Chapter twenty - one

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Me and Millie sat playing rock paper scissors ( me winning by one match ) until Libby arrived .

" See ya later Mills !" I grinned as i walked out of her house , her waving and smiling as she watched me climb into Libbs' car .

" good time ?" Libby grinned to me as she began to drive towards her house . " fine . Fun . Okay . Good?" I said looking to the window .

" i have had litterally the most boring day in the universe! Aside from talking to Jack..." she turned the corner and we could see her house at the end of the street .

" ohh! What were you talking about ? You two are cute together after i analysed the situation ." I giggled and opened my window slightly .

" oh ya know .... stuff ..." Libby pulled up into her front drive and i jumped out following her inside her house.

Libbys' dad was just coming downstairs as we walked inside . " Why, Hello There Y/N!" He smiled widely at us and pulled up the bottom of his trousers " Look ! New Socks!" His socks were bright green with cactuses onn them .

I smiled back at him " Hey Mika ! Your socks are cool !" I giggled and watched as Libby rolled her eyes ( she did that to her parents a lot.)

He moved out the way smiling and signaled for us to go upstairs.

We both sat on her bed opposite eachother and watched riverdale ( i didnt like it that much but Libby loved it.)

Libby grabbed two tubs of ice cream and spoons from her mini fridge , passing me one of each . " so whats' filming like?" She asked as she took of the lid of her tub . I did the same and dug my spoon into the mint choc chip ice cream . " good! Its really fun . The cast is lovely ."

" what scenes have you done yet?" She moved forwards with exitement and a mouth full of chocolate ice cream .

" oh ya know just a couple . I cant really talk about it yknow!" I giggled and took a spponfull into my mouth . Libby looked back to the tv and i continued " but um i had to film one where me and Wyatt hold hands?" She smiled and took another spoonful of ice cream .

" so me and Jack ... well ya know i turned 16 a few months ago , and Jack is 17?"
" your point is?"
" i um .. welll.... i slept with Jack...." Libby stopped eating and looked up to me with a nervous smile . " jesus Libby !" I replied and jumped back slightly .

" YEAH BUT I MEAN IT WAS PROTECTED AND IT WAS GOOD IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN ...." She rushed out and leaned forwards . We both started laughing as i pushed her by her fringe . " your growing up Libby!" I smiled menacingly .

" i always thought you would do it before me!" She sighed and sat against the wall . " same to be honest ...."

I stayed a few hours and then my father picked me up , but he wasn't driving me in the direction of our home .

" where are we going?" I asked as i looked up to my father , he had shaved so his normal stubble wasn't there.

" Wyatt is coming to our house for dinner with his parents , we arranged it a while ago , i'm going to pick them up ."

" oh." Is all i could reply . But in my mind i was freaking out .

The closer we got to Wyatts' house the harder my heart pounded .

We arrived.

My dad beeped the horn and i watched as wyatts' parents walked out from the house , and towards the car . Both with trademark smiles and glistening eyes.

There most prized possession, or rather Wyatt , following behind wearing black skinny jeans and a white button up with a black blazer and red bowtie . His curls just as perfect as usual .

He was picture perfect just like his parents .

Aside from him not carrying the trademark grin .

Because Wyatt was real - he wasnt fake like his parents .

If he was sad he would cry . If he was happy he would smile . He wouldnt walk with a plastered on smirk pretending that he was perfect .

The three of the Oleffs' got into the back of the car all now greeting us with " hellos"

Wyatt and i exchanged a look ( that i didnt quite understand the meaning of but understood the importance )

The car ride was just mine and Wyatts' dad talking about fishing wnd such . Wyatts' mom and i had a small conversation as she complimented my jeans and hair , i complimented her blue shirt in return .

We pulled up to the house and all came out from the car , walking up to the front door . I was still on edge from the abruptness and tired from the night before so i forced a smile as we walked inside .

Wyatt brushed my fingertips with his own and looked down to me with pink tinted cheeks .

Maybe the evening wouldnt be so bad .


Thanks for 1K reads !  Never thought i would get that many! Im completely grateful !
The next few chapters might be a bit triggering so if your sensitive to themes such as depression or self harm you might wanna give them a miss :/ sorry for not uploading last night i was super busy !! Love , Camille Xx

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