Chapter twenty - nine

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I got a bag full of necessities and waited for Libby to arrive ; of which took a minimum of five minutes.

I jumped in her car ( the time being 8 - the boys would be at hers at 9 ) and blasted " she's so lovely" on her cars radio .

" I kissed Wyatt on set today!" I yelled through the music . " good for you Y/N !!" She yelled back and began to laugh . Both of our windows were rolled down and we were jamming to say the least .

We went into her front room and watched stranger things season 2 .
" I still can't believe soon I'll be seeing you on my tv screen ." She mumbled through a mouth full of popcorn . " I know right..." I gave her a half assed response .

The doorbell rung and we both jumped up from the couch and ran towards the front door .
" wait ! Where are your parents?" I hissed before she opened the door .
" on holiday for four days , Tom is sleeping at his girlfriends!" She bloated back and swung open the front door .

Wyatt and Noah were stood both holding a back pack each ; both with wide smiles .

" why don't you both look adorable ?" I grinned up at the pair , to which Wyatt responded " we could say the same to you two!"

We went back into the front room and Libby put on music whilst we played truth or dare .

" Libby , I dare you to kiss Noah." Wyatt grinned menacingly over to them . I frowned knowing very well where this was going .
Libby began to blush as she shook her head with a grin " only if its okay with Noah..."

They had both just went through a breakup ... I wasn't sure if they would help each other or make each other  worse . But I was their friends not their mothers so I let the events roll out before me .

He nodded and leaned forwards, connecting their lips .

I gulped a bit and shuffled back nearly falling off the couch , Wyatt wrapping an arm around my back to stop me . " Jesus Y/N be careful you spoon!" He jerked forwards pulling me onto his lap .

Noah and Libby pulled away and were both blushing messes . Probably what Wyatt and I looked like after our first kiss . It must have been painfully obvious to our parents we had kissed .

I wondered silently as to what would come of their relationships . I leaned back into Wyatts chest so I could smell his usual lavender scent . It always seemed to calm my nerves.

We played more stupid games ( all the while Noah and Libby hopelessly flirting and me and Wyatt standing by) and Libby made some pizza , we watched a horror film and went to bed .

Me and Libby shared her bed and the two boys slept on her couch .

The next morning we ate breakfast and went home at 10 am .

How are you so cute ? (Wyatt Oleff x reader)Where stories live. Discover now