Chapter eight

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" WHERE ARE YOU AND WHATS HAPPENED AND WHATS HAPPENING" Libby sceeched to me through the phone . " oh my hair calm down , in Wyatts car on our way to his house back from Walmart , we bought some food . And before you ask we plan on practicing script and eating ice cream , oh and swimming."

There was a pause . Libbys pauses were beggining to give me anxiety.

She screamed and yelled " SWIMMING EYY ?!! WELL WE KNOW WHATS GONNA HAPPEN AFTER THAT ! RUBBER UP FOR LIBBY K?" Libby was so loud Wyatt 100% heard . I turned to look at him and he was holding in a laugh ; his face almost as red as my own .

" you little piece of SHIT!" I yelled as i ended the phone and apolagising to Wyatt . He let out a laugh and mumbled under his breath " well guess we'll have to rubber up." I looked up at him in shock ( and a small part of me with hope) and he looked down , and laughed loudly again . " it was a joke! Don't worry so much Y/N!"

We got back and ate food on his kitchen table , laughing and feeding eachother our favrioute snacks . " wanna go in the pool now ?" He asked with a grin , slipping a sour patch kid into his mouth . " sure !"

I got the swimming costume and went into his extremely large marble bathroom , changing hastily and wrapping a soft cream towel he gave me around my body . I walked out and saw Wyatt through the sliding glass doors in the pool ; him waving for me to come into the pool with him .

I walked out into the back with the towel still wrapped around me . " coming in then?" He laughed and lightly splashed water at me . I giggled and let the towel slide down onto the floor , as i wrapped my arms around my waist as a substitute. Wyatt looked at me suspiciously " you cant seriously say your insecure? You-your .... just come in already yeah ?" He said looking up with a smile .

My heart pounded and i dug my nails into my fingers just before blood began to pool . I edged closer to the water but i couldnt bring it to me to jump in . He walked out the pool and came over to me , wrapping his arms around me .

He smelt like a mix of pepermint and lavender, he was much taller than me ; at least five inches . I felt tiny besides him . I felt protected in his arms , i felt like nothing could hurt me - nothing at all .

He raised his head and looked down at me , his eyes completely concentrated on my own . His face grew closer to mine , i could feel his hot breath against my neck . I was almost certain at this point he could hear my heartbeat which made it beat faster and harder thinking this . The tip of his nose touched mine and he tilted his head , our lips now less than a centremetre apart .

" we should swim now ." He smiled as he drew his face apart from mine . He grabbed my hand in his own and walked into the pool trailing me behind him . It was heated , generally hotter than my bath water .

Wyatt turned to face me and he gave me that notorious grin once again . He spun in the water and watched in amusement as i laughed at his stupidity. He lifted me and threw us back into the water as we yelled and laughed . My phone which was sat ontop of the black glass table began to vibrate.

" best get that ~" i sweetly sighed as i climbed from the pool and lifted my phone .

[ Millie ❣️ Calling ]
" Hey Millie !"
" Hiya Y/N ! Me and Sadie are at L.A Starbucks near Brinkburn , you wanna come?"
" umm ... im sorry Millie but im kinda busy right now ..."
" oh , what you doing" she giggled back .
" oh , um , just , sleeping at Wyatts ..."
" oh !! You two are so cute !! Goals !! Well i best go ! Have fun you twooo ! See you tuesday babe , cant wait to meet you!"
" you too Mills ."

I put my phone back down and spun around . " im guessing you heard all that ." I stated rather than asked . " yup .... your so cute .... lets go in the jacuzzi!" He said as he hauled me onto his back and sat in the jacuzzi, sitting me on the marbel seats that went around the circular perimeter of the jacuzzi.

He sat opposite me and smiled . I held my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them , whilst he had his legs spread and arms open onto the back of the tiles . I felt so exposed .

" your so cute ." He muttered more to himself than to me . " your so adorable." I replied , though a reply was not necessary.
He came and sat besides me ; leaning his head ontop of my own .

" can i talk to you ... can i tell you just .... things i cant tell people ?" He sniffled , was he crying? " of course , Wyatt." I smiled gently even though i knew he wouldnt see . " i just feel so cut off .... i feel like everyone just sees me as an actor , a kid with money . A kid who was this character in this or this character in this , they dont know me . They know my characters . Even my parents ... nobody knows me . Nobody knows my interests , my dislikes , my fears and ambitions... nobody cares...."

" Wyatt .... if that were true i wouldnt come to your house , i'd be at home reading Stanley Uris fanfic ." I giggled and grabbed one of his hands with both of mine under the water . I felt him smile . He squeezed my hand .

" you are so inexplicably incredible .... you just see the best in everybody and then mirror everyones best from your self .... your just perfect .... god just being with you i feel high ... your like a drug .... i would message you when i was down or i needed someone to talk to but now your really here.... ."

How are you so cute ? (Wyatt Oleff x reader)Where stories live. Discover now