Chapter thirty - two

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I took the walk of shame up to the stage , fiddling with my hands and almost tripping on the way up .

I turned to the crowd and smiled slightly , feeling as a blush crept onto my face .

" I-um I would like to say thank you for coming to the premier .... and um for supporting stranger things and everybody that makes it happen . I - I mean like makes the show. Sorry that sounded stupid ."

My mother sat with a passive aggressive grin that was much to large for her face , my father smiling reassuringly with thumbs up .

" I would firstly like to thank Millie and Sadie for being brilliant friends to me and advising me the whole time . I'd like to thank Gaten , Noah and Caleb for always being there to make me laugh ! Winona , David , Joe , Natalia for being the best role models . Finn for being generally adorable . And Wyatt , for being the best co star I could ever ask or wish for . For being the most inspirational and gorgeous person I-I've ever met . And ever will meet . I love you , WyWy."

Tears began to stream down my face as the room filled with clapping . My mother had also began to join in . My father looked over joyed and everybody in the cast were smiling sweetly ; I looked to Wyatt .

His eyes were glossy and I noticed how his hands were slightly shaking .

He jumped up from his seat , and almost ran towards me .

His large hands wrapped around my waist and lips grazed against my own . We both smiled into the kiss , the world was at my fingertips as they were tangled in his curls .

We pulled apart , both blushing messes in front of our parents . As I turned back around to sit back at our table I saw my parents who had stern faces ; and Wyatts who were smiling and clapping .

" who's that?" I whispered to Wyatt modestly in order for the mousy brown haired guy sat besides Wyatts parents not to hear .
" oh , that's my older brother Eli." He whispered back and waved to Eli .

" cmon!" He ushered as he grabbed my arm , pulling me over to his family .

" hey! Nice to meet you Y/N I've heard so much about you , Wyatt always talks about you like non stop , I'm Eli!" He grinned and shook my hand ( and damn was it a firm grip .)
" hello Eli, heh I'm not sure how to feel about that . Lovely too meet you too!" I smiled back .

My phone vibrated from inside my purse , I excused myself and went into the hallway .

" we know where you are."
" Y/N L/N , aged 16 , live at [ insert address cos I'm too lazy to go back and check what I said the address was] in LA. Your currently at the stranger things three premier in hallway six after leaving the hall room ."
"W-wh... who is this? How do you know where I am?"

A pair of cold hands pressed against my shoulders , and I swung around to see my perpetrator.

Libby stood , having a laughing fit .
" did I scare you?" She grinned and pushed her fringe to one side .
" dude that is so not funny!!" I giggled and pulled her into a hug .
" wait what why have you been watching me , how are you here and why are you here?"
" because you invited me to the after party and I'm five minutes early and because I saw you talking through the window."

How stupid could I get?
" oh , yeah." I burst out into my own laughter .

Suddenly the hall doors swung open , everybody pooling out of the room and down the hallway towards the Olive Garden where the after party was to be held .

I spotted Wyatt in the crowd as he spotted me , he came over and linked my arm with his .
" Hey Libby."
" hi Wyatt ."

Sophia ran over and held onto my other arm , Libby and Noah walking in front of us .

They were holding hands and I looked up to Wyatt , who was looking at their hands and cringing . We walked to the outside garden , me taking a seat at a glass table opposite Sophia . Wyatt and Finn were drinking Ribena because family friendly pg clean from glasses that were way too fancy for Ribena.

A woman with a microphone asked Wyatt and Finn a question and they both nodded , all three suddenly walking towards me.

" could I borrow you for a second Y/N?" She spoke , her voice was soothing but her face was wrinkled and hair greying at the roots . She was quite tall .

" sure ."

I followed her and the two boys over to another corner of the Olive Garden , two men with cameras now on both of our sides as she held the microphone to me .

" so before you were a confirmed member of the stranger things cast there was leaked photos of you hugging Finn , care to comment?" Her voice was a different tone ; more sickly .
" well Finn and I were friends when we were younger and we were just meeting up yknow like a reunion I guess ." 
She nodded and turned the microphone to Finn , he nodded in agreement .
" so how about you Wyatt? Does Finns and your girlfriends relationship not bother you ?"

That bitch . I held my tongue .

" well... I mean ... she can be friends with whoever she wants to be friends with. It's not like I own her . Why would it bother me that she has friends? I find it funny that your talking about her hugging Finn one time after reuniting after not seeing each other for years and not the numerous times she has hugged and held hands with Sadie , Sophia and Millie . Your utterly sexist ." He snapped .

Wyatt took the words out of my mouth .

I felt guilty .
I felt so guilty.

I looked to Finn , who's face was as red as the interviewers crimson dress . His almost black eyes were glossed over with tears as he clenched his fists and looked at the ground .

" I'm sorry if I came off as that way Wyatt , Y/N , Finn."
She looked startled as she noticed Finn.
" I'm sorry I didn't think I'd upset you that much Finn." She almost hissed .

" it's not you - it's .. it's ...."

Finn bit his lip and looked in Wyatts eyes .
" I'm so sorry Wyatt." Before turning and running from the Olive Garden .

" what was that all about? Um , Y/N care to inform the audience what Finn was apologising to Wyatt for?" She once again pointed the microphone in my face , this time it lightly whaking my chin .

Wyatt grabbed the microphone , smashing it off the ground and grabbing my wrist .

He marched out of the Olive Garden and into the men's toilets .

I pulled my wrist away from his hand whisper - shouting " your hurting me !"

He rubbed his eyes with his thumbs and mumbled an apology as he leaned against the bathroom wall .

" Wyatt I -"
" what was Finn saying sorry for?" He spoke , his tone commanding a response .
" I .... He..."
" I'm not taking any bullshit lie or excuse just .... just tell me Y/N."  His voice cracked slightly on his last few words .

Guilt was flowing through my veins , coming up to my eyes in the form of waves all the way from my feet .

" he kissed me ."

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