Chapter twenty - two

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Jennifer and Doug followed my father who led them to the dining table , and we all took our seats .

At each end was mine and Wyatts' fathers , our mothers opposite eachother , Wyatt and Harvey opposite eachother and me at the end .

" Hope you enjoy." My mother smiled as she took a sip of her red wine . She had made fish with orange beauure blanc sauce ( clearly trying to impress Jennifer as they were both competative chefs apparently)

After the meal my mother knocked my ankle with her foot ordering " dont be rude , take Wyatt upstairs and show him your room ! Be a good friend now Y/N."

I sighed sarcastically as Wyatt and i smiled looking down , taking our plates to besides the sink . " it's fine really..." he gave me a good - natured smile and i blushed in response .

" oh-oh nooo , its cool! C'mon i'll show you the way!" I giggled and walked from
The kitchen hurridly to avoid our parents gaze .

Wyatt followed behind quietly chuckling to himself , as we were walking upstairs i felt the tendancy to exhagerate the way i walked to make my butt stand out and i gave in to the urge .

How are you so cute ? (Wyatt Oleff x reader)Where stories live. Discover now