to the evening sun .

I swallowed and felt my eyes swell with tears . Wyatt would probably want to keep his distance from me if he saw this . He wouldn't want people to think we were dating .

But I couldn't hide it from him .

I sent him the link . It took him a few minutes to reply .

Wyatt : what the fuck?
Y/N: I'm sorry
Wyatt : Dont apologise . Its not you. Its fucking creepy that someone knows where you live though , especially photographers.
Y/N : oh my god .... I'm so sorry this is all my fault I shouldn't have kissed you...
Wyatt : I said Dont apologise . Its not your fault . Anyways I kissed you .
Y/N : what are we going to do?
Wyatt : Well it's a scandal so it will only worsen if we don't say anything . People will be looking for evidence that we date so if we just say we do people won't .
Y/N : but we aren't dating...
Wyatt : yeah sure I know . But there's this thing called lying .
Y/N : sorry
Wyatt : baby stop saying sorry your making me feel bad .
Y/N : I'm going to sleep . We can do it tomorrow Wywy .
Wyatt : okay , I should to . Have a good sleep sweetheart .

I rolled over to Sebastian and fell asleep .

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