Chapter 4: Audition

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A/N- If you didn't know in every chapter there is going to be a picture of Ellianna at the top. 💕

"And hold it" Ms. Carson says watching Elli run through the dance she has chosen for the audition.

It has been a month since I agreed to let Ellianna audition, and she has been working harder every single day, she was determined to get in.

Although the dance she chose was tough, according to Lise she said she wanted to impress the 'judges' and make them immediately accept her.

"Straighten your back Ellianna!" Lise shouts making me look up from my phone. My daughter's face was red and she was breathing heavily. "Lise" I say catching her attention, she walks towards me but keeps her gaze on my daughter. "Can she have a break?" I ask making her shake her head in disagreement "She needs to work on thi-"

"Lise, she's struggling I know but let her have a break" I cut her off making her sigh.

"Elli you have five minutes before we go back to work on this" Elli nods and quickly rushes out. I quickly stand up and follow her to the bathroom. "Sweety what's wrong?" I immediately ask, she turns to look at me and tears are running down her red face. "I can't do this" she breaths out, I quickly shake my head and take her hand. "Off course you can" I smile at her "First you need to breathe" I say slowly wipping her tears. She takes a deep breath and I continue "Elli believe in yourself sweety, okay? I know this dance is really hard but I know you can do it, you're the one who has to tell yourself you can do it" I say watching her nod. "Thanks daddy" I pull her in for a hug and kiss her temple whilst rubbing her back, "No worries sweety. Now I need a smile before we go back in." We pull away and she fakes a smile making me roll my eyes. "I want a real one you goof" I say making her chuckle "There we go" I kiss her cheek and we both go back in the studio.

"Ready Ellianna?" Lise asks, my daughter nods and I take my seat. Instead of pulling my phone out I decide to watch my daughter. She takes her place in the middle and as soon as the music starts her body starts moving gracefully, my eyes following every move until her last pose. As soon as the music stops Lise starts clapping and I join in. "That was so much better" she compliments as I watch my daughter smile. "She's ready" Lise says making nod vigoursly, after what I just saw she was more than ready.


"Elli" I whisper slowly shaking her awake. It's 6:30 am and as much as I want to stay in bed Elli is going to film her audition today and she needs to be there early. "Come on sweetheart wake up" I say rubbing her back "We have to go to the studio to film you're audition" I add finally seeing her eyes open. "Good morning" I say smiling down at her "Morning dada" She says rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Go get ready, I'm going to make some breakfast" she nods and I stand up "Remember black leotard and white tights" I remind her making her nod again.

I walk out of her room and go to the kitchen to make some oatmeal. Once I finish Elli walks in and sits in her usual seat, I place her bowl of oatmeal in front of her and kiss the top of her head. "You excited?" I ask filling a cup of orange juice. She shakes her head and I furrow my eyebrows "Why not?" I ask placing the cup in front of her and taking a seat in front of her. "Because what if I mess up?" She asks worriedly, I take a bite of my own oatmeal and smile "Sweety you're going to be filmed, if you make a mistake or if you don't like it we'll film it again" I shrug "You sure?" She asks "Off course I'm sure".


We arrive at the studio and immediately get greeted by Lise. "Are you ready sweetheart?" She asks opening the door to the room where Ellianna was going to be filmed, "Yes" she answers making Lise smile "That's my girl, now come on get ready so you can start stretching" Elli nods and I take a seat in the corner of the room.

Half an hour later Ellianna is stretched and currently going through the dance. I thought I'd be relaxed but for some reason I'm sweating buckets. I watch as Lise places the camera, and see Elli fidget with her hands. "Elli come here for a sec" I say making my daughter walk towards me, I grab her hands and look at her sparkling blue eyes "You are going to do great okay?" She nods "You are an amazing dancer and you've worked really hard for this, so believe in yourself" She nods and I kiss her cheek before she goes back. She stands back in the middle of the studio and Lise walks towards her giving her some advice. She high fives my daughter and stand back behind the camera, I see Elli take a deep breath and I do the same, let's see how this goes.

The music starts and my daughter moves gracefully. Although she is doing every step of the dance right you can still see that she is nervous. She does her turning leap but misses the landing and falls down. I quickly stand up from my chair but Lise puts her hand up stopping me from going to see my daughter. Instead she walks towards my daughter and kneels down. I see her wipe her cheeks making me realise that she's crying. After a few more minutes she stands back up and takes her position again. The music starts again and Elli dances along, this time all you can see is the passion she has for dance and the determination she has to get into HB studio. I sit back down and watch my daughter in awe. She does her last pirouette and falls into her last pose as the music slowly stop. Lise turns the camera off and I immediately runs towards my daughter picking her up and turning her around before hugging her. She giggles and hugs me tighter, "That was amazing" I gush making her laugh, "That was amazing" Lise agrees walking towards us, "You did an amazing job" She high five my daughter and smiles at me "If she doesn't get in with that audition than the school lost a very special girl" she walks towards the camera and picks it up "I'll go upload it on my computer and send it tonight. Elli sweety, you are dismissed" She smiles and walks out of the room making me look at me daughter. I smile and kiss her cheek over and over again, "Daddy" she whines pushing me off, I chuckle and kiss her one last time, "I love you" I say making her smile "I love you too. Can we go get some Froyo?" She asks hopefully, "Off course, do you think you'll be able to eat some In and Out?" I ask but she quickly shakes her head "Froyo is as far as you're going?" She nods and I chuckle. "Alright then, let's go".

Here you go, hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did please vote abd share your opinion by commenting down below,


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