Chapter twenty

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I woke up to rustling as Wyatt kissed my forhead and stood , walking back into his futon . The clock that was above the tv said 9:30 . Although everyone was still asleep and i was imensley bored .

I sat up and looked behind me to see everyone asleep on the couch aside from Millie who was sat against the wall scrolling through her phone .

" have a good sleep?" She asked - almost sarcastically . " u-um .... yeah ...." i muttered back and looked at wyatt who was facing the wall still laying down .

Caleb yawned and stretched his arms towards the ceiling , a wide smile appearing on his face as he sung out an abrupt
" moooorning!"

Gaten jumped up and grinned back at Millie , who was now shaking Sophia and Sadie awake .

" unless your waking me up to say we were going to watch spongebob the musical , piss off." Sophia grunted and burried her face in the pillow . Sadie snickered and leaped into Calebs arms , grinning into his chest at us " hey~" she sung sweetly .

Wyatt stood and grabbed his phone from the coffe table . He smiled at me and turned it on as he sat back against the wall .

Finn now being the last asleep , Sadie and Gaten began to attack him with pillows .

" okayyy okayyy" he groaned sitting up , the smallest of smiles on his face as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes .

Millie stood and walked towards the door calling back for Sadie to help her carry the breakfast back into the room . " oh , i'll help aswell!" I said standing up , but Millie waved me away and smiled " no dont bother its fine !"

I sat onto the couch as Wyatt did and smiled to Sophia . My phone from inside my jumper pocket vibrated and i took it out , reading the message on my screen from Libby .

Libby : how was the sleepover? :D
Y/N : hey ! Pretty good , im still at her house . Its only 9!
Libby : iM iMpATiAnT
Y/N : i gathered that already Elizabeth
Libby : much flirting with Wyatt?
Y/N : i mean , i had a nightmare and he hugged me ?
Libby : oh wow i bet Millie wasnt happy
Y/N : she was asleep
Libby : oh wow , YOU ARE ONE SLY LADY

I giggled as i felt a hands run through my hair , i looked up to Wyatt who was beaming down at me sweetly .

" jesus get a room you two !" Sophia whined as she threw her pillow at us , everyone erupting into laughter .

A few minutes later Millie and Sadie came back holding two trays each , both holding four bowls of cereal .

We all got our cereal ( of which was lucky charms ) and all sat on the couch to eat them . There was a silence due to us watching a shark documentary as we ate .

After we ate Millie explained her family were going to be busy after eleven so we needed to go before then , so we got changed into our clothes . My outift was mom jeans and a white shirt with an aloe vera plant on the front .

I walked out of the bathroom too see Sophia and Finn playing mario kart once again , and i called Libby to pick me up in an hour .

First to leave was Gaten , then Sadie and Caleb , then Finn , then Sophia .

It was just me , Millie and Wyatt left . We were sat on the couch eating m&ms' . Millie whispered " i know what happened last night."

Wyatts' breath hitched and i muttered back " what do you mean?"

She grinned and shoved a couple more m&ms into her mouth . " hugging and whatever ." She spat with her mouth full .

Millie was being spiteful . Although , i had lied to her .... maybe i deserved it .

Wyatts' mom had arrived and he stood almost immediately. He side hugged Millie as we followed him out to the front door and kissed my cheek . " see you both later." He fluffed his hair back and put on his converse , walking out the door and towards his mothers car .

Millie closed the door and turned to me .

" spill." She glared into my eyes.
" i dont know what yo"
" don't bullshit me Y/N . You like him . Dont lie about it!" Her eyes widened with emphasis and she crossed her arms leaning her back against the front door .
" im sorry millie...." i whispered looking down at my feet . " dont apolagise ! You cant help liking someone! But ... but i like him too . Hey can we make a deal?" She asked sweetly .

I looked back up at her curiously " what deal?"
She smiled . " whoever gets Wyatt to fall in love with them first gets to keep him . No grudges allowed . And no vandalism of the others relationship with him."

My original thought was that it sounded pathetic , that Wyatt wasnt a prize to be won . But i knew it was my only way to ever be able to get him without losing a best friend .

" deal ."

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