Chapter twenty - eight

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I turned away from Wyatts arms to the bedside table , of which my phone was on top of .

It was ringing .

I grabbed it and pressed accept call as I walked into Wyatts bathroom ( closing the door behind me.)
" Where are you?!" My mother croaked Into the phone sounding mildly concerned .
" I'm sorry mom ... I slept at Wyatts house . He needed me . I needed him . Just meet me on set ." I ended the call and noticed a message from Milly.

Milly : You won I guess 😂😫
Y/N : im sorry Mills
Milly : DONT BE SORRY! It was a competition ! We both agreed to it 💓
Y/N : do you think you will get over him?
Milly : probably :)
- Milly has went offline -

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and rolled my eyes , walking back into Wyatts bedroom .

" wakeeeee upppp~" i lulled into his ear as I drew a finger through Wyatts curls . He didn't budge . I whispered a few more times and eventually jumped on top of him .

" wake up!!!" I giggled and squeezed his shoulders .
He began to laugh and tossed me back besides him .
" shhhhhhh I was asleeeeep!" He mumbled into my chest .
" we gotta go to set!!!" I chuckled and pulled him up , and out of the bed .

We got dressed and Wyatt drove us to set . We were filming at the lab again .

My mother and father ran towards me from the car , both with frantic expressions . I set down my iced tea on the side as I knew what conversation was about to happen.

" why didn't you call last night? You ended the call on me! We're you okay? What were you doing? Do you know how much I was panicking! You have no idea how worried I was! There will be serious consequences for this young lady!" She gushed into my face as she gripped my shoulders .

Wyatt walked over to us and gave me a sympathetic smile as he turned to my mother .
" mrs.L/N , it was my fault Y/N didn't come home . I was in a bad place and convinced her to stay with me ... it's my fault really not your daughters."
My mom knew I was dating Wyatt ; and she knew how much media exposure I would get from that .
" oh Wyatt darling ! Im so sorry for the misunderstanding." She weakly smiler back at him and released her hands from me . I jolted back and rolled my eyes .

Wyatt proceeded to shake her hand .
" I am so happy to be dating Y/N and I promise you that I will look after her in every way I can ." He sincerely grimaced .
" thank you so much Wyatt! I thought for sure she would never date anybody ..." my mother replied , but my father butted in .

" she is not a maiden in need of defending . Y/N is capable of looking after herself , wyatt."
I laughed and rested my head on Wyatts shoulder .
" we will be sure to look after eachother."

Millie came over from the drink stand and grabbed my hand . " me , you , behind the lab , now!" She pulled me away with her to behind the set .

" how did you know about Libby and Jack?!"
" Oh well I saw on your story when you , Libby , Jack and Finn were at the cinema . And I saw the leaked messages of Jack and you talking and he was talking about someone called Libby so I connected the dots ."
" wow James Bond much! Wait , leaked messages?"
" it happens all the time when your in the media don't worry about it."

I turned away from Libby and walked into the woods as I called Libby .
" hi?"
" Libby It's all over social media !"
" I know , I know. I don't care . Well I do care . But I'm trying to get over him ."
" If you dont want to think about him I recommend staying off of social media for approximately the next month ."
She snickered " I have to go . Do you want to come round mine tonight? Im inviting Wyatt and Noah ."
" Lib-
" I'm not using Noah before you say anything."
" see you at nine ."

I ended the call and went back to set . Sophia and Caleb ran over , Sadie lingering behind .
" Where where you?!" Sophia giggled and Caleb moped out " we were supposed to start filming ten minutes ago!!"

// filming //

Wyatt ( 009 ) held my wrists gently . " because we couldn't go to the dance .... we could dance here ...." He let out a small smile . " of course." I smiled back and pressed the play button on a boom box . " laughing on the outside." Began to play as we slow danced . I looked up at him with anticipating eyes as I knew what came next in the script .

Wyatt leaned in and kissed me and I melted into the kiss , our lips discovering each others .

Millie was behind the camera with the smallest of smiles . Jealousy was written all over her face .

// End Of filming //

We filmed a few more scenes and finished at 7 - that was the last day of filming . It was a Friday and the premier would be in two months. Only celebrities would be able to attend and we had to walk down a red carpet for paparazzi and such . I was utterly nervous .

Wyatt walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me mumbling " see you at Libbys house at nine?"
" course, noodle scalp."
" see you there , squirtle ."

After I said goodbye to everyone I got inside the car with my parents as they drove us home ; I had yet to inform them I was sleeping out again .

" mom I'm sleeping at Libbys house ."
" no your not! Not after last night . No going out for a week!"
" mom I'm nearly 16! You cant keep controlling me like this!"
" shush!"
" Noah Schnapp and Wyatt Oleff are going . I'll take pictures and put them online . We will do a live stream . I'll bloody kiss Wyatt and publish it online !! Think of all the media coverage!!" I knew how to manipulate my mother ; just as she knew how to manipulate me .
" when are you going ?"

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