Chapter Seven

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I scrambled up stairs and packed a bag with jamas , toothbrush and toothpaste , hairbrush , makeup , perfume and deodorant and clothes for tommorow . I fastened my coat and wrote a note on the side for my parents : " Im at Wyatt Oleffs house practicing script for tuesday sleeping there see you tommorow"

I called a taxi and waited on the porch , calling Libby .

" Guess what?"
" whattt? Its like half a sleepy lobster ..."
" im sleeping at Wyatt Oleffs house."
There was a pause .

Suddenly , an ear piercing squel came from the other end of the line ; followed by screaming and somewhat inhumane noises . " um ... Libby? You okay?"
" you are a pervert , Elizabeth Alford ."

The taxi pulled up and the man in the front beeped his horn at me, " gotta go Libbs ."
" keep ! Me ! Updated! Hoe!" She giggled before hanging up .

When i climbed inside the taxi i realised it was the middle aged man from earlier . " ah , you again? Where to?" He chuckled and ran his fingers through his greying stuble . " 24 Maryland Park" i huffed through a small grin . This taxi man and his hatred at the world was starting to grow on me .

" where you off to then?" He muttered .
" friends house ."

I messaged Wyatt when we were just around the corner from his house and he said he would wait outside . When we pulled up my stomach began to feel light and i litterally felt as if i may pass out . " is that Wyatt Oleff? The kid that plays the jewish one in that horror film?" The man in the front amost stated rather than asked . " damn yes it is ."

I got out the cab and flung my backpack onto my back and looked up at the curly haired boy that stood on the porch in fronto of me . Thats all he was ; a boy . When you saw him in films , saw his social media platforms it felt like he was not of this planet . Like he was to brilliant . But in reality he was a real person , a real lanky 15 year old boy , who had interests and messy eyebrows , naturally curly hair and wore baggy jumpers and jeans . I suddenly felt a whole lot less nervous .

We stood and just looked at eachother for a moment , his lips were curled at the corners and his cheeks vermillion . He suddenly giggled and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand " im kind of just stunned right now ..." he mumbled whilst his face reddened . " stunned?" I asked back .

" you're..... gorgeous!" He chuckled and turned , motioning for me to follow him inside .

His house was massive and modern , he took me through the large house out into the back . It was all sandy coloured tiles with a jacuzzi and pool , a black glass table with four chairs around it at the side . " so im thinking ice cream , swimming and script practice ; in any order you would like." He said smugly and lightly held the side of my face with his hand .

" i mean ... i didnt bring a swimming costume..."
he giggled and walk backwards " i have a car and a bankcard , theres litterally a JD sports besides us ."

We both got into his teal ford thunderbird . " your car is adorable !" I spoke in awe looking up at him . " i have my bank card by the way so you dont have to pay for me!" I said nervously before he could reply to my previous comment . " thank you , my parents bought me it for my 16th . Also yes i'm paying for you so stop overreacting!" He patted my head , i knew that i couldnt convince him otherwise .

We went inside JD Sports and walked to the swimware isle . There was a paticular black one with Teal stripes along the sides of it , and it was only $15 . " Wyatt , could you possibly get me this one?" I said pointing up at the swimsuit . He lifted it down for me as i was too short and bought it , the casheere giving us a strange look .

We sat back into his car and Wyatt drove into the opposite direction from his house . " lets go to walmart and buy as much food as we can" he spoke calmly without looking back at me . " im here for it!" I laughed back , lightly poking his cheek .

Wyatt grabbed four bags of hot cheetos and put them into the shopping basket . We ended up putting in as followed : Doritos , cadbury chocolate , white chocolate, sour patch kids , reeses chocolate buttercups , blueberries , ramen noodles , mountain dew , Dr Pepper, popcorn , brownies , cookies and mint choc chip ice cream .

We went to the register and watched as the woman behind the counter checker the bar code on all the items , charging them onto the machine . " you were that kid in IT werent you ? And you were that girl in supernatural ?" The girl with the nametag that read ' Charlie' asked . I blushed from somebody noticing who i was and looked up at Wyatt nervously . " ummm yeahhh!" I giggled and felt as my skin burned . 

Wyatt and i gave her our autographs after she asked and took our bags of food into the back of his car . I sat back into the white leather seat and took out my phone to see a whopping total of 20 messages from Libby .

Libby : hi
Libby : hi
Libby : hi
Libby : hI
Libby : HeLlO
Libby : aNsWeR
Libby : mE
Libby : hows it going
Libby : have you flirted
Libby : held hands ?
Libby : hugged ?
Libby : looked into eachothers eyes?
Libby : kissed ?
Libby : made out?
Libby : done some gud gud 69?
Libby : i should probably delete that message
Libby : i want chocolate

I began to type a response but she rang me . " mind if i take this ?" I asked looking up at Wyatt . He shook his head with a grin .

How are you so cute ? (Wyatt Oleff x reader)Where stories live. Discover now