Chapter twenty - five

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After filming Wyatt ran up to me ( his mom hadn't came to filming with him today so he drove himself there) .

" mom I'm just gonna talk to Wyatt a second." I mumbled and took his hand pulling him over to the back of the cabin where we had been filming .

Wyatt grabbed my chin " listen this is your decision . We either say we are dating or avoid eachother as much as possible."

I tried to back away and he grabbed me by the shoulders , pushing me against the wall of the cabin . It hurt a little but I wasn't about to show that .

"'s not my decision it's our decision." I whispered looking up at his lips which he was pressing together so hard they were practically white .

His eyes darted down to meet my own .

" I can't loose you Y/N ... I-i can't...." Wyatt started to cry and he lowered his head to lean it against my chest . His hands fell from my shoulders and found there way twisting around my torso . I put one of my own hands on-top of his curls and brushed my fingers through .

" WyWy I'm not leaving you , you are too precious to ever leave ." I whispered into his ear and lifted his head from my chest , kissing his forhead as i cupped his cheeks in my hands . It was usually him that would do this too me but even Wyatt Oleff needed reassuring sometimes .

He nodded and began to smile .
" Y/N ... will you .... will you be my girlfriend?"
He lowered my hands back to my sides and stood tall in front of me his eyes still on mine .

" if you will let me..." I smiled back .

He pressed his lips into mine and I grinned into the kiss .

The more I was with Wyatt the more I fell completely in love with him .

He invited me to go back to his . But then I remembered I was supposed to be going to Libby's house .

I really wanted to go with Wyatt ... like really wanted to go with Wyatt . But Libby needed me .

" I'm sorry Wyatt I promised my friend I would go to her house after filming .... she needs to tell me something important is all . But I will call you when I get home?"

Wyatt nodded his head in agreement.
" be careful princess." Wyatt sung as he climbed into his own car and i into the back of my parents .

Mom drove me to Libby's house . The ride was in silence except from " smiling on the outside" playing through my earphones . It was my favrioute song .

" Libby it's me!" I yelled up her stairs . I had my own key to their house as she did to mine and I knew that her family wasn't home .
Libby suddenly appeared from the kitchen holding a glass of orange juice . She chugged it and grabbed my hand , pulling me to her bedroom and slamming the door .

" Jack - he - he...." Libby began to bawl her eyes out . I hugged her and brought her to sit besides me on her bed .

" how do you know ? And with who?" I asked as I pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear . Her fringe looked a little longer than usual . She usually cut it once a week .
" because we were playing this game where you swap phones and stuff and I went onto his messages with this girl called Ellie and ... he was sending her like ... pictures if you get me..."

I gave her a sympathetic smile and whispered " we will get our own back on him don't worry yourself none ."

After I consoled her crying I nervously announced " im dating Wyatt Oleff." Libby squeezed and grabbed my hand .
I laughed and nodded my head as I pressed onto Instagram on my phone . Noah had messaged me .

Noah: Hey Y/N ! Sorry if I seem a bit distant at filming it's just after Millie I'm kind of ... ya know upset I guess .
Y/N : it's cool , Noah don't worry !
Noah : Thanks Y/N :)

I looked back onto my profile . I had been verified . Oh wowie I had been verified . Does that mean I'm officially, like , famous? Cool.

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