Chapter twenty - six

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Libby looked over to the messages between Noah and I .
" I always thought he was kind of cute." She grinned more to herself than to me .
" you aren't over Jack , Libby, you can't hurt Noah more than Millie already has!" I snapped back at her and shoved my phone into my jean pocket .

" I'm not gonna hurt him Y/N ! Jesus , why do you always have to look at the dark side of everything?" She patronised as she stood from the bed above me . I did the same and grabbed her left shoulder gently .
" Libby . I love you - I really do . But you can't do this to Noah . Im just looking out for you ! And him."

She smiled and pushed off my hand .
" just cos I said he was cute doesn't mean I'm gonna go after him."
I smiled back .  " sure Lizbeth."

Her bedroom swung open and Tom ( her older brother ) walked into the room . His black hair was shagged and his eyes looked less blue than usual . He was wearing sweatpants and a white shirt which clung to his chest .

" wazzup caramel." He sighed out as he grabbed the laptop the two shared from the top of Libbys' dresser . Caramel was an old nickname from when we were little and for everyone else it had passed but Tom still stook to it .

He walked back out the room and slammed the door . He was always so loud .

Wyatt rung my phone so I excused myself and walked onto the landing .
" Wyatt I told you I'm with my friend!" I hissed into the phone.
" I need you Y/N , more than your friend!" He snapped back . His voice sounded croaky .
" where are you?" Wyatt asked in a tone that was more demanding than questioning .

I shoved my shoes onto my feet and turned to Libby as I walked towards Wyatts' car .
" I'm sorry Libby! Call you later!" I shouted and waved as I climbed into his car .

" what the fuck Wyatt? What's wrong?" I frowned looking up at him . His eyes were red from crying .
" can you... can you sleep at mine tonight?" He rubbed his eyes and lowered his head .

I put my hand ontop of his which was on the steering wheel and smiled looking into his eyes . " okay . Its fine . Im here WyWy."

I walked behind Wyatt following him inside of his house . It was starting to get dark outside.

I walked over to his sink and grabbed a glass from the cupboard , pouring myself a glass of water .

" so what is wro-"
Wyatt put his hands ontop of my hips and buried his head in between my shoulder and jaw . I felt as one of his tears fell down my back and how He quivered onto my skin .

I put my hands ontop of his own.
" Wyatt .... what's wrong lovely?" I whispered as my own eyes began to swell with tears from seeing Wyatt breaking down .
" my parents were shouting at me and ... and my dad ... he hit me Y/N." He hissed and raised his head .
I didn't know how to respond and let his sentence linger in the air for a moment before he twisted me around and pushed me against the kitchen wall .

" Wyatt I'm here . Im here Now. Im not leaving you WyWy...." I whispered as I put my hands onto his chest .

He thanked me and let go , letting me pull away from the cold kitchen wall.

I held onto his hand hoping that he would turn and kiss me and just as he went to turn his head my phone rang in my pocket .

" phones seem to interrupt me a lot recently." I moaned and pressed accept onto my mother who was calling me .

" What? What do you want!"
" where are you?"
" Libbys house."
" don't you dare lie to me! Your father came to pick you up and your not there!"
" oh well too bad ."
" you tell me where you are right now!"
" how about no? Fuck off mother. Im not coming home till tommorow."

I slammed my phone down onto the kitchen counter top and pulled at my hair .

" babygirl  it's fine you don't have to stay..." Wyatt stroked a hand through my hair .
" I want to stay ." I beamed up at him .

He grinned back and cupped my cheeks as he peppered my face with kisses until his lips eventually connected to my own .

We giggled into each other as his hands stroked up and down my back . He lifted me and I wrapped my legs around his waist as his tongue found its way inside my mouth and massaged against my own .

He sat onto the couch and i was still on-top of him as our makeout session intensified.
Wyatt unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off .
I looked down. Thank god I was wearing my lacy black bra .

" WyWy ... we just started dating like today ! Let's not rush anything." I smiled sympathetically and put back on my shirt .
His face flushed and he looked down .
" I-im so sorry Y/N I dont want you to feel that I'm forcing you or rushing anything." He mumbled .

I pulled back up his head and kissed his forhead . " it's okay sweetheart dont worry about it!" I insisted as I slumped down from his lap and sat besides him .

" I think we should tell them ... the fandom I mean ...." he looked down at his hands.
" okay ! If your fine by that." I connected our fingers and pulled out my phone .

How are you so cute ? (Wyatt Oleff x reader)Where stories live. Discover now