Chapter twelve

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Libby pulled into the garage besides her house and took the keys out from her car , jumping out and signaling for me to do the same . " have you tidied your room in the past week Elizabeth?" I grinned as she fumbled through her bag looking for the front door keys . " u-ummm... welll..."

Her mom , Joane , opened the door before Libby could find her keys with a welcoming smile . " Hey Y/N! I haven't seen you in a couple weeks! C'mon in kiddos." She stood back into their kitchen . We took off our shoes and left them besides the door , following her mom into the kitchen .

" i have missed your fabulous hair Joane." I giggled back as Libby grabbed two glasses from the cubourd and filled them with Fanta . " yeah i get the pleasure of living with that fabulous hair ." She muttered as the Fanta fissed .

Joane got out a pot with tuna pasta inside explaining she was to exited to wait for Libby to make the pasta so she did it while we were out ( Libbys Mother was a fan of cooking .)

Tom walked into the kitchen from the front room , he noticed me and Libby and gave us a small smile . " hey, staying the day?" He asked as he took Libbys' drink from the counter and sipped from it . " THATS MY FANTA YOU SPORK!" Libby yelled grabbing it back from him with a furious face .

" im staying till five , first day of filming tommorow after all!" I sung as i picked up my own glass and gulped it down .

Me , Libby and Tom sat at the kitchen table with our pasta . " so , where is your dad?" I asked through a mouth full of food . " In his office . He doesnt know your here." Libby interupted Tom " if he did he would be downstairs showing off his new bacon and egg socks."

We finished our food and me and Libby went upstairs to her room .

Libbys' room :

Libby sat at her desk chair spinning in a circle with her laptop on her knee and her phone on the desk

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Libby sat at her desk chair spinning in a circle with her laptop on her knee and her phone on the desk . I was laying on her bed reading " Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe" for the 100th time .

Libby picked up her phone and layed her laptop on the ground , a wide grin appearing on her face as she began to message someone . " jeez , who could make you that happy with a simple message?" I mocked from the bed . " oh , um , nobody . Just um this youtuber i watch uploaded a new video." She stuttered out , her shoulder twitched . " sureee Libby."

Libby was clearly messaging someone with a large smile for the next ten minutes before she stood ( leaving her phone on her chair) saying she needed the toilet .

She had been gone for only a minute or two when her phone buzzed . I stood from her bed and walked over , lifting her phone .

Jack 💞 : Love you too 💕

Jack? As in Jack Grazer? I knew she liked him but i never really thought anything would come of it ... does she not understand by dating someone like him she would get so much negative attention from the media? People would stalk her to get photos , make false scandals and the fanbase would hate her from pure jelousy .

I was going to be in the industry so for me being friends with Jack and Wyatt and such would not be a big deal because i would be apart of the franchise, but nobody would know who Libby was .

Libby walked back in as i had her phone in her hand . " umm ... i can explain..." She looked over with a small smile . I tossed her phone to her . " Jack Grazer Hmm?" I grined and sat back at her bed . " well ... i mean we have been talking ... but we aren't dating or anything ..." Libby blabbed as she grabbed her phone and shoved it into her cardigan pocket.

" its no biggie ... i just ..."
" i know , i should have told you."
" no its not that its just ... do you know how much negative attention you will get if word goes out?"
" im not a child ..."
" im not saying you are but you saw what happened at the cinema and you werent even the one who hugged them!"
" Well i can handle a little drama."
" and the girls at school aswell , they havent stopped messaging you saying you arent good enough for him ! Imagine six million more people doing the same daily!"

" shut up!" She snapped and crossed her arms . " im just looking out for you Libby..."
I muttered back in despair . " Looking out for me ? I real friend would be happy for me ! A real friend would be supportive of my decisions!"

We both looked down at the floor with our arms crossed momentarily. We hadn't had an argument in years . I stood and went to put my hand on her shoulder , but she swatted it away . " i think you should... i think you should go..." Libby whispered and sat back at her desk - looking away from me back at her phone .

I stormed out of the house and grabbed my bag from inside her car , i only lived down the street from her so i walked by myself in silence for ten minutes until i got to my house .

I walked inside my house , the time was 4:30 . My mother whos' brown hair was tattered and had bags under her grey eyes stood from the couch and walked over to me ; her purple dressing gown trailing behind her from weight loss . My mother was a lawyer and was working on a particularly difficult case .

" you're early." She coughed out and covered her mouth with her veiny hands .

" you're observant." I sighed as i pushed past her and walked upstairs to my room , passing my father on the landing .

" hey sweetie , exited for first day of filming tommorow?" He grinned at me ; his distinct dimples showing . My father was a tanned , dark haired , amber eyed 53 year old who somehow had the best humour of all fathers.

" very exited ." I smiled back at him . ( i didnt inherit his dimples although my brother Harvey did .)

I went inside my bedroom and flopped on the bed ; ready to take a nap when Sebastian my gorgeous cat came and layed on top of me puuring at my presence . I stroked his back until i drifted off .

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