Chapter ninteen

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The film was suprisingly terror installing , and i winced every few minutes at the very grousome imagery . I wanted so desperately to leap into Wyatts' lap and cry telling him all my life problems but that wouldnt be very subtle and im certain Millie would notice ( no shit sherlock )

At jump scares i would jump back a bit and let out a small squeal , Gaten and Caleb would scream , Sophia and Finn would laugh , Millie would cover her face with the blanket and Sadie had already fell asleep within the first ten minutes of the film .

We had all already ate before coming to Millies' so we just watched as Millie brought snacks from her kitchen .

" OH I LOVEEE SOUR PATCH KIDS!" Gaten grinned as he snatched the packet from the coffe table . " ME TOOOOO!" I giggled as i took a sip from my cup of Dr.Pepper . Me and Gaten sat laughing sharing the packet of sour patch kids .

We all ate until 1:00 am. ( the whole time Wyatt would look at me , smile , and look away with flushed cheeks)

Millie sighed back and smiled at Wyatt . " Wyatt you look really cute today." Wyatt rolled his eyes sarcastically with a small grin " thanks Millie , you look pretty too i guess." I looked away and rested my head on Sophias' shoulder .

" could i plat your hair Y/N?" Sophia asked as she ran her fingers through it . " sure ..." i half smiled at her sitting up .

Whilst Sophia platted and brushed my hair i watched as Sophia , Finn , Caleb and Wyatt played mario kart , Millie , sadie and gaten playing ' the game of life'

We just talked and played random games on Millies' ps4 until three in the morning .

Everyone decided it was time to sleep so Millie set up the room for everyone .

On the bed/couch it went Millie , Sadie , Sophia at the top and at the bottom Finn , Caleb , Gaten . On the floor there was two futons at each end of the room for me and Wyatt .

We all got settled into our beds ( for the next seven hours ) in silence .

I managed to fall asleep but had a nightmare about a hurricaine destroying my home and killing my family , i woke up sweating and crying . My head in somebodies chest . It smelt of lavender .

I tilted my head up and felt my lip quiver as i looked into Wyatts' amber eyes . " you had a nightmare ... sorry ... i just didnt know what to do..." he whispered into my ear - his hot breath sending tingles down my neck .

" o-oh its fine ... thank you Wyatt...." i whispered back as i pulled myself out of his arms . " no problem i guess." He pressed his lips together as he turned standing up and walking back to his bed .

" ... Wyatt , could you sleep with me ? Y'know its just last time i slept with you i didnt have any nightmares... it was nice..." i sat up and whispered over to him with a reddening face .

He walked back over to me with a grin as he laid besides me and wrapped his arms around my chest , resting his chin on the top of my head .

We managed to have our interactions without anybody else waking up ( as far as i was aware )

I would have to wake up early so i could move into the other futon so Millie wouldnt see we were hugging . She is still under the impression that i just cared for Wyatt as a friend....

That was a lie .

Y/N , a liar .

If lying would allow me to have such experiences as being snuggled up to Wyatt Oleff in Millie Bobby Browns' house then i must do it more often .

I listened to the humming of wyatts chest , his small but deep  breaths and hammering heart before i could finally fall back asleep ( this time in the arms of Wyatt Oleff . I would never be able to say that statement enought .)

Hey! Thanks for all the reads ! Its truly incredible 💗 im eternally grateful . I have high hopes for this story . Things you guys need to remember for the future :
• school bullies
• Libby and Jack
• Finns' kiss
Love ya'll ( sorry for short chapter 🤧 )

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