Chapter 12: Old Friends?

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Maya's Pov
Ellianna is having her first private lesson with me but she seems to be off, so did Josh when he dropped her off. I really wanted to ask if they were okay but I decided it was best not to.

"Ellianna it's the third time I'm telling you to slow down" I sigh "You're rushing the movements, you need to slow down take your time" she nods and tries again. I usually need to tell her once and she'd fix her mistakes.

She does the movement slower but not how I want it to be, I decide to let her keep going, she seems to be having a bad day so I decide to let it pass, but just for today. She does her turning leap but falls on the landing, she groans and stand back up.

"Elli come here" I say making her look at me, she sighs and walks over to me.

"What's wrong sweety?" I ask making her shake her head as she quickly wipes a tear away.

"It's okay" I pull her onto my lap and rub her back as she lays her head on my chest.

"What happened?" I ask but she doesn't answer "Elli I won't tell anyone if that's what you're afraid of, I'm friends with your family, you can trust me" I assure her pulling her back to wipe her tears.

"They blamed my dad for my mom dying when it's my fault" she sobs making my eyes widen.

"Who's they?" I ask carefully "Mimi and Papa" she answers.

"Your grandparents?" I ask as she nods.

"Okay sweety but it's not your fault" I say looking at her blue eyes. They looked exactly like Josh's, sparkling dark blue eyes.

"Yes it is, she died because of me" she argues making my heart break. She couldn't possibly believe that.

I shake my head "Elli it is not your fault".

"If I didn't come into this world she wouldn't have died" she says trying to get off my lap but I don't let her. I grab her hands and she looks down, "Elli look at me" I plead but she keeps her gaze on the ground.

I sigh and lift her chin up with my hand. "Elli your mother dying has nothing to do with you trust me" I assure her "You can't blame yourself for someone dying" I say.

"Let me tell you a story" I wipe her tears and start telling her the story of my dad leaving and me blaming myself for it.


"So it wasn't really your fault?" She asks once I finish my story, I shake my head "I always thought it was though, I kept blamming myself because I never had the chance to talk to him" I explain "And your mom being gone is not one bit your fault, I was there" I say making her eyes widen, "Really?" She asks surprised. I'm not really surprised Josh never talked about me, I don't think he wants his daughter to know I had a huge crush on him and we made a promise to be together someday.

"Yeah" I smile "I was friends with your daddy for a very long time" I admit "I also met your mom" she smiles "She was just like you, she was always so nice and she had the same smile as you".

Seeing her smile and her eyes sparkle more as I talk about her mom makes my heart ache that she never got to meet her. "She was taller than me and everytime she saw me she'd call me shorty" I say making her giggle.

Even though Josh broke off our someday and broke my heart I decided to be there for him instead of drowning myself into a depressed state. After a while of being jealous of his girlfriend who was having his child I decided to become her friend, and trust me that was hard to do, but as long as he was happy it was all that mattered to me. We quickly became friends and I realised why Josh loved her, she was an amazing person.

"We used to always make fun of your daddy because he'd do stupid things" I say chuckling "And he'd call us his blonde beauties and to shorten it his BBs" she giggles and I smile at the memories.

"Why didn't I know you and my daddy were friends?" She asks as I look at her, her smile faded and her eyed were filled with confusion. To be honest I didn't know the answer to her question.

"Well when your mom passed away Josh was heart broken, and he thought moving to Philly was a good idea" I explain "and I guess he just forgot some of us".

"I don't think that's very nice" she says making me chuckle "I wouldn't want to be forgotten" she shakes her head "And I don't think you will" I admit.

I look up at the clock and notice that Elli's private finished a few minutes ago which means Josh is probably waiting for her outside.
"Well I think Josh is outside waiting for you" I say seeing her eyebrows furrow "Is the lesson finished already?" She asks making me nod. "Aw" she pouts making me chuckle "I like talking to you" she admits "and being with you" she adds "Me too" I say pulling her in for a hug.


Josh's Pov
The entire drive home Elli is quiet. I guess it's from the whole argument I had with her grandparents, although I'm not sure if she's mad at me or not. I decide to not push it and leave her alone.

"Hey" I knock on her door pushing it open to find her on her bed holding a paper.

"Hey" she slightly smiles "Can I come in?" I ask, she nods and I walk further in her room deciding to sit on her bed next to her. "What are you doing?" I ask as she moves to sit next to me, she hands me the paper which turns out to a picture of her mom. Elli lays her head on my arm and I pull her on my lap.

"I don't think it's your fault" she says making me look down at her confused "What?".

"Papa said it was your fault mommy died" she explain making me sigh "I don't think it is" she says looking up at me "And you shouldn't blame yourself if you think so" she adds as I try not to cry.

"Where all is this coming from?" I ask, she sits up and takes the picture from my hand staring at it in awe. "I had a bad lesson" she whispers "Why what happened?" I ask "After what papa said to you it made me sad and a little mad" she admits "Maya asked me what was wrong and I told her" she sighs "I told her that mommy dying was my fault" she admits making my eyes widen "Ellianna it is not your fault" I quickly say turning her head so she can look at me "You have nothing to do with mom dying".

"She told me the same thing" she smiles "Why didn't you tell me that you were her friend?" She asks "Maya was also mommy's friend" she says making me sigh.

"She was" I agree "She was very good friends with ur mom and me" I smile thinking about all the memories we had together.

"What happened?" She asks making me shrug "I don't know sweetheart" I admit "I was hurt when mommy left and I guess I just wanted to be alone, so I left everyone behind, except you, I would never leave you".

"But when your hurt don't you need your friends to make you feel better?" She asks as I nod "You do but I was young and I thought being alone was better".

"I wouldn't want to be alone" she yawns making me smile.

"Go to sleep baby girl" I say standing up and tucking her in, "I love you so much" I say kissing her cheek "I love you to the moon and back" she says making me smile "That's a lot of love" I chuckle seeing her smile, "Sweet dreams" I say turning her light off and walking out of her room leaving the door slightly open.

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