Chapter 9: First lessons

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Maya's Pov
"And that's it for the tour" I say walking back to the reception.

"It's quite a big building" Josh says making me nod "I love it" Ellianna jumps making me smile.

"Are you ready for your first lesson?" I ask looking at Ellianna nod "Yes" she smiles "Okay well Josh if you want you can come and stay in the room" I suggest "I'll stay just to see how she does today" he says making me nod, "Okay let's go".

I walk to one of the rooms where some of my students are already getting ready, I go to the front where I plug my phone to the charger. "Am I going to need to wear my point shoes?" Ellianna asks "Not today sweety, today we're just going to work on some simple dance stuff" she nods and scurries back to her dad.

"Alright" I say clapping my hands together to get my students attention. They all line up and I can't help but notice Ellianna is positioned properly in fifth position. "Good morning" I say making all my student chant back "Good morning Ms.Hunter" I smile "Today we have a new student, please welcome Ellianna" they all look at her and smile whilst waving making her wave back.

"Okay so you know how Monday's work" they all nod "Where going to start by stretching and then work on some techniques" I explain to Elli.

An hour and a half later and I'm stunned. I have no words. I have been left speechless.

"Thank you Ms.Hunter" I smile "You're welcome, you are now dismissed" I say making them all scurry back to their bags and Ellianna back to her father. I walk towards her and Josh smiles "Well I think I know where to put her" I say making Josh look at me curiously "Yeah?" He ask and I nod "In the advance classes" Elli smile "Really?" She asks excitedly "You are an amazing dancer and you are definitely more advanced than the students in this class" I admit.

"Am I going to have any more classes today?" She asks hopefully "Well" I trail off thinking of my schedule "Let me go see" she nods and I walk back to the reception.

"So?" Riley asks. She usually helps me out with reception work on Monday's and Wednesday's because it's Jenny's day off and sometimes I really can't handle teaching and reception work. Anyways Riley doesn't seem to mind, she gets paid and it fits perfectly with her schedule.

"Jeez" I say making her chuckle, "she's the youngest in that class by 2 years and she's better than all of them" I admit making Riley smile "So you're going to put her in the advance classes?" She asks making me nod "Off course I am, I'm not going to be holding her back, she wants to become professional so I'm going to make her professional" I say making her smile.

"So what are you doing here?" She asks furrowing her eyebrows "Oh right" She chuckles "What are my classes for the day?" I ask seeing Riley go through the folder where we write down the classes for the day.

"Right now you have lyrical, then lunch break and advanced at 2" I nod and smile "Thanks" I walk back to the room and find Ellianna doing a slipt jump.

"Your hands need to be further back and smile" She nods and giggles. "Okay so next I have a lyrical lesson, if she wants she is welcome to stay" Josh looks at his daughter who seems to be jumping up and down nodding "It's a three hour lesson" I inform, she still nods "After that it's lunch break and I'm calling it a day for you" I chuckle "Tonight I'll send you her schedule" I say looking back at Josh "Great" he smiles "Do you think you could arrange some privates maybe?" He asks making me nod "Absolutely" he smiles.


"Come on guys, it's not that hard" I shout. I was getting more frustrated the more they couldn't do it. "From the top" I clap my hands and they all take their position. I press play on my phone and the music starts, I watch them as they go through the step but they aren't doing them properly, all except Ellianna.

"Stop" I say pausing the music, they all groan and I chuckle, "I know you're all tired but you have to get these steps right, I'm not going to ignore the mistakes" they nod and I smile "Ellianna please go to the front middle" she walks there and looks at me waiting "All watch her steps, she is the only one who seems to have gotten it" I say seeing Josh smirk at the back, evidently proud of his daughter.

I press play on the music and everyone looks at Ellianna do the steps. Once she's done them all, properly might I add, they clap making her smile. "Great job" I smile high fiving her.

"Okay 5 minute break" I inform making them nod. I turn around and take a seat on the chair I had in the corner of the room. "You're quite the teacher" Josh says making me look up from my phone "What does that mean?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows as he shrugs and takes a seat on the other chair "It means you're a great teacher" He admits making me smile "You're tough and nice" he adds making me chuckle "That's how it works, be tough but don't make them cry, make them smile" I answer making him smile.

"Hey daddy" Elli says joining us, "Hey beautiful" He says pulling her on his lap making me smile. "How much longer until the lesson finishes?" She asks "An hour" I reply "Do you want to go home?" I ask seeing her shake her head vigoursly "I don't want to go home" she says making me chuckle "I love dancing" she adds as I nod "And you're a great dancer" I admit seeing a smile being pulled at her lips "How do you feel about that?" Josh asks "Your idol, just said you're a great dancer" He says "I know" she giggles "Thank you" she adds making me shake my head and wave her off "My pleasure, it's only the truth".

She jumps off Josh's lap and start rehearsing the steps I taught. "She's a great girl" I admit looking back at Josh smile "You did a great job on raising her on your own" I add this time his smile falls. "Thanks" he says standing up and leaving the room as my students walk back in.

Here you go, another chapter. Now if you enjoyed it please vote and comment down below your opinion,


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