Chapter 13: Cemetery

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Josh's Pov
I wake up today with one purpose in mind, taking Elli to see her mom. She has a private this morning and a class this afternoon but I'm going to ask Maya if she can miss a few hours.
"What's the plan for today?" Elli asks before stuffing her face with some cut out fruits I had made for breakfast.

"Well you have your private and then we're going to have some lunch, you get to pick the place" I say making her smile as she moves her hips from left to right doing her little victory dance. When she was six we would always fight on the restaurant choices, we always wanted different things and we could never agree, but now I don't really mind so I let her pick.

"Stay still" I say trying to braid her hair "Sorry" she apologizes "Okay what's after lunch?" She questions.

"I was thinking about going to see mommy" I carefully say "How do you feel about that?" I ask finishing her braid before sitting down in front of her.

After she admitted that she thinks it's her fault that her mom died I knew I had to take her to the cemetery and talk.

"Okay" she smiles "but don't I have class?" She asks making me nod "I'm going to ask Maya if you can miss a few hours" I explain "Does that sound good?" I ask making her nod "It sounds great" she admits "Let's get this day started" she says standing up making me chuckle.


Maya's Pov
I greet each student that enters the studio, waiting for Ellianna for her private lesson, whilst I drink my cup of coffee with Jenny who's updating me on everything. The door rings and I look up to see Josh and Elli. I smile and stand up as Elli runs towards me embracing me in a hug "Good morning" I say kneeling down once she pulls away "Good morning" she smiles brightly "How are you feeling today?" I ask, even though she was smiling and everything it doesn't hurt to ask. "Great" she exclaims throwing her hands up "Good because we're going to be doing a little bit of conditioning" I say making her groan "And then we'll go on pointe shoes" I add making her smile again. "Now go get change" she nods and runs to the room as I stand back up finding a smiling Josh.

"Hey" I say turning around and grabbing my coffee before turning back around to face him. "Hi" he says as I take a sip of my coffee.

"Thank you for talking to Ellianna yesterday" he starts rubbing the back of his neck, clearly nervous, though I wonder why?

"It was nothing" I wave off "Although she shouldn't think it's her fault her mom died" I add making him nod "She never told me about that before, I did tell her yesterday it wasn't, but um I'm actually planning on taking Elli to see her" he admits "That's good" I smile.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you could let her miss a few hours of her afternoon class?" He carefully asks making me chuckle "It's fine Josh, she's the best in the class, it's not a big deal if she misses some classes" I say making him smile "Thank you" he says making me wave him off "No worries, but I have to go teach your daughter" I say taking a step back "See you later then" He smiles making me nod before walking to the room finding Elli stretching, "Since I'm very nice we're not going to do some conditioning today" I say making a huge smile pull at her lips "Yes" she sighs making me chuckle.


Josh's Pov
I park the car in front of the cemetery and turn to look at Elli in the back seat. I could tell she was nervous, it's the first time she comes here. "You ready?" She nods and we both climb out of the car.

I pick her up and kiss her cheek before walking to find the familiar headstone.

Once I find it I walk in front and look at Elli, she seems to be on edge making my heart race scared of her reaction. "Mommy" she smiles after a few seconds making me let out a breath of relief. I put her down and sit on the grass.

"You can put the flowers down" I say seeing her nod.

"Hi mommy" she starts walking forwards "We brought you some flowers" she says placing them in front of the headstone "Daddy said Lilies were your favourites so we bought you those and we added Daisies because those are my favourite" she says taking a step back as I try extremely hard not to cry.

She looks back and sees me sitting on the floor so she comes towards me and sits next to me but I move her so she's sitting on my lap.

"Tell me stories about mommy" she says making me nod.

I spend the whole afternoon in the cemetry with Elli, telling her stories on how I met her mother and how we fell in love and how we found out she was coming into this world. Stories that were memories I couldn't think of during seven years because all it did was thear me apart.

"When are you going to find someone else?" She asks taking me aback "What?" I ask confused "Maya told me about how her dad left her mom but at the end her mom found someone else" she explains "She said even though we lose a loved one there are many other people we can love" I nod "It's true but I don't know" I admit "I might have met her but I won't know until all I do is think about her, and want to be with her and hear her laugh and be there for her at anytime" I explain "That's when you know you're in love" I add seeing her smile.


I laugh seeing my daughter doing comditioning, I know I shouldn't because I wouldn't survive but her complaints are the funniest thing ever.

Elli missed quite a bit of her class so I had asked Maya if she could stay a little after and since she agreed here we are.

"2 more minutes" Maya informs making my daughter groan "I don't remember 5 minutes being this long" she complains making me chuckle "Neither do I remember feeling this dizzy whilst doing planks" she adds as Maya shakes her head in amusement.

"You can do this baby girl" I cheer making her glare at me "Aren't you suppose to be working out as well?" She asks making me laugh. Making my daughter do comditioning brought a whole new personality out of her and I find it hilarious.

"And time's up" Maya says making my daughter immediately drop to the floor "Good job" Maya says clapling her hand "If you want next time Josh will join you since he needs to work out" she says smirking.

"Hey I'm in good shape" I argue making her chuckle "Sure" she says clearly not believing me.

"I'm hungry" Elli complains as she walks towards me "I know honey we're going out for dinner" I say making her smile "Can Maya join?" She asks making me look up to see Maya on her phone. "I'll go ask, you put your sweatpants and sweatshirt on" she nods and I walk to Maya.

She looks up from her phone and smiles when she notices I'm walking to her. "Did you have dinner yet?" I ask making her chuckle "Josh I've been in the studio since 2 and it's now 9" she says making me rub the back of my neck "I'm gonna take that as a no" I smile seeing her shake her head in amusement "Do you want to go have dinner with Elli and I?" I ask seeing her smile "Um" she thinks "Please" Elli shouts making me furrow my eyebrows as I turn to look at my daughter.

"Sure" Maya smiles.

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