Chapter fifteen

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The side door flew open as Wyatts' ramblind mother almost jolted out of the car ( still a smile on her aging face - i had not seen her without a smile ever .)

Wyatt look back at her and muttered something unintelligible from the distance between us . He turned towards where the whole cast were stood and smiled widely , waving his hand as he walked towards us .

Finn ran towards him and pulled him into a hug them laughing and patting eachothers backs .

" Nice too see you again Wyatt!" Millie grinned as she grabbed his left hand , Sadie grabbing his right . " lovely to finally meet you Wyatt!" Sadie giggled also looking up at him .

His face had turned at least three shades darker from the two beautiful girls holding onto him and i crossed my arms rolling my arms with a small smirk .

Wyatts' mother ran over to us , her smile extending to a grin, with her car keys in her hands . " Y/N ! I have missed youu!" She pulled me into her arms chuckling . " you too ! Im so happy to see you and Wyatt again! Filming is gonna be epic !" I laughed back .

Wyatt shook off the two girls hands and grabbed me from his mother , burrying my head in his chest . " i have missed you so fucking much ..." he muttered into my ear . " it's been a day!" I whispered trying not to laugh in response . " too long...." he whispered back and kissed my cheek as he pulled away .

My face was flushed as i saw my mother who had dropped her coffe from seeing Wyatt kiss my cheek , although my father stood holding up his thumbs smiling . What parents i have been blessed with .

Wyatts' mom flicked his cheek complaining " hey cheeky don't suprise her like that."

After Wyatt got his makeup done we went into the set ; which was a large white room with a padded floor .

I had learnt my lines perfectly ; now it was time to see if Wyatt had .

We laid down head to head holding hands listening as the director counted down from five - at one the camera would turn on .

"5" i grinned
"4" i got into character
"3" may the palpatations begin
" 2"my heart was hammering
" 1" may the acting begin .

——————— ( the next couple paragraphs is the scene they're shooting )

" what is it?" I whispered gripping onto his hand tighter as i looked up at the cieling , making sure my eyes were wide to express my characters confusion . " a galaxy ... space ... stars..." Wyatt mumbled back . I couldn't turn to see how his facial expressions were but i could tell he was doing it perfectly.

In the scene Wyatts' character ( 012) could make people hallucinate ; and he was showing my character ( 007) space .

" wh-whats that?" I stuttered as i held my hand up pointing to the corner of the cieling . They were going to edit in a comet . " a shooting star .... make a wish." He replied . " i wish ... i wish that .... you will always be with me ... that we will always be together ...." i leaned my head on his shoulder .

" you are all i need." He whispered back .

He was all i needed aswell .
" aaaannnddd cut!" The director shouted with a smile . " that was brilliant!" The Duffers said in unison. " Brilliant !!" Milly sung as she hugged me tightly grinning .

Wyatt looked down at me and cuped my cheek in his palm . " you are a brilliantly tallented actress ...." he beamed at me with sparkling eyes . " i could say the same for you my dearest Wyatt~" i pushed off his hand playfully and walked to my parents watching as Wyatt crossed his arms and hid his grin with a hand .

" Brilliant job sweetie!" My father patted my head . " yes yes it was good very good" my mother mumbled as she fiddled with her fingers . She would usually be correcting something wrong with my apperance when talking to me but she could not when on set .

Sophia ran over to us , " selfie?" She asked with a massive smile . I nodded and walked away from my parents to the corner of the room . We were both in our outfits pulling scared expressions on the photo . " tagged you!" She smiled as she walked back to her parents waving as she went . I checked my instagram tags from people i was following .

@Sophialillis :

* selfie of Y/N and Sophia on set*

Caption : First day of filming! With 007 ( Y/N) She is such an amazing actress 👀 make sure to be looking out for awards coming her way in the future 💁‍♀️😉 Love you sm Y/N ! 💕

There was already 100,000 comments in the first minute of being uploaded . I scrolled through and read a couple .

@katieyellowhey : She is too ugly to be on set with you all 😂
@george108chester : owo she is gorgeous whatttt
@mimiamelia : oMg i aLrEaDy lOvE hEr

The complements over powered the few scattered hate comments.

I sat besides Wyatt and my father as Sophia and Millie shot a scene ( it was a flashback from Sophias' character to when she was in the lab with 011 )

My phone pinged and i lifted it , a message from Libby showing on the screen .

Y/N : fine! Done my scene for the day just watching the others do theres now 🤧
Libby : oH okayyy IM SURE YOU DONE GOOD 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😤💕

Eventually ( the time being 10 pm ) we all got into our cars to go home . I had already said goodbye to everyone , including Wyatt , but still he came up to me a second time .

" facetime me when you get home?" He held my hand . He acted so flirtatious with me - most likely sarcastically - but it still made me nervous . " i'll try ... shouldnt you get sleep tho mr.Noodles?"

" i'd much rather see your pretty face ..." he complained in a whisper . Half the time i couldnt tell if he was deliberately complementing me or just saying what came to mind .

" i'll see ." I kissed his jaw gently and parted our fingers , waving with a grin as i got inside the jeep . He smiled and walked back to his own car still looking smitten .

How are you so cute ? (Wyatt Oleff x reader)Where stories live. Discover now