Chapter 33: Falling and Temptations

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I watch as Maya vigoursly shakes her head at her students after explaning a few steps and watching them do it again. Tonight was their final day of training and to say that Maya is nervous is an understatment. Riley told me that she has hosted more than 30 shows in the past few years but she still got overly stressed and worried on the last day.

"Is Maya okay?" Elli asks as she walks towards me to stand beside me. "Yeah" I sigh "She's just a little worried about tomorrow" I explain as she nods in understanding "I am too" she admits making me look down at her as I furrow my eyebrows. "Really?" She nods looking up at me.

"I have so many dances to remember and I don't want to disappoint Maya" she admits making my face soften. "Sweety" I sigh kneeling down and taking her hands in mine. "You are such an amazing dancer and I have no doubt that no matter how you do tomorrow night, Maya will be incredibly proud of you because she loves you" I assure her as her lips form a smile.

"Thank you daddy" she says pulling me in for a hug, not caring about her tutu getting in the way.

"Elli, let's go" Maya calls making her pull away from me. I shoot her a smile which she returns before she runs towards the stage. I take a deep breath and go back to the basement to get the rest of the decorations that still needed to be placed.

I grab the box and walk back up the stairs only to hear someone scream. "Ow". My eyes widen as I drop the box and run towards the stage. Maya's already climbing onto the stage and running towards my daughter who's on the floor with tears streaming down her face as she hold her ankle.

I rush towards her dropping to my knees next to Maya. "What happened?" I ask quickly looking at Maya untie her pointe shoe. "She slipped on the rug" she explains quickly making me glance at the White rug that's suppose to be fake snow.

"Can you carry her to Riley? I have to get the other's to run through their dance" I nod and gently pick up my daughter. She wraps her arms around my neck and buries her face in my chest. "I'm sorry" she mutters making me sigh "It's not your fault baby" I assure her as I look for Riley.


"Great job, make sure to rest tonight and to arrive on time for tomorrow night" They all nod and I quickly dismiss them. "Riley" I call out making her appear from behind a curtain, "Yeah?" She asks "How's Elli?" I question walking up to her. Josh sent me a message saying that he was going to take her home and that was about all I heard from her.

"She's okay" she shrugs making me moan in annoyance "Riles I need more information please" I demand. "Her ankle was swelling so Josh took her home so she could ice her foot, you should to go and see how's she's doing" she suggest making me nod.

"I'll be back" I say starting to walk away "Don't bother, Jenny, Heather and I can finish, you go home and rest, you need it" she assures me. "Are you sure?" I ask worriedly. "Yes" Jenny answer "Now go" Heather adds making me smile. "You guys are honestly the best" I admits making them smile.

I quickly rush to my car and speed to Josh's apartment making it there in less than 10 minutes. I climb out of my car and rush up the stairs until I reach Josh's door. I don't bother to knock instead I push open the door, only to be met with Josh trying to console his daughter.

I close the door behind me and make my way to the both of them. "Hey" Josh breaths out with a soft smile, "Hey".

"Elli?" I ask trying to make her look up at me from her dad's chest, but she doesn't make a move. "She's mad at her self" Josh explains causing me to let out a sigh.

"Sweetheart please look at me" I beg rubbing her back, slowly she turns and my heart breaks when I see her face, her eyes, cheeks and nose were red from crying. "Baby" I say grabbing her from Josh and pulling her against my chest.

"I'm going to start making dinner" Josh informs me before slipping out of the room, leaving his daughter and I alone.
"I'm sorry" Elli mumbles whipping the tears that are falling from her eyes, "I ruined everything" she admits but I shake my head vigoursly.

"Sweety you didn't do anything" I assure her whipping her tears, "Yes I did" she argues pushing back to look at me properly "I-I let you down" she stutters "You should be mad at me!" She shouts moving away from me but I grab her wrist before she gets far.

"Elli look at me" I demand, slowly her blue eyes find mine and I'm able to continue. "Believe me when I say you didn't do anything. Everybody falls and hurts themselves, it's a part of life, now you have to decide if you want to keep blaming yourself for it or if you're going to stand back up and work through it" I explain. "I love you Elli, I'm not mad at you for falling and I won't be mad if tomorrow you won't be able to dance" I admit making her bite her lip. "It's just a Show Elli, they're going to be so many other shows in the future" I smile.

More tears fall from her eyes but this time there's a small smile on her lips. Before I know it her arms wrap around my neck and she pulls me in for a tight hug. "Thank you" she whispers.


Turns out Elli has a chance to dance tomorrow. After icing her foot, the swelling went down and she was able to walk, of course we made sure she stayed off of it for the night, not wanting her to put too much pressure on it.

"She's asleep" I smile walking back into the kitchen where Josh seems to have finished doing the dishes. "Did she go down easy?" He asks walking towards me. I nod letting him wrap his arms around my waist before he pulls me closer, "She was already tired, I'm guessing it's from all the crying" I admit as he smiles.

"You're amazing, you know that?" He questions making a soft smile pull at my lips. "I love you" he whispers before colliding his lips against mine in a passionate kiss. "I love you too" I murmur against his lips before opening my mouth to him, letting him slip his tongue inside. His tongue glide over mine causing me to let out a soft moan.

"Josh" I murmur trying to pull away, "Hm" he hums pulling away and kissing my jaw before slowly making his way to my neck. "I need to take a shower and go to bed early" I breath out closing my eyes as I enjoy the feeling of his lips on my skin.

"A shower?" He smirks pulling away to look at me. I roll my eyes playfully before shaking my head, "Alone" I add causing him to pout.

"Come on Maya" he begs "I want you so bad" he admits pulling me closer making my eyes widen as I feel him press against me. "Please baby" he whispers before pressing a kiss on my sweet spot. I bite my lip to stifle my moan and clench my eyes shut.

"I know you want me too" He whispers in my ear before greedily biting my earlobe making my knees weak. If he wasn't holding me I would have fallen. "Let me make you relax" he kisses my jaw "You've been stressing all day" he let's out before he kisses me softly.

"What do you say baby?" He asks pulling away slightly. I sigh, running my fingers through his brown locks, "Once" I say making him smirk as a soft giggle falls from my lips.

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