Chapter 6: Got in?

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Maya's Pov

"Why did Josh's daughter audition for the HBS?!" I ask Riley through the phone. After seeing that video, I had to get answers.

"To get in?" Riley says making it sound more like a question than an answer, "Yes but why?" I roll my eyes "Because she wants to become a professional ballet dancer and her teacher thought it would be a great idea to make her go" she says making me sigh "Since when did Josh's daughter become such a ballet fan?" I ask "Since I showed her some pictures and videos of you dancing, you know Maya, you're her role model she loves you so much" Riley says making a smile pull at my lips. It is cute to know that but she's Josh's daughter, the man I was deeply in love with.

"Maya?" Riley asks making me realise I hadn't said anything "Yeah, sorry" I reply coming back to my senses "Are you going to let her in?" She curiously asks, I sigh and shrug, not realising she can't see me "I don't know Riles" I admit, "Maya don't make your decision based on your relationship with Josh, Elli is an amazing dancer who wants to become just like you, don't crush her dreams because of her father" Riley says.

She is absolutely right, I shouldn't make my decision based on my past life struggles, but on the dancer.

"Your right Riles, look I gotta go but thank you so much, love you"
"Love you yoo peaches"

I hang up the phone and run my fingers through my hair, deciding to watch Ellianna's audition once more before making my final decision.


Josh's Pov
It has been almost a month since Elli auditioned and we still haven't received a word from the HBS, at this point I'm starting to think she didn't make the cut.

"Dad?" my daughter asks popping her head throught the living room doorway,

"Yes sweety?" I ask my eyes still glued on my computer screen, even though she didn't get accepted yet, I'm still looking for an apartment in New York. Although she might not get in I thought it would be good for us to move there and start over.

"Come see what I just did" she says with a big smile on her face,

"Okay, but can you come see this first?" I ask looking up to see her nod.

She walks towards me and sits on the arm rest of the couch, I turn the computer and show her some pictures of an apartment I found.

"What do you think?" I ask as she looks at the pictures,

"It's so big" she says making me chuckle,

"It certainly is bigger than here" I admit "There's even an extra room which we can turn into your dance room" I add seeing my daughter smile "I love it, now come see what I can do" she whine grabbing my hand and pulling me off the couch "Okay, okay" I chuckle following my daughter into the spare room that we turned into Elli's little dance room.

I lean against the doorway and watch her grab her hula-hoop, making me realise what she's going to do.

"Okay" she breathes out.

She positions herself before suddenly doing a front walkover, slipt jump, an illusion and some turns all with the hop not once touching the gound.

"Jeez Elli" I say stunned by what my daughter just did, "Are you sure you don't want to do rhythmic gymnastic instead?" I ask making her giggle "No ballet is my number one" she says making me smile "How did you learn how to do that?" I ask watching my daughter shrug "Youtube" she answers at the same time as my phone rings.

I pull it out and find a message from Lise saying to come to the studio immediately.

"Hey sweety, go put your jacket and shoes on" I say walking out of the room,

"Why?" She asks following me "We have to go to the studio, Ms.Carson say it's urgent" I explain whilst I put my shoes on "Okay" she rushes to her room and comes back out a few seconds later with her jacket and shoes on.

We get in the car and drive to the studio. Once we get there, I put the car in park and get out waiting for Elli to get out. She closes the car door and rushes towards me grabbing my hand. We walk to the studio together and stop at the reception.

"Hey, do you know where Lise is?" I ask Sophia who nods "Yeah" she gets up from her chair and walks in front of her desk "Follow me".

We do as she says and follow her into one of the rooms. She opens the door but the lights are turned off, once she turns them on, Lise and a bunch of Elli's friends all jump up yelling "Surprise" making me look at all of them confused.

"What's happening?" My daughter asks with a big smile pulled at her lips "I have no clue" I answer.

"Here" Lise says handing me a piece of paper, I look at her confused but all she does is smile, "Read it out loud" she adds. I unfold the piece of paper and notice the HBS logo on it, suddenly realisation hits me and my eyes widen in shock "Read it Daddy" Elli says making me nod "Dear Ellianna Matthews, after seeing your outstanding audition I am more than honoured to congratulate you on being a new dance member of the Hart Ballet Studio" I read making my daughter jump up and down "I got in?" She asks, well yells excitedly "I got in!" She yells again hugging my leg.

"I told you you'd get in" I say pucking her up and pulling her in for a hug "Congrats baby girl" I say hugging her tighter. 

"Keep reading" Lise says making me look back at the paper "We would like you to start on Monday 12th of September, at 8 am" I say "That's in a week" I realise "We have to go to New York" Elli says making me nod.

After getting congratulated by praticly the whole studio Elli and I make our way back home.

"Goodnight" I whisper kissing my daughter's forehead after tucking her into bed. "Goodnight" she yawns making me smile.

I leave her room and slowly close the door until I hear her speak again "Mommy you won't believe what happened today, I got in to the HBS can you believe it?" She asks making my heart ache "Me either, I really thought I wouldn't get in" she admits "Maybe when daddy and I are in New York we can go and see you, and Mimi and Papa and Riley and Uncle Cory and Aunt Topanga. I miss them, I miss you a lot" she says making tears slowly escape from my eyes "Goodnight mommy, I love you" she finally says before falling asleep.

Yay she got in! Let me know if you enjoyed this chapter, if you did please vote, comment down below or...

Do whatever makes you smile😀


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