Chapter fourteen

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Cold hands shook me , and i struggled to keep my eyes closed as i moaned tiredly . My cover got pulled off me as i heard my mothers croaky voice " wake up! First day of filming in three hours!!"

I shot up and leaped from my bed ( my eyes still getting ajusted to the morning sun ) i squeeled as i ran into my walk in wardrobe , pulling out my phone to message Millie , Sadie and Sophia on our groupchat .

Y/N : Morning girls <3 are you all wearing formal or just jumper and jeans ? 😂
Sophia : oml shirt and jeans for me
Sadie : Jeans and shirt 💕
Millie : Leggings and crop top 😍Xx
Y/N : K gurls see yall later 💗

I chose a skin tight black shirt and black skinny jeans with white converse . " basic white bitch..." i muttered with a giggle as i looked into the mirror . I got told to not do my hair or makeup due to the beauticians being on set .

" You ready?!" Mom yelled as she pounded onto the doors of my wardrobe . " yessss!" I shouted back as i ran from out of the wardrobe with a wide grin . I would get to see everybody today . I would get to see Wyatt .

Me , my mother and father piled into my fathers prized possession - his jeep . Harvey was going to school as it was a Tuesday so that was no bother .

Finn messaged me and i felt a buzz in my stomach as i realised i was really going to be with them all in a minimum of thirty minutes.

Finn : Hey gorgeous! Exited to see you 😉
Y/N : Hey Finny , you too ! It's gonna be fun :)
Finn : gtg see you soon 💕
Y/N : see you sooooon 🙋🏻‍♀️

I listened to a few ' Be More Chill' songs on our way to the set ( which was an abandoned lab - hawkins lab on the show.)

I checked my instagram ; i had gained half a million followers since yesterday ( yesterday they announced who the new cast was going to be for season three of stranger things.) My phone had been bombarded with messages , likes and comments on all my social medias so i had to turn off notifications  on all of the apps which was in itself an annoyance although i was slightly happy from the attention .

The car stopped and my father turned to me smiling wildly " lets go get em' tiger!" He grimaced getting out of the car . My mother was wearing a suit and father jeans and a checkered shirt . They looked precentable .

There were few cars just besides the lab and i saw the duffer brothers chatting to eachother , Gaten Mottarazzo and Finn Wolfhard besides them who were exchanging what looked like pokemon cards .

I looked up at my father nervously and he smiled back , pushing me forwards slightly to give me confidence to walk over to the two boys . I didn't want to embarrass my self further as my parents walked towards the Duffer brothers so i walked up to Finn fidling with my hands behind my back .

" Y/N!" Finn chuckled as he pulled me into a hug . " hey!" I giggled back my stomach now turning like crazy . " Hiya Y/N! It's good to meet you finally!" Gaten hugged me abruptly ( but it was a good hug.) he smelt faintly like caffine so i asumed he had drank it - probably hadn't slept much last night .

At this point i was on the edge of being overwhelmed " i have been looking forward to meet you too Gaten!! Im in love with your character Dustin!" I laughed as he blushed slightly with a goofy grin .

The Duffers' walked towards me both holding a cup of what i assumed was coffe . " Hey Y/N, we haven't seen you in months!" Matt smiled as Ross ruffled his hand through my hair . " pleasure to see you again!" I smiled up at the brothers .

I got introduced to the makeup artist on set , Amy , who was a really kind blonde woman who managed to maintain a sense of humour whilst still being professional.

She styled my hair behind me , making it appear slightly tatted but still clean .
My makeup was very natural , but it took Amy a while to do bruises on my arms and legs .

I thanked Amy and walked out of her Caravan, and towards the front enterance of the Lab where the duffer brothers , Finn, Gaten and now Sadie , Millie , Caleb and Sophia were stood . Millie , Sadie , Sophia and i hugged and squeeled upon finally meeting eachother and Caleb shook my hands and complemented my ' bone structure'

" So we cannot actually start filming until Wyatt arived and he is unfortunately running late due to traffic so do you guys wanna practice your lines or get a drink from over there ?" Matt spoke with a tinge of annoyance as he pointed to a van that had coffe , tea and practically every type of food / sweet available.

Everyone was in their outfits so we were cautious whilst eating ice pops . You could practically see the beads of sweat forming on our costume designers' forhead as she watched us eat our coloufull ice pops a mater of centermetres away from our mainly white clothes .

" So i was wondering if you would all want to sleep around mine tommorow after filming?" Millie slurred through her ice pop . We all agreed ( exept from Wyatt who was not yet here still.)

A sleepover with the whole gang! Wow ! Thats nervous and exiting .... I silently hoped Wyatt would be able to come .

Another car pulled up - a teal ford thunderbird to be exact - and a familiar blue haired woman in the passenger seat .

And a grinning , curly haired boy behind the steering wheel .

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