Chapter sixteen

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I buckled my seatbelt and put in my earphones , looking down at my phone in my hands as i scrolled through instagram listening to the Heathers soundtrack .

@GatenMotarazzo :
* photo of Gaten and Caleb on set *
Caption : Had a brill first day of filming ! The cast are all lovely 🤗

I clicked on the like button and commented " Me too! You are litterally the sweetest person in the world 💕"

I looked onto my own profile - i had 42K followers. Wow . Most of them were stranger things fan accounts , or stranger things roleplay accounts , but right at the top i noticed the duffers had followed me , Natalia Dyer and Joe Keery . I squeeled and pulled out my earphones .

" Mom , Dad , Natalia and Joe followed me on Instagram!!" I beamed as i flung myself forwards in my seat ; the setbelt preventing me from falling off .

" you can't be that suprised they are your co - workers." My mother snapped as she pulled out a ten dollar note from her purse . My father giggled and whistled back " ah stop being so prude Honey , that's brilliant sweetie!"

I pursed my lips and slumped back into the seat , rolling my eyes at my parents normal attitude.

I spent the hour drive looking out the window and messaging Millie .

Millie : Can i tell you something kinda personal ?
Y/N : course , Mills :)
Millie : i broke up with Noah .
Y/N : Oh , how come ? :0 Xx
Millie : because i like someone else...
Y/N : Oh . Its fine Mills i get it . Who do you like tho ? If you dont mind me asking .
Millie : Wyatt ...
y/N : Oh .
Millie : you dont mind do you ? I thought you were just friends !
Y/N : aha no i dont like him like that . You go gurl !! Im sure you would make an awsome power couple .

I turned off my phone before Millie responded as we pulled up at home . I slammed the car door and ran up to my bedroom , ignoring my parents as they yelled after me .

I flung myself face first onto my bed as i wept into the pillow . I sat up wondering why i was even crying . I had nothing to cry over .

Sebastian puured as he clung onto my shirt with his two front paws . " im okay Bassy dont worry ..." i muttered and gently kissed between his ears .

I remembered that Wyatt was going to message me and i had turned off my phone , so i turned it back on and put it on my bedside . I tried to act as if I wasn't waiting for him to call me and it was just incase somebody needed me for an emergency, but its more difficult to lie to yourself than it is to other people .

After twenty minutes, i looked up at my clock . The time was 11:35 . I should have been asleep for filming again tommorow but i was persistant .

The phone rung and i grasped it .

Wyatt Oleff calling .

I pressed accept.

" You didn't call ..." Wyatt yawned into my ear . " i didnt want to seem annoying." I whispered back as i sat back against my wall . " i asked you too though , i wouldnt ask you to do something to annoy me deliberately would i ?" He chuckled back .

Wyatt Oleff is facetiming .

I pressed accept again and blushed slightly.

Wyatts' hair was scruffed slightly but his curls still remained , the lighting in his room was dim and made him look like a vampire in an old 60s' film ( which was attractive in itself .)

" You look adorable when your tired ." I smiled at him admiringly. " coming from you ..." he grinned and looked at me .

The facetime call lasted thirty minutes, im not going to lie and say it was perfect because it was awkward as heck . But not awkward as in ' oh my god end this conversation now' awkward more of a ' this person is too beautiful to end the conversation on so we can just sit admiring eachother.' It was a version of perfection .

We ended the call with me giggling as he whispered " night princess." Ending the call with us both smiling .

I got changed into a pikachu onesie and fell asleep hugging Sebby grinning into his black furr .

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