Chapter 7: Moving

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Josh's Pov
I really wish the HBS would've told us that Elli got in sooner. It's been two days and we've been packing like crazy, every waking moment I'd be putting things into boxes. Today's our last day here in Philly and I got my parents to come and help us. They're also coming with us to New York just for one night.

"Elli did you finish your room?" I ask walking into her room and finding her close her suitcase "Yeah" she smiles "Okay let's put this in the car" I walk towards her and pick up her suitcase.

"Josh everything is good to go" my father informs me as I meet him at the parking lot. "Great that means we can go" I smile putting the suitcase in the trunk of my car.

"Where's Elli?" I ask looking around noticing she wasn't down here.

"I think she's still in her room" my mom says making me nod "I'll go get her".

I run up the stairs and enter the apartment one last time. I make my way to my daughter's room and fair enough she's sitting on the floor looking at a picture. "Elli it's time to go" I say carefully walking towards her "Are we ever coming back?" She asks looking up at me with tears forming in her eyes "Oh honey" I kneel down and pull her into my arms "Off course we are, we're going to have to visit grandma and grandpa eventually" I say making her smile "We'll be back but if we don't go now we'll never make it to New York in time" I add making her nod "Let's go" she stands up and sighs "Goodbye room, you were the best" she says making me chuckle.

I take her hand and we make our way downstairs. "Are we ready to go?" My dad asks me making me nod "Yeah let's hit the road".


"It's going to take forever to unpack" I sigh looking around the apartment filled with boxes.

"We can help a little before leaving tomorrow" my mother says making me smile "Thanks mom" I say pulling her into a hug.

"Daddy I chose my room" Elli shouts as she runs back into the living room, "Really? Show me which one" I say making her nod and take my hand, she leads me at the end of the hall and into the master bedroom "This one" she smiles "Sweety this is daddy's room" I say making her pout "I told you to chose between the room on the left and right, not the one at the end of the hall" I say making her groan "I know but it isn't fair that you get the biggest bedroom" she whines making me chuckle "Well who's bigger?" I ask making her roll her eyes "You are" she admits "So don't I deserve the biggest room?" I ask making her sigh "Maybe".

Ding Dong.

"Who's that?" She asks confused "Why don't you go and see" I smile. She runs back into the living room and I try and keep up with her "Riley!" She yells once she sees my niece. I had asked Riley to come over for many reasons, but mostly so she could bring us some food.

"Elli" Riley says kneeling down as my daughter throws herself onto her, "I missed you so much" she admits hugging my daughter tighter as she stands up "Me too" Elli says pulling back slightly "I got into HBS" she exclaims making a wide smile appear on Riley's face "I know sweety" she nods "That means you must be an amazing dancer" she gushes "I can't wait to see you dance, maybe you're going to perform very soon" she adds making a shocked face appear on my daughter's face "You think so?" She asks "Absolutely" Riley agrees.

"Hey niece" I say once my daughter finally let's go of her "Uncle Josh" she says pulling me in for a hug "How are you?" She asks after pulling away "A bit on the edge but great" I smile "That's good, I brought food like you asked me to" She says pointing at the bags on the kitchen counter "Oh thank you" I say walking towards the bags making her chuckle.

"Elli come have some dinner" I call out making my daughter come into the kitchen "What is there to eat?" She ask as I take out some boxes "There's burgers" I start making her groan "And chinese" I add making her smile again "Can I have some noodles then?" She asks and I nod.

"So she never had a burger?" Riley asks confused as I shake my head "She had about three when she was younger and when she started ballet she never had any fast food" I explain making Riley's eyes widen "Jeez" she says looking back at my daughter "I wish I had as much self control as she does" she says making me chuckle, "Let me make you feel even worst about your diet" I say smiling "Go ahead" Riley says "She has never had any chocolate" I say making Riley snap her head to Elli "What?" She exclaims "I don't like it" Elli shrugs "Sometimes I feel like she convinces herself she doesn't like it to not eat it" I explain making Riley nod "Maybe" she agrees.

Hey, sorry this chapter is short but if you liked it please vote and comment down below what you thought about it,


You know do what makes you smile 😊


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