Chapter five

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The film wasn't as scary as i had anticipated, but still Jack squeeled at every jumpscare . The four of us walked out of the cinema and waited for our taxis.

Finn hugged me and whispered " i had so much fun !" I smiled and high fived Jack . We all agreed we would go out together again . Just as the boys' taxi pulled up , a swarm of paparazzi started flashing their cameras in our direction , asking who me and Libby were , telling the boys to pose and so on . Jack and Finn sighed , waving bye to us as they jumped in their taxi and rode off .

The paparazzi walked closer to us and i covered my face with a hand , libby turning away from them .
" are you dating Finn?"
" is your friend dating Jack ?"
" what film did you just watch?"
" did you just watch a film with the boys?"
I told them to leave and to respect our privacy , to which they didn't acknowledge .

Our taxi pulled up , and i grabbed Libbys' wrist , pulling her inside with me and slamming the door . " where to ?" The man driving asked . " 45 lambourg lane." The man scoffed , muttering  " whats rich folk like you doing in a cab?" I laughed replying snarkaly " parents are at work ."

We arrived at my house and walked inside , i took of my shoes and left them at the door , libby doing the same . I layed on my white leather couch and took out my phone , i had 4 messages .

@milliebobbybrown : Hey Sweetie ! Im so exited to meet you on Tuesday Xx
@yourusername : Hey Mills ! So am i ! Im sure we will get along brilliantly, your acting has always been a massive inspiration to me xx
@milliebobbybrown: thank you so much ! well see you then , 💜
@yoursuername : see you then 💕

@finnwolfhardofficial : i had a lot of fun today . We have to do it again <3
@yourusername : so did me and Libby , tottally , im so exited to see you Tuesday :D
@finnwolfhardofficial : you too 💓

@JackDgrazer : Heyyy !! I had so so so so sooooo much fun with you all today !! Wish i could be in stranger things with yall :(
@yourusername : i had the best time of my life ! That would be awsome if you could ... 💞
@JackDgrazer : hahahah no point moping , catch ya later chicken string <3
@yourusername : 😂💞👌🏻

@wyattoleff :
I pressed on the link Wyatt had attached. The link opened an image of Finn hugging me outside of the cinema , the caption " Finn Wolfhard, possible girlfriend?"
@yourusername : haha i went to the cinema with Jack , Finn and my friend Libby today and he was just hugging me bye !
@wyattoleff : oh , okay . Haha .
@yourusername : anyway , i gotta go , see ya Tuesday!
@wyattoleff : 👌🏻

" gosh ... libby ... i just had a conversation with Millie Bobby Brown , Finn Wolfhard, Jack Grazer and Wyatt Oleff ..." She laughed and then went silent . " wait ... Millie talks to you aswell ?!" She jumped onto the couch grabbing my phone . " GOD YOUR GONNA BE A CELEBRITY Y/N !!!!" We both squeeled for a bit , i made her dinner , we watched a couple of romcoms and she left .

It was 10:00pm and Harvey walked inside the house , throwing his backpack onto the ground , his eyes welled with tears . " what's wrong ?" I asked wide eyed ; standing up from the couch . " Jasmine ... she broke up with me .... after seven months..." his voice cracked and he wiped his tears away .

Although i was two years older than him ( me being 15 , him 13 ) he was taller than me by three inches , so when i hugged him to comfort him i knew it didn't work . Im not strong enough to make someone feel safe . " thanks , sis , im fine really ." I looked up at him and he grinned back " really .... im okay ! I have to go do homework cos its due monday . See ya ..." he walked up the stairs almost hurriedly.

I sat back down on the couch and flicked through Netflix , finally deciding on ' The End Of The Fucking World' . Just as the first episode got into the plot , my phone rang from the opposite end of the sofa . I groaned ; reaching over for it .

[ Noodle Boii is ringing ]

My heart suddenly sped up to the point of hurting , my palms began to sweat and i felt slightly dizzy . I hadn't..... hadnt actually heard his voice personally . Of course i had when watching interviews of him but not .... not him actually speaking to me .

I cautiouslly pressed the accept button and pressed the phone to my ear .

" hey" oh god thats Wyatt Oleffs voice
" h-heyy" oh god that came out wrong
" wow ..." oh shit oh shit i fucked up
"" Stupid fucking reply !
" your voice is so.... well .... nice ? Um sweet .... cute i guess" he ended his sentance with a little giggle , my entire face flushed an unrecognisable shade of cranberry red . Thank the lords its not facetime .

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